Anyone experience love at first sight?


New Member
On Valentine's Day, I was reading some stories about how people met and I was particularly drawn to the stories where people swear it was love at first sight. I thought it was so romantic. So I wanted to see if any ladies here experienced this in the past or in their current relationhips. Do you believe in love at first sight?
lust at first sight all the time. but my brain refuses to entertain the possibility of loving someone just by virtue of meeting them.
Lust at first sight . Yes a million times ! love comes from knowing someone on a deep level . Anything before that is infatuation/crush .

Yes I do! When u know...u know

How many people married who they thought was the one and ended up divorcing him ? You don't always know .
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Love is simply deep affection.

To meet someone and at once feel deeply for them happens..even without "knowing" them.
This usually happens when you come across a soulmate or twin flame.

You never met someone you just "got" straight from the start (and vice versa)?
You pick up the phone to call them and, at that moment, they call you?
Who wouldn't feel deep affection for someone where all the pieces effortlessly fall in place?

It's a very, very beautiful thing.

Anyhoo, it's all about what YOU believe.
If you believe in love at first sight, it will come to you.
If you don't believe in love at first sight, well that's true....for you.
...and divorcing

Just because it's love at first sight doesn't mean a relationship will last forever. Love always holds with an open hand and loving means taking what's best for both people...even if that means letting go.

While the relationship may end, true love will always be present.
Love is simply deep affection.

To meet someone and at once feel deeply for them happens..even without "knowing" them.
This usually happens when you come across a soulmate or twin flame.

You never met someone you just "got" straight from the start (and vice versa)?
You pick up the phone to call them and, at that moment, they call you?
Who wouldn't feel deep affection for someone where all the pieces effortlessly fall in place?

It's a very, very beautiful thing.

Anyhoo, it's all about what YOU believe.
If you believe in love at first sight, it will come to you.
If you don't believe in love at first sight, well that's true....for you.

You state your opinions as facts . I personally don't believe in twin flames and soulmates ,oftentimes the feeling of having met a soulmate is not reciprocated . I seen it countless times where one person think the other person is their soulmate while the object of their desire couldn't care less.
You describe love as simply deep affection ,so how can you care feel affection ,emotions and empathy towards someone you just met or just glanced at ? It doesn't make sense. It's purely physical attraction.
You describe love as simply deep affection ,so how can you care feel affection ,emotions and empathy towards someone you just met or just glanced at ? It doesn't make sense. It's purely physical attraction.

Of course you can feel emotions towards people you've just met or glanced at. You've never just glanced at someone and felt scared or intimidated by them? You've never seen someone struggling/in a bad situation and felt sadness or empathy for them? Those are all emotions. Our survival as human beings requires us to be able to make instant judgements about people.

It's difficult first of all to even operationalize the concept of love, so I'm guessing that people's definitions is going to a big determination in whether they believe in love at first sight. If you view love as something very complex or purely as an action then I can understand why some might find love at first sight incomprehensible.

I believe in love at first sight. I've fallen in love with my baby cousins and friends baby the first time I've met them. They weren't particularly cute at the time as they were still in that awkward -just born, troll looking stage that new babies go through but I felt overwhelming love for them the first time I met them.

As for romantic love at first sight I've experienced that too. It was a connection that to this day I've never experienced with anyone else before and doubt I will experience with anyone ever again. I remember the first time I laid eyes on him and we talked I thought to myself 'I could marry this man one day'. I was very anti-marriage at the time, had no desire or interest in settling down and was happily dating someone else but the connection was so strong. I felt like I had known him my whole life, I'm very introverted and so find it exhausting being around people but I could have talked to him for hours and not felt the usual discomfort I feel as a result of my social awkwardness. When I'm physically attracted towards someone my thoughts are focused mostly around sex. But with him, it was beyond that, sexual thoughts didn't even cross my mind. I wanted to know everything, his whole life story right there and then, and then I wanted to tell him my life story...I wanted to do everything in my whole life with him. It was both beautiful and scary to me to experience that for someone I had just met.
Of course you can feel emotions towards people you've just met or glanced at. You've never just glanced at someone and felt scared or intimidated by them? You've never seen someone struggling/in a bad situation and felt sadness or empathy for them? Those are all emotions. Our survival as human beings requires us to be able to make instant judgements about people.

It's difficult first of all to even operationalize the concept of love, so I'm guessing that people's definitions is going to a big determination in whether they believe in love at first sight. If you view love as something very complex or purely as an action then I can understand why some might find love at first sight incomprehensible.

I believe in love at first sight. I've fallen in love with my baby cousins and friends baby the first time I've met them. They weren't particularly cute at the time as they were still in that awkward -just born, troll looking stage that new babies go through but I felt overwhelming love for them the first time I met them.

As for romantic love at first sight I've experienced that too. It was a connection that to this day I've never experienced with anyone else before and doubt I will experience with anyone ever again. I remember the first time I laid eyes on him and we talked I thought to myself 'I could marry this man one day'. I was very anti-marriage at the time, had no desire or interest in settling down and was happily dating someone else but the connection was so strong. I felt like I had known him my whole life, I'm very introverted and so find it exhausting being around people but I could have talked to him for hours and not felt the usual discomfort I feel as a result of my social awkwardness. When I'm physically attracted towards someone my thoughts are focused mostly around sex. But with him, it was beyond that, sexual thoughts didn't even cross my mind. I wanted to know everything, his whole life story right there and then, and then I wanted to tell him my life story...I wanted to do everything in my whole life with him. It was both beautiful and scary to me to experience that for someone I had just met.

Very beautiful! Nicely put~:yep:
Maybe lust or some type of spark. I am feeling this guy right now, but we're both shy. I do like what I see.:lick::blush:
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Of course you can feel emotions towards people you've just met or glanced at. You've never just glanced at someone and felt scared or intimidated by them? You've never seen someone struggling/in a bad situation and felt sadness or empathy for them? Those are all emotions. Our survival as human beings requires us to be able to make instant judgements about people.

It's difficult first of all to even operationalize the concept of love, so I'm guessing that people's definitions is going to a big determination in whether they believe in love at first sight. If you view love as something very complex or purely as an action then I can understand why some might find love at first sight incomprehensible.

I believe in love at first sight. I've fallen in love with my baby cousins and friends baby the first time I've met them. They weren't particularly cute at the time as they were still in that awkward -just born, troll looking stage that new babies go through but I felt overwhelming love for them the first time I met them.

As for romantic love at first sight I've experienced that too. It was a connection that to this day I've never experienced with anyone else before and doubt I will experience with anyone ever again. I remember the first time I laid eyes on him and we talked I thought to myself 'I could marry this man one day'. I was very anti-marriage at the time, had no desire or interest in settling down and was happily dating someone else but the connection was so strong. I felt like I had known him my whole life, I'm very introverted and so find it exhausting being around people but I could have talked to him for hours and not felt the usual discomfort I feel as a result of my social awkwardness. When I'm physically attracted towards someone my thoughts are focused mostly around sex. But with him, it was beyond that, sexual thoughts didn't even cross my mind. I wanted to know everything, his whole life story right there and then, and then I wanted to tell him my life story...I wanted to do everything in my whole life with him. It was both beautiful and scary to me to experience that for someone I had just met.

I was never one that believed in love at first sight. I always thought it was lust. I am more open to the idea that some truly do experience love at first sight. How do you know the difference between love, lust or attraction?
Yes I have. I had never experienced it before him or after. Part of the reason he's still romantically we share nothing anymore.
I hear men express this a lot. ... They don't say "It was love at first sight." They say, "I just knew she was the one when we met." I'd like to think it's the same thing for them.

My boss has been married for 28 years. Says it all the time and is still very much so in love with his wife.
One of the most important things I've learned as an adult is to realize everyone doesn't have the same definition of a word. Success, Forgiveness, LOVE. etc

Instant connections, influx of hormones, butterflies, etc. What many people describe as love to them, has nothing to do with what love means to me.

My definition of love is a lot different, a lot deeper, and a lot more withstanding.

so no, I don't believe in true love at first sight.
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Its interesting because not to compare emotions to people with emotions for material possessions, but don't we say "love" a certain shoe, or handbag or dress upon meeting it for the first time? But i guess that could fall under a "lust of the eye" kinda thing.
Yes, but I was too young and dumb to appreciate it. I met him when I was 15. I thought that he deserved better so I let him spread his wings. 3 years ago he met a girl. I think they r married now. The point is that the decisions we make affect our destiny. He thought it was love at first sight and I believed him. He wouldve walked on water for me or died trying :)