Anyone Else NOT Have a Problem @ All When PPl Touch Their Hair?

It's funny because people like to touch children's hair and hands.. I've never been able to understand it but it's kind of interesting.

I like to feel peoples hair and I don't mind if they feel mines. Especially if it's a nice looking guy with dreads!!! Ohhhh I have the hardest time not touching those locks!!!
Ever since I was a little girl, I used to beg my cousins, mom, grandmom, dad, all family to touch or play with my hair. It's never bothered me at all :grin: It always felt therapeutic, which is probably why I like getting massages so much.

I like to feel pampered and given attention to. I've never had a stranger want to touch my hair, because before LHCF, my hair just wasn't all that great. I didn't even want to touch it!

Now that I am natural again after being relaxed for so long, people want to touch it. I could care less. It's just not that serious to me :rolleyes:
That's how I grew up too:yep: we used to play house and play like we were doing eachothers hair, fun times:grin:

It just genuinely doesn't bother me weave checks, fascination with my fro, disbelief that its my hair when straightened and wanting to feel my scalp its usually just a fun and a convo starter and doesnt last more then a few seconds. I feel like we don't have human contact with eachother anymore, and I dont really notice this issue with other races....idk

but we all have our preferences, I personally love to talk hair and play with my hair all the time....can't blame anyone else for wanting to play with it too:yep:

To the underlined...

Huh? I know if I went out and started walking up to white people and touching their hair/scalps without even asking permission, quite a few of them would be at least uncomfortable. :look:

Some people do not like their space to be invaded, especially by strangers. Regardless of what color they are. :yep:
I've never had a stranger touch my hair, but I don't think I'd mind it as long as it was a touch of my hair and not my scalp. That would be uncomfortable to me.

I have coworkers who touch my hair...all...the...time. I don't mind it. When it's down (which is rare), they just want to play with it. I twisted my hair last night, then let it loose this morning, so it was big and wild. I had a coworker come over to me and say, "look at all this hair", and she was just running her hands through my hair. It's always been done as a compliment or I don't have an issue.
I do not appreciate unwanted touching of any kind. I do not know where hands have been, what is on them, etc. I wouldn't let anyone but my man touch my face, grab my hand, rub my special places or stroke my hair. :nono: I have never felt compelled to touch anyone's hair and think it is kinda gross. Some people do not wash their hair for a month of Sundays. :ohwell:

I had a stranger touch my hair when I was wearing a wash & go. It was still wet.....:lachen:bet they ask first when they want to touch someone else's hair.
*check out my siggy*
I don't like people (friends, family, esp. strangers) touching me period. I'm a germaphobe and I don't think my hair would respond well to hand sanitizer, Lysol, or Clorox wipes...
I don't mind AT ALL. If you wanna rub my head/scalp - knock yourself out. :grin:

But I'm cognizant that some people DO mind, so I always ask "may I?" if I see a beautiful head of natural hair that I can't resist (like a couple of weeks ago in the grocery store).

But she was mad cool about it. She was like "shooo, go head girl! Get your fingers all up in there - don't be shy!" She literally grabbed my hand and started giving HERSELF a scalp massage. :lachen: I thought she was hilarious!

Generally, I'm never impressed enough to want to touch, but she was a 4a/b with a puff to DIE for, and she had the ends colored like a bronze color. I was mesmerized! :spinning:
There is a huuge difference between someone randomly coming up to you and touching your hair and someone asking before they do it. The former person abandons all typical social norms whilst the latter observes they must be polite before attempting to touch another person.

I often overlook the fact many non-bw even with above-average "dream" hair will never receive this question in the first place yet still allow people to touch my hair so long as they ask. When some unknown person tries to touch without asking, I find myself ducking or having to move away from them an unnecessary embarrassment. Worse of all, I've had people touch or tug (!) it it on the sly. In social situations, one does not normally cross someone's personal space and start stroking their hair - that would be viewed as very peculiar but it's like because you have afro hair (or maybe even long hair) it's suddenly ok. Actually, it's not (at least for me).
If they ask I don't care. Friends & Family on the other hand can grope my head all they would like. I don't walk up to other people & stick my hands in their hair so I expect the same.
Im sorry but i dont like it at all unless my partner is doing it. My mom has a tendency everytime she sees me she has to grab my hair and all in it and then wants to get the comb so she can play in it oh how does that irk me
I think I will dodge and move no matter who you are, as though everyone is planning to yank one of those goodie brushes or their cracked hands/chock full of hangnails.

I don't even let hairdressers touch my hair - I'm just weird like that.
No. I don't like strangers touching me. Any part of me.

Im not silly about it... if someone brushes my hand by mistake or something, I wouldn't freak out. Especially in crowded areas, it can happen.

I'm reasonable about it. lol

but if you walk up to me and purposely touch me - it could be my arm, leg, shoulder, hair, whatever...- you're definitley getting your hand thrown away and the screwface. Man or woman.

Depending on how I feel that day and the situation, you might get more. :giggle:

I dunno. I just feel that just because you might find something about me to look nice, doesn't mean I'm on display to you with free touching included.

I'm not a dog. You don't stop to pet me because you think I'm cute. :look:

Plus I do not know where your hands may have been... Scratching unknown places, touching unknown guk... eww. :perplexed

People who know me don't play in my hair that often. Even though family/friends are okay with me.

I agree with this entire statement.

I will say I do not understand this phenomenon. Because the ONLY head of hair I have ever played in or touched besides my man is my son! That's it.....I have not once in my life put my hands in another females hair nor have I wanted to. I am a bit of a germophobe and the thought of me putting my hands in someone's potentially dirty, dandruff filled, lice filled hair grosses me out! :eek: :nono:
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I don't mind. I find it flaterring when ppl put their hands in my hair. Especially when it's a man doing it :blush:. I think it's instinctual. But if they are raking their hands thru my hair for like 5 mins then it's annoying because I don't even do that.
I absolutely hate it, lol. They do it to my weaves and half wigs all the time and it makes all the hairs stand on my arm. I don't like the hair touching! Can't help it...
I can't stand it. I recently went to the spa for my birthday and the massage lady was talking about massaging my scalp.

I told her, "No thanks, you can skip that area."

That is how serious I am about strangers touching my hair. Makes me itchy just thinking about it.
I have never been remotely interested in touching other pple's hair so I get puzzled by those who want to play in mine... LMAO the only hair I've touched this yr is my own and my SO's as well as my nephew during bathtime (my nephew is 32 months old). My SO constantly touches mine because he is intrigued by it (I did a BC in June) , I dont mind him cause he is my boopie but anyone else thats too intimate and i dont like anyone just touching me to me thats like someone coming up and putting their hand on my face. Family and friends can touch sure but not strangers.
I don't mind as long as you're not rough, pulling it or messing up my style. The ironic part is that I used to rock a boy haircut and I couldn't stand for anyone to rub my head. LOL