Anyone ever grow out highlights

To those who grew out highlights or are in the process, did you experience bad shedding and breaking due to the highlights? Is it because the highlights at the ends are drying out? How did you all combat this. Garlic shampoo doesnt seem to do it for me anymore. It's like one day my hair is fine, the next day its like what the hell. Just venting and trying to prevent breakage/shedding.
Yup-I had highlights. I kept my hair moisturized a lot so I did not experience bad shedding or breakage. Where did you hear about garlic shampoo helping for highlights?
Yup-I had highlights. I kept my hair moisturized a lot so I did not experience bad shedding or breakage. Where did you hear about garlic shampoo helping for highlights?
I'm growing out highlights now. It's been a great way for me to record exactly how much growth I've had since getting the highlights put in last year. I'm not experiencing any breakage. I suspect it might have to do with the frequent rinses/conditioner-only washes and gentle handling before putting it up in a protective style.
Nope didnt hear about garlic shampoo and highlights but garlic shampoo use to help my shedding. It will be 2 years since i had my highlights in April. Im so mad that I got them. I never reapplied the highlights and its taking so damn long to grow out. This part is of course the unhealthiest part of my hair. i deep condition 1xs a week i dunno what else to do.
i had highlights before and i always conditioned a lot so i didn't really have breakage or damage. whenever i got tired of them i just put a dark brown or black color all over my hair. that always works for me.
I've never had problems with color in my hair. When I had highlights, I didn't grow them out completely, but let them grow out a few inches, before getting a touch-up. Then, I just started dyeing my entire head altogether.
I had highlights and eventually let it grow out to the point where I could just cut it out. I still have a few in my hair but its not a fraction of what I use to have. No matter how much I treated my hair it would still shed and break
Yes, it took a long time to grow out. I was experiencing breakage so whatever highlited hair wasn't cut off, broke off. After about a year, my hair was back to normal.
NAY007 said:
i had highlights before and i always conditioned a lot so i didn't really have breakage or damage. whenever i got tired of them i just put a dark brown or black color all over my hair. that always works for me.

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I forgot about this. I use Cellophanes in a dark color, like Coffee Bean. It covers the highlights, produces a rich, brunette color, and leaves my hair super-soft.
It took forever for me to grow out those highlights too. They were really dry and breaking the highlighted area of my hair off
I ended up cutting them out about a year later.
NAY007 said:
i had highlights before and i always conditioned a lot so i didn't really have breakage or damage. whenever i got tired of them i just put a dark brown or black color all over my hair. that always works for me.

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I also cover mine with a black rinse and moisturize daily to combat the dryness.