How long did you have a twa?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was reading a thread where Ayeisha made a very good point. She was saying that the twa stage actually only lasts about 3 months. So I was thinking about how so many people dread the big chop because they don't want a twa. Maybe it would be encouraging if people thinking about the bc could see how litte time they will actually have a twa. I feel like my twa grew out in two months. My hair isn't long and my fro isn't huge but it is no longer teeny or weeny.

So, how long did your twa stage last?
This is true, i mean i still have a twa but it's not the same length as it was when i first chopped. When i B.C.'ed i chopped down to the scalp almost :lol: and so far it's growing back in just fine. I think i got out of the 'true' twa about a month ago ... so about 3 months. My Siggy and Avatar are of my hair from a few days ago. your hair will grow back, dont be intimidated :). -- jainygirl
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How long do you consider a twa to be? I was thinking 2 inches or less but I know that with shrinkage it will be different for everyone. I didn't think I had one because when I BC'd I had 4-5 inches of newgrowth but I'm not sure. I had transitioned for 8 mos tho.
I think I still have a TWA, although I'd been transitioning 7 months before chopping....... I guess i'm not very clear on the definition! I thought it was until you could put it in a pony tail or something :lol:

CharUK said:
I think I still have a TWA, although I'd been transitioning 7 months before chopping....... I guess i'm not very clear on the definition! I thought it was until you could put it in a pony tail or something :lol:


Ooh Char I hope that's not the case cause that means I would be rocking a twa for a long time!:lol:
My TWA lasted for 4-5 months. I think I started out with less than an inch and now I can plait my hair and also sweep it into a teeny weeny ponytail:grin:. Yayyyy!! :yay:
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I think mine lasted for 2 months at the most. I BC'd in August, so in my album you can see how much my hair has grown. It doesn't take long at all, however, it felt like an eternity to me at first because I hated having short hair.