Anyone Else Reminisce About The Days Of The Creamy Crack?

I do.
I miss doing the wash and go and having my hair come out all curly *sigh*
My hair stages for the future may include it *gulp*
Right before the locs
creamy crack
cut off short as a senior (deep senior)
Not missing at all... I only had my hair in a ponytail anyway. I don't miss the burns, the smell, the long hours it took to dry it with rollers (because I hate flat iron)...and most of all I don't have any dandruff.... That creamy crack was poison to my hair and head. If I would ever go back to a relaxer, I would make sure I have very very short hair.
I love my hair as is, but I miss not having puffy roots after sweating. It's really getting on my nerves.
I love my natural hair and know that the longer it gets the easier it will be to style....right? I haven't had thoughts about going back to a relaxer but I wish I could wear my hair straight more often. I'm not very good with a flat iron and there are no natural hair salons near me.
No! It just takes longer to do once it gets longer. I am BSL and it now takes 3 hours. I think the texture is a factor.
No! It just takes longer to do once it gets longer. I am BSL and it now takes 3 hours. I think the texture is a factor.
I don't mind it taking longer. I just think the style choices are so much more when longer. My daughter has mid back length hair and while her washes and de tangling takes time, I find it so much easier to style. Texture does play a role though.....yes.
I miss it rarely. When I fall asleep at night without tying my hair up, or twisting it or preparing it for the take out style in the AM. Those are the times I miss being able to easily put it into a cute and neat bun without gel and go. I LOVE big hair but I always had long thin hair. I will not relax my hair because I am in LOVE with my natural hair but I miss the few times I could do something quickly and be out the door with my kids. I'm trying to take better care of my hair so it can grow longer so I can finally do a quick bun on natural hair without jumping in the shower FIRST and using gel and a scarf. I think I need waist length hair to get a decent stretched bun lol.

I also miss being able to see my length! I get told all the time that my hair is long and I have so much of it but I don't feel that way at all. If my hair gets wet it shrinks from below bra to right at or a bit above my ears!!! I miss that walk out the pool with my long hair hanging behind me lol
I don't miss a thing. I hated the smell of relaxer and the ooccasional burns. I had the same look all of the time, super straight wrap and ponytail. My hair never held a curl. I certainly don't miss the salon experience. I look more youthful with natural hair and get so many compliments. Not reminiscing at all.
Nah. I thought I missed having straight hair for easy wash and style. Then I relaxed all my hair and it was good at first until I wanted curl, then reality hit me. To get curl, I had to manipulate my hair. Twists, or bantu knots etc.... I thought how dumb, your hair was curly, fool! To get volume and curl ( my hair still retained some curl in its relaxed state after a wash) I let my hair air dry and it worked for awhile until my new growth started to become visible. I should have just flat ironed my natural hair when I wanted it straight. After 13 years, I've started over and my natural hair is the best. I love wash day!
I share the same sentiments about wash day. My hair is triple thick and coarse (esp. the back half of my head). I was ready to fully relax after being natural two years, but didn't want to go back to frequent touch ups and going to salons. So I did some research and back in July decided to use Phytospecific relaxer to just loosen the tight curl pattern. Detangling is soooo much easier. I've never been happier. I look forward to wash day now, rocked wash n go's all summer long and twist outs. I get compliments every day. I love my hair! I haven't put any heat on it. I never want straight relaxed hair ever again! Straight hair, for me, is boring - I wore it for over 30 years. I am rocking big kinky/curly hair now and loving it!!!!
I do. If my hair didn't start rejecting relaxers I'd probably still be getting them with long stretches. I chopped sooner than planned and with my shrinkage I just don't like my hair most days.

I'm sick of spending time on my hair only for the style not to come out. It's not fun for me. I'm only sticking it out because I have wigs and I think with length it may get easier. But yes I find myself in the hair aisle looking wistfully at the relaxers. And cussing folks who keep lying about how easy natural hair is cause its much harder than relaxers ever were. And my bank account is annoyed at money being spent trying to get right products.
I do. If my hair didn't start rejecting relaxers I'd probably still be getting them with long stretches. I chopped sooner than planned and with my shrinkage I just don't like my hair most days.

I'm sick of spending time on my hair only for the style not to come out. It's not fun for me. I'm only sticking it out because I have wigs and I think with length it may get easier. But yes I find myself in the hair aisle looking wistfully at the relaxers. And cussing folks who keep lying about how easy natural hair is cause its much harder than relaxers ever were. And my bank account is annoyed at money being spent trying to get right products.

Hugs. Have you thought about letting a natural stylist do your hair, at least every now and then? A steam treatment and flat twistout does me wonders!
I reminisce but not fondly.... my hair is way to fine for the crack and does much better with a flat iron.
Nope. Lye (and even no lye) and eczema = napalm on scalp. It would start burning before the stylist even finished a section!:couchfire:
Nah. I thought I missed having straight hair for easy wash and style. Then I relaxed all my hair and it was good at first until I wanted curl, then reality hit me. To get curl, I had to manipulate my hair. Twists, or bantu knots etc.... I thought how dumb, your hair was curly, fool! To get volume and curl ( my hair still retained some curl in its relaxed state after a wash) I let my hair air dry and it worked for awhile until my new growth started to become visible. I should have just flat ironed my natural hair when I wanted it straight. After 13 years, I've started over and my natural hair is the best. I love wash day!
Straighten your curly hair only to curl it never made sense to me. Girl preach!
I thought that the relaxed grass was greener, until I actually relaxed after 6 years of a natural hhj
Noooo!!! Nope! Lies lies lies!!!!
I liked my relaxed hair for a hot 5 seconds!! Those 3 months were a battle to not BC (which I needed up doing anyway :lachen:). Most days I hated my relaxed hair!!

My hair was very pretty, very shiny, and really thick, but it took 3 times the effort to take care of :nono: . My relaxed hair was only CBL and it took more time to detangle than my MBL natural hair :nuts:.

Suddenly, I actually had to pay attention to moisture-protein balance, my hair was much more dry, and I couldn't just wash and go. And added to this, I had to worry about all the mess that goes with touch ups!!!! Gotta base my scalp, time the application right to not melt off my edges, can't scratch or wash days before, gotta make sure it's neutralized completely or you're hair might start falling out weeks later!!!! And the relaxer smell that lingered for days after!!!

Ugh!!!!! It was way way too much for me!!!

If I want straight hair, all I need is a blowdryer, a flat iron, and a comb o_O. My natural gets straighter and stays straight longer than my relaxed hair did!!

I'm glad I wrote all that. So a year from now, if I get all impatient with my natural hair, I can go back to this post and remember that the alternative is craprastic, so I have to get over it :laugh:
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I sure miss feeling water on my scalp in the shower. Now I have to wait five minutes before the water makes its way through this forest. :look: but it's all good. I love my hair the way it is and just stick to stalking the relaxed hair thread to get a fix every now and then :sekret: