Anyone feel discouraged, argh!!! kinda long


New Member
my hair just dosent grow, actually it does but the wrong way, it grows shorter :nono: I started taking care of my hair 2 years ago, and then I was neck length, I got all the way to the longest layer of my hair touching bra strap, ANDTHEN!!!!!! of course I change my prenatals, ( this is what I think is the cause) and my hair started shedding like crazy, I had hair everywhere I went :cry: so I got a trim, to apl, or so I thought, my hair was damp when it got cut, so it actually later shrunk to an inch over apl or so. I just feel like im back to square one :nono: today I asked my DH how long he thinks it would take me to grow to MBL, wich is my ultimate goal, but right now I be estatic just reaching a full apl, he said 3 years is that possible?? oh well and with this pregnancy I havent had a growth spurt like I did with my first :nono: I blame it on the prenatals :rolleyes: I just wish I could have a consisten regime, I always make one but never end up following it because I think its not working after ONE day of trying:wallbash: why do I get so discouraged??? can anyone help me make a regime please, I need a mentor, maybe we should have a thing where all the people who have reached their goals, get someone who wants to reach their goal, and try to help them, or something :( like a rolemodel thing.. oh well if you read so far thanks for listening, I just felt like venting..

my hair just dosent grow, actually it does but the wrong way, it grows shorter :nono: I started taking care of my hair 2 years ago, and then I was neck length, I got all the way to the longest layer of my hair touching bra strap, ANDTHEN!!!!!! of course I change my prenatals, ( this is what I think is the cause) and my hair started shedding like crazy, I had hair everywhere I went :cry: so I got a trim, to apl, or so I thought, my hair was damp when it got cut, so it actually later shrunk to an inch over apl or so. I just feel like im back to square one :nono: today I asked my DH how long he thinks it would take me to grow to MBL, wich is my ultimate goal, but right now I be estatic just reaching a full apl, he said 3 years is that possible?? oh well and with this pregnancy I havent had a growth spurt like I did with my first :nono: I blame it on the prenatals :rolleyes: I just wish I could have a consisten regime, I always make one but never end up following it because I think its not working after ONE day of trying:wallbash: why do I get so discouraged??? can anyone help me make a regime please, I need a mentor, maybe we should have a thing where all the people who have reached their goals, get someone who wants to reach their goal, and try to help them, or something :( like a rolemodel thing.. oh well if you read so far thanks for listening, I just felt like venting..


Yes!!! I realized I didn't have breakage but shedding. Unfortunately, I do have split ends!!! Who knows how much I will have to cut off to rectify that problem.
Sorry Boo... to new to give any advice...but stay encouraged. I do think it would be kinda cool to have a hair mentor though.
Yes, I feel very discouraged. I am new to being a DIYer and I still dont know what my hair likes and dislikes so currently I am shedding a lot and I have some breakage. I'm gonna clarify, oil-rinse and DC this weekend to see if that helps. I am only 5 weeks post, so breakage shouldnt be an issue for me this early. I'm trying to be BSL by Jan. 5 (first relaxer of the new year) but with a much needed trim because of not knowing how to handle my hair, I dont think I'm gonna make it :cry2:. I'm hoping its not that bad as I think it is, come Jan. 5. I'm so depressed right now, cause I really am trying and I feel like I cant succeed. But, I wont give up. I'm tryna ward off stylists cause they just dont get it that ppl have different needs for their hair. Sorry to vent.

I am sorry you are feeling so discouraged. Try to remember that on this road to healthy hair, patience and consistency is everything. :yep:

I notice that you don't have a fotki in your profile. Tracking your results regularly with pictures might help you stay motivated and follow a regimen consistently. Sometimes we might not think our hair is growing and really we just don't notice the change in length and/or thickness. One step for you might be creating a hair album and hair journal--both help me to stay consistent and to learn which products and routines work best for me. I think journaling is one of the best things you can do for your hair because you really start to see patterns that work for your hair. Everyone's hair is different so if I give you my routine, it might not work for you. If I were you, I would stick with one routine for 3 months (i.e., Jan -March) and take pictures on the first and last month to see the progress you made. Here is my routine (but as I said before, you may want to modify it for your hair):
Also check out my hair journal:

Hope this helps and feel better. :yep:

I am sorry you are feeling so discouraged. Try to remember that on this road to healthy hair, patience and consistency is everything. :yep:

I notice that you don't have a fotki in your profile. Tracking your results regularly with pictures might help you stay motivated and follow a regimen consistently. Sometimes we might not think our hair is growing and really we just don't notice the change in length and/or thickness. One step for you might be creating a hair album and hair journal--both help me to stay consistent and to learn which products and routines work best for me. I think journaling is one of the best things you can do for your hair because you really start to see patterns that work for your hair. Everyone's hair is different so if I give you my routine, it might not work for you. If I were you, I would stick with one routine for 3 months (i.e., Jan -March) and take pictures on the first and last month to see the progress you made. Here is my routine (but as I said before, you may want to modify it for your hair):
Also check out my hair journal:

Hope this helps and feel better. :yep:

THANK YOU!! this is great advice, I do have a fotki, but I just havent gotten it ready for everyone to see yet :look:
It's normal to get discouraged sometimes especially after a trim like that because of shedding or breakage but your hair is perhaps a lot healthier now. When I get discouraged or impatient I look at my own progress pics and see how far I've come in so little time and I take inspiration from ladies like Anky who just grew about 2" of hair in 2 months after a bad experience with a SHS. Go back to the drawing board, get a solid regimen and follow it consistently, your hair will grow back sooner than you think! HHG!:drunk:
I'm in the same boat with you. I cut an inch from my hair the other day because of heat damage. But I still have faith.

You can do it! Stick to it:yep:

I am sorry you are feeling so discouraged. Try to remember that on this road to healthy hair, patience and consistency is everything. :yep:

I notice that you don't have a fotki in your profile. Tracking your results regularly with pictures might help you stay motivated and follow a regimen consistently. Sometimes we might not think our hair is growing and really we just don't notice the change in length and/or thickness. One step for you might be creating a hair album and hair journal--both help me to stay consistent and to learn which products and routines work best for me. I think journaling is one of the best things you can do for your hair because you really start to see patterns that work for your hair. Everyone's hair is different so if I give you my routine, it might not work for you. If I were you, I would stick with one routine for 3 months (i.e., Jan -March) and take pictures on the first and last month to see the progress you made. Here is my routine (but as I said before, you may want to modify it for your hair):
Also check out my hair journal:

Hope this helps and feel better. :yep:

BTW...longhealthyhair looks gorgeous in your avatar.
Awww, sorry you're down:sad: Maybe the shedding was post partum shedding from the last little one. Also, can you go back to the prenatal vit that you had success with?