Anyone ever had a problem getting a man to leave your house for good?


Well-Known Member
If so, how did you do it.
I want the man and his stuff out.
The police (yeah the police... I didn't wanna get them involved, but he's holding onto my house key and he just won't shove his property out of my door) say to give him a week and if he doesn't comply, then I can get his stuff disposed of :ohwell:.

I did'nt want all this high drama and I'm not one to bother packing for him and taking the stuff out myself :yawn:.

Anyone been through this... what did you do?
Why would they tell you to give him a week? A week for what? A mean really that is so random. "Give him a week"
I really don't understand. Why can't you just have your locks changed? There...he's out!
Why can't you pack up his stuff and put it out and change the locks? Just cover it up and try to watch it so it doesn't get stolen so he can't sue you for messing up his stuff. If it's YOUR house and his name is no where on the papers then why can't you?
If he's on the lease, then he has a right to stay... and if he's not, then I would call the police again. But I find the cops are no help... so change the locks and put his ish in a box labled "FREE"... or put it out there on Craigslist if it's of value
Regardless of the week that the police advise, change your locks ASAP!!!
Cause that just gives him an excuse to come into your place and wreck your things. Tell him that he needs to notify you when he's coming to pick up his stuff and return the key accordingly, (even though he won't need to, cause your locks would be changed by then). If he doesn't bother to pick up his stuff, you can be nice and Fedex them round, or do things the awhyley way, and tell him that he can buy them back off of eBay.
On the lease or not, you need to give him 30 days unless it is an abusive situation. I know most people don't want to do that, but he could come back and sue you for illegal eviction. It happens all the time on judge shows, ON THE LEASE OR NOT.

I gave my exhusband 30 days to move. Sure he bummed around for 29 days but on the 30th day he was out without incident. You know your man and what he would or wouldn't do. I know my ex was a mfer and he stayed the full 30 days because he could.

BFF is trying to boot her husband right now. Her problem is she isn't being serious so he isn't leaving. She keeps on leaving notes for him to leave. I told her to tell him straight out, she wants him gone. She wants him to figure it out. Guys don't think like that.
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If so, how did you do it.
I want the man and his stuff out.
The police (yeah the police... I didn't wanna get them involved, but he's holding onto my house key and he just won't shove his property out of my door) say to give him a week and if he doesn't comply, then I can get his stuff disposed of :ohwell:.

I did'nt want all this high drama and I'm not one to bother packing for him and taking the stuff out myself :yawn:.

Anyone been through this... what did you do?

During my early years living in my house I had this secret coke head living with me for a little more than a year{ God forgive me for this sin}. I was so afraid to live alone so invited him along..big mistake. I told him a month ahead to get out of my home with his crazy jealousy, invisible chains on me, leaving strange smells in my basement{smoking coke!},impotence, making friends with neighbors of questionable character, breaking my precious objects. I told him the date and after much threatening from him about 'having the right to be here', he packed and moved out and I was beyond thrilled. The man's name was no where on my mortgage and the bills were all paid by me with a pittance of contribution from him. Tell him, mean it and DON'T YOU EVER LIVE WITH A MAN AGAIN WITHOUT MARRIAGE!!
I took a day off work, and changed the locks while he was at work. I then plastic bagged all his belongings and called his sister and told her to come get them or I'd donate them to the shelter. She came, and he didn't know a thing until she told him. Well, i kept asking him to leave, and i wasn't going to have the police at my house for that.
Call the police again. And again. And again if you need to.

Not to advocate violence at all but a registered gun never hurt me.
Call the police for what? He lived there also, on the lease or not.

If he isn't on the lease, and there's no proof of him paying rent, then he is a guest. In fact if she lives in an apartment or other leased place and he isn't on the lease he may not even be allowed to be there in the first place! She can term him a "gratuitous guest" and have him evicted by the cops.
My Mom went through this. To be honest I can't remember if it was one of her boyfriend or the guy that robbed us... but anyway. What she did was put all of his stuff in trash bags and threw it out on the lawn. When he went to come back she shut/locked the door.

Granted this probably won't work if he has the keys... but if you really don't want to get the police involved, you could always hold the door, wait until he leaves and get the lock changed.
Please be careful OP!

I agree with Amicas! Please be careful. I went through the same situation last year and my ex actually broke back into my house. Luckily he wasn't physically violent and my neighbors were aware.

Is he violent? How long have you guys dated? If you decide to put him out, please let others know so just incase he starts tripping you have support!

Let us know how things go!