Anyone Else Reminisce About The Days Of The Creamy Crack?


Well-Known Member
Every so often, when I'm delaying wash day, I think back to the creamy crack days and reminisce. They were oh so simple. I only had four products. Shampoo, conditioner, pink lotion, & olive oil sheen.

And used 4 things in my regime. A brush, comb, and flat iron. To retain length, all I did was wrap it up at night. It was SO damn easy and low maintenance.

Now I delay doing my hair for days on end if I could help it because it's such a doggone chore. *sighs*

Anyone else?
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Yes. I feel you. I was thinking about jumping off my transitioning bandwagon and go back to the creamy crack.

But I think the best course of action for me is to be a texlaxer.
I love my natural hair and know that the longer it gets the easier it will be to style....right? I haven't had thoughts about going back to a relaxer but I wish I could wear my hair straight more often. I'm not very good with a flat iron and there are no natural hair salons near me.
Nope. Long gone are the days of waiting two weeks to three months to (1) dish out $$$ for doobies, relaxer days and wash days, (2) being under a hooded dryer that never really dried my hair but depleted moisture from my strands, (3) deal with tardy women who called themselves stylists but still demanded tips, and (4) seeing my hair shed and lose significant volume over time.

My time commitment for being natural is also significantly less than when I was relaxed. Weekends are for hair pampering and my week is for protective styling where I do not comb my hair out.
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Due to years (decades) of using creamy crack, my hair is tired. Thin to the point that wash day is a snap! I don't miss the scalp burns, the long, straight strands in the sink, or the crispy, breaking ends! If I could only get my original hair back! I am so grateful that my daughters have seen my example and have learned!
The only thing I miss about being relaxed are some of the styles I wore. I miss long ponytails (and high ponytails too) and just loose straight hair. Since my hair is so resistant to straightening, I haven't had bone straight hair in over 3 years now.

But other than that, I don't miss it at all :nono: I don't miss the scalp burns nor do I miss the expensive salon visits. My natural hair is much lower maintenance and retains length easier with less effort. I don't even mind wash day because I keep my regimen simple and I keep styles in for weeks.
I don't miss it because my hair was actually harder to take care of when it was relaxed. I never knew what I needed and I had to monitor it more closely. The whole using protein often because I'm relaxed but trying to figure out if I'm using too much because my hair is so fine and getting the balance right and not weighing it down looking like a newborn rat with my hair stuck to my head for the first couple days again due to fine hair.

With my natural hair I can always tell what's going on immediately and I'm retaining better. I also think I look way better with natural/some kind of texture to my hair.
Ofcourse! I even went back to a texlax but it was no bueno. Relaxing bone straight I miss but this is my natural hair and it's longer now than its ever been. This is me and I would miss my natural hair way more than the relaxer. One thing I think is we make our natural regimens harder than they have to be because of all the different products.
On ocassion I think about how utterly ridiculous it was for me to voluntarily subject my scalp to burning and irritation. Never in hell have I missed that crap.
I still can't quite wrap my mind around the fact that I went from about the age of 12 to my late 30's getting chemical burns almost every retouch with out fail. Knowing I had sensitive skin. Could only stand it for five minutes as soon as it was applied would be walking to wash bowl to get it rinsed out and would still get burns. I never scratched and was always based. It's a wonder I have any hair left at all. :look:
Every so often, when I'm delaying wash day, I think back to the creamy crack days and reminisce. They were oh so simple. I only had four products. Shampoo, conditioner, pink lotion, & olive oil sheen.

And used 4 things in my regime. A brush, comb, and flat iron. To retain length, all I did was wrap it up at night. It was SO damn easy and low maintenance.

Now I delay doing my hair for days on end if I could help it because it's such a doggone chore. *sighs*

Anyone else?
reminiscing about the burning and scabs? Heck no lol
and then spending hours and hours to flat iron my joint, only for it to revert minutes later, yeah I don't miss that.
I don't miss relaxing my hair but I miss straight hair sometimes. When I feel that urge I flat iron. My flat ironed natural looks way better than my relaxer because it is so much thicker and shinier. I even enjoy the reversion process through out the week or two week period where it allows me to do styles that usualy take alot of work without much effort as it conitues to get fuller.
I still can't quite wrap my mind around the fact that I went from about the age of 12 to my late 30's getting chemical burns almost every retouch with out fail. Knowing I had sensitive skin. Could only stand it for five minutes as soon as it was applied would be walking to wash bowl to get it rinsed out and would still get burns. I never scratched and was always based. It's a wonder I have any hair left at all. :look:


When the relaxer started eating up my hair (length and thickness), I just kept relaxing! I switched up stylists, salons, etc., but it never occurred to me . . . for months and months and months . . . to STOP. One day I looked at my edges and pocket book and just said :nono:.

Even now when I have a bad styling day or the twisting takes to long, I think, "Maybe there's a healthier relaxer out there . . ." I have to re-talk myself into remembering why this journey AT LEAST deserves 3 years of my patience. What gives? :rolleyes: You'd think the sores and loss of hair would render relaxing a less desirable "fix" at the moment.

Oh, well. I least I have awareness. :)
The only thing I appreciate about relaxers is how it reduces a lot of bulk that my natural hair has, while still looking very full. It's of course easier to handle and manage because of that.

Zero interest in going back though. Words cannot express how lovely it is to not depend on a stylist, know my hair, how to do it, how make it look nice, trim as I see fit and however I see fit, keeping my money in my's one of the most freeing experiences for me! Don't see myself giving any of that up in exchange for straight hair.

I do firmly think that if one lusts after a relaxer one should just go for it though. *shrugs* I would if I missed it like that.
I miss the easy wash days, cowashes and being able to just detangle and airdry. I don't think I could ever relax again though. I like color too much and double processed hair is no bueno
The only thing I appreciate about relaxers is how it reduces a lot of bulk that my natural hair has, while still looking very full. It's of course easier to handle and manage because of that.

Zero interest in going back though. Words cannot express how lovely it is to not depend on a stylist, know my hair, how to do it, how make it look nice, trim as I see fit and however I see fit, keeping my money in my's one of the most freeing experiences for me! Don't see myself giving any of that up in exchange for straight hair.

I do firmly think that if one lusts after a relaxer one should just go for it though. *shrugs* I would if I missed it like that.

@Amarilles, now that I have your read post, I realize that I ABSOLUTELY don't miss relaxers (the chemical process, the time, the costs, etc.), and I don't even miss the type of straight hair that results from relaxing 4a/4b hair. What I actually miss is being able to run a comb through my hair from root to tip. I miss being able to put my hair in a ponytail (my shrinkage will make that impossible for a bit). Funny: My relaxed hair never really tangled when I washed it.
TOTALLY feel you. I have found myself daydreaming a few times.

But then I saw a photo of my old relaxed hair and I dont think I could ever go back to hair that thin ever again.