anyone grow hair out & decide to BC


New Member
maybe its PMS, maybe its the heat... but I no longer want my hair...

Im >< close to a BC

not to mention my husband says he liked my TWA better
You know back in Feb. I called my husband from work and said, "When I get home I want you to shave all of my hair off." He said he wouldn't do it again (I had him do it before a couple of times).

I'm glad I didn't do it because I am starting to really enjoy my hair now. This whole hair thing has been a big lesson in patience for me.

Wait one week and see if you feel the same.
:bighug: Invoke the two week rule, girl!!! Anytime you want to do a major change to your hair, sit on it for at LEAST two weeks.

:lachen:Gives you time to be sure that you REALLLY want to do it, and lets any hormonal root causes settle out, too. ;)