Anyone ever damaged their hair with a hand blow dryer?


New Member
I really like the time that hand dryers save me, but I'm scared to use them because I fear damaging my hair. I'm 4b relaxed, use a good heat protectant and I use medium-high heat. When I hold the dryer a few inches away from my wrist it doesn't burn me so I figure it's safe right????

Anyone out there actually damaged their hair with blow drying? And you're fairly sure it was that, and not a flat iron? Were you using heat protectant? And what setting did you use and are you relaxed???

Do not let heat scare you that much! Heat is serious, but when used in moderation it really isn't that bad. As long as you're using once a week or less of heat you'll be fine. The only damage I've suffered from was from a flat iron, but thats because I was stupid and didn't use heat protectant. Blow dryers nowadays have ceramic/tourmaline technology. This helps prevent damage. I would look into those if you're that scared.
I agree. Direct heat used in moderation isn't too damaging for the hair. You just have to figure out how much heat your hair can take and still be healthy. It's trial and error...
It can work just fine! I would suggest falling in love with the cool shot button to cut down on heat exposure.

But you should be okay if you dont over manipulate the hair. I honestly think some "comb attachments" and the way people use them are more damaging than the blow dryers themselves.
I think the hand dryer causes damage if u concentrate inone spot for to long. I would use some of the suggestions above such as the heat protectant, and cool button. It may also help if u air dry a little bit first.

For me it's not the blow dryer so much as the circular brush. Go easy on both and you should be okay.
