I cannot thank you ladies enough. I am gonna wear my TWA proudly tomorrow. Ill let you guys know the reactions I get. Hopefully more good then bad. If not, oh well, forget them!
pay no attention to the negativity..I got it all..the whys, what the heck, what the flip, how could yous, blah blah blah..Point is, I did it for me, not for them..So girl, forget what any of them have to say, rock you, plus the TWA in your siggy looks the bomb! SO YOU BETTA ROCK IT!!!
enjoy this girlie, i think that the beautiful features of a woman is heightened with a cute short curly do. and you look gorgeous! like dani said get a cute headband, maybe a flower, define your curls and go out :) i wish i had my twa back.
People outside of LHCF just don't understand.

Girl, just embrace your hair and shake the haters off. It looks cute.
You look very pretty with your twa. Wear it proud and don't let that negative talk bother you. Once I started to wear my hair curly instead of in all my weaves, wigs, and braids I got some negative looks and comments. But since my hair is getting longer and thicker people are starting to like it and are amazed with the growth. Don't let anyone take away your joy with your new look. Work it girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will NEVER be able to please all the people all the time. It's best to focus on pleasing GOD & the GOD within...it's more satisfying to your spirit. Enjoy your TWA...like everything else it's only temporary. Take the time to really bring forth your true beauty.....

Yeah, I went through that 4 years ago when I chopped my hair. I was so proud of myself. Walked around all weekend with my hands in my hair. Then Monday came and the reaction from my co-workers was un-friggin-believable. You would've thought I committed a heinous crime or something. By the end of the first week I had an appointment to get kinky twist extensions.

I kept them in for 6 weeks before getting fed up and taking them out. Regardless of what anyone else thought I rather liked my TWA. It was easy to maintain and loved playing in it.

You know, there was a guy at work who insulted my constantly....his girlfriend eventually went natural later that year. Until then I'd never seen anyone there with natural hair. I like to think I was somewhat of a pioneer!
I can't say that everyone I've seen with a TWA looks good with one (myself included) but after reading your post I saw your pic and you have a pretty face for a TWA. You look very feminine so the hairstyle comes off as such.

Please don't let anyone make you feel ashamed for having a TWA. Keep telling yourself that you are on a mission and this is just ONE stage of that mission(since I stopped using heat I have to tell myself this everyday!). When your hair is down your back AND healthy you will look back at this and feel even more accomplished. Good luck!
Yeah, don't worry about it. My family freaked when I did my BC. And on top of that, I thought I was doing something by at least having 3 to 4 inches of new growth before I did so that I didn't actually have like an inch or less of hair. Still, that wasn't good enough for them. But also, I had some mad Stans because my texture was lookin great, and they all wanted to know if I had a texturizer or the same folk askin me errr day how I get my hair to curl up like that! And I gave them the same darn explanation, I cut all the perm out my hair... Still get teh same question.. and so I say, I"m sorry, but your repetitive questioning indicates to me that you think I'm a liar? And then they get defensive. Anyways, rock it. I got more compliments from people who didn't know me than those who did. But those who did, I was always catchin them gawkin at me out of my periphery. So let them hate. Like me, make sure you keep the brows done, the skin lookin fresh and pretty, and some nice earrings and you'll be fine.

It took me some time to adjust to it all, and not feeling like I looked like a boy. And as you can see, in the pikistrip below, I looked NOTHING like a boy there. So there ya go!

Even though my hair is past my shoulders now, I still get, how you get yo hair curly like that.. And I say, remember when you was hatin when I cut my hair off, yeah, that's how I got here... YOu look beautiful!

ETA: Oh, and one more thing. Now that my hair is long and curly, I CO wash daily. So on some days I dont and my hair looks like a big curly mess, I admit. So I just dont even really part the stuff for less manipulation and wear two braids down the side. Yeah, they look kinda rough, but I did this almost all summer because I worked from home, wasn't going nowhere but around family, and dind't want to mess with my hair all the time. And the comments was always like you too pretty to have your hair jacked up all the time, or when you gone get a perm, or dont you think your roots need some type of touch up, or you used to care how you look, or maybe tath's why you single cause you need to get ur hair done, or I hope you get ur hair done before the holidays... Trust, done heard it all..
Wellsa, when I wore her out or blew it out, I had stalkers. ERr body callin me up wanting to know what to buy cause they at the BSS.. HOw I get my hair so straight without a relaxer and all sorts of rubbish.. I was like um whateva.. I'm busy right now. Show up at your house unannounced and wnat you to blow their hair out or treat it.. Hahaha...

Anyways, sorry for the rant! This thread opened up some not-so-healed wounds! As you can see LOL!
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Lets go to school with out hair out! Im going to school with my first ponytail today. im excited. bump what others have to say, they'll have to just get USED to it!
dont worry girl i had some haters too. many didnt like it and few did. i just brushed it off because i knew i looked good. myspace comments were out of this world. my cousin said that i looked like shaka zooloo, and my friend told me that she didnt like my hair:ohwell:

it really hurt me but i knew in a few months my hair was gonna catch up to my cousin;s and its probably longer than hers now:giggle:

but girl u look good with ur twa and my hair is still in a twa and its a little longer than cbl. remember you went natural for a reason, and enjoy every little bit of ur twa because when ur hair gets really longer u might miss it sometimes
Bump them and do you. You are such a pretty girl ( favors Lauren London) and the only person that has to like it is YOU. Everything we do people will talk down on. Thats the way of the world.
I must say, people are so ignorant. I LOVE your siggy pic. You look fierce and bold sista'! Screw what stupid people say. You look dog gone good with you TWA, very righteous. I take my hat off to people who BC. I transitioned through braids because I KNEW my family would flip. At least you had the :blondboob to do it and you have a pretty face for it. Keep your head up sista', it's your life!
When I did one of my first big chop (First of three), I was very self-concious, I thought everyone was looking at me, or would think I was a dude or a lesbian. But I quickly found out, other people get over the shock of the hair change quick. And once you start liking it, they will. Trust me. And I loved having my twa (it was very close to my head).
I think it looks great! Screw 'em. Sometimes I really miss my twa. You are going to enjoy growing your hair through all the phases. I think it really fits your face.

As for that t-shirt, you can always get some iron on letters from the craft store, find yourself a relatively inexpensive fitted tee and make your own. I did that for my birthday a couple of years ago.
thank you sooo much ladies! Today went okay. there were some who loved it and many who didn't. Of course I got the WHY YOU CUT YOUR HAIR but I also got a few " I like your hair, or its cute"
I felt like everyone was looking at me. but I kept my head up high and kept it moving. I actually felt kind of sexy ;]
I think I can get used to this!
Well I BC'ed about a week ago. Today was the first day I actually went out and showed my TWA. I was only going to the doctors office and I knew I wouldn't see anyone I knew so, what the hell. Taking baby steps ya know. I been wigging it up since I had my BC. SO I decide to reveal my TWA to the world aka myspace/facebook. I already experienced the negativity. The WHYS and WHAT THE HELLS.and this isn't even in person, these are just PICTURES! I was thinking about going to school tomorrow with my TWA, now with this, I just feel like throwing my wig on. I know someone will end up pissing me off like "what happened to your hair?" ugh I wish people would just get off my D.

okay, im done.
thanks for reading!

Yes, but when they see how healthy your hair is and will continue to be that negativity will turn into questions and compliments. Don't worry about other people, you know what your goal is. I applaud you.
There will always be those who hate your decision to BC. That is their problem! You look awesome in your avatar pic! Welcome to the BC club!:lachen:
Well I BC'ed about a week ago. Today was the first day I actually went out and showed my TWA. I was only going to the doctors office and I knew I wouldn't see anyone I knew so, what the hell. Taking baby steps ya know. I been wigging it up since I had my BC. SO I decide to reveal my TWA to the world aka myspace/facebook. I already experienced the negativity. The WHYS and WHAT THE HELLS.and this isn't even in person, these are just PICTURES! I was thinking about going to school tomorrow with my TWA, now with this, I just feel like throwing my wig on. I know someone will end up pissing me off like "what happened to your hair?" ugh I wish people would just get off my D.

okay, im done.
thanks for reading!

Hey hon,
Forget that, rock it like you love it! I cut my hair to about two inches once and everyone said how cute I looked. But I didn't walk around timid or worried about what people thought, I held my head up and my shoulders back. You look so cute, so rock that attitude!
Dang the naysayer’s this is your head and your life….. Whoever don’t like they can sit and spin. ROCK IT!!!!