Anyone else here can't stretch their relaxers?


Well-Known Member
Because I sure can't. I'm about 5 weeks post, I think...I can't exactly remember because I'm a bad girl and don't mark my relaxers on the calender. :spank:

My hair is having a major meltdown on me. It's breaking and shedding like crazy...more shedding than breakage, though. No matter how carefully I comb, no matter how much I oil my new growth, not matter how many conditioning treatments I give it; my hair refuses to respond.

If I run my fingers through my hair, strands and strands of it come out. I stop because I get scared I'm going to be bald if I don't quit it. My hair is thick, so I know it won't thin out on me, but still. I don't want to see any hair. Even my beloved Motions CPR isn't doing a thing for me at this point.

This only happens when I have about an inch of new growth, which lately happens after about 3 1/2 weeks. That's way too early to re-relax my hair, but it won't cooperate with bushy roots.

Anyone else have this problem? Anything I can do? Suggestions, ladies. :)
I never have stretched my relaxer. I retouch every 5-6 weeks without problems. If I don't I experience exactly what you do...... extreme shedding. I get 1/2 inch a month.
I know a couple of my friends who relax every 5-6 six weeks as well without any problems.

yeah. i am considering relaxing my hair more often because it sheds like crazy...i now relax it every 16 to 20 weeks...this may be the reason for the excessive shedding. i may do every 10 to 12 weeks....
Thats alot of growth for 3.5 weeks, which is probably why you can't stretch so long. I don't stretch based on time, I stretch based on the amount of new growth. I barely have an inch at 8 weeks, which is when I relax.
Starian said:
Because I sure can't. I'm about 5 weeks post, I think...I can't exactly remember because I'm a bad girl and don't mark my relaxers on the calender. :spank:

My hair is having a major meltdown on me. It's breaking and shedding like crazy...more shedding than breakage, though. No matter how carefully I comb, no matter how much I oil my new growth, not matter how many conditioning treatments I give it; my hair refuses to respond.

If I run my fingers through my hair, strands and strands of it come out. I stop because I get scared I'm going to be bald if I don't quit it. My hair is thick, so I know it won't thin out on me, but still. I don't want to see any hair. Even my beloved Motions CPR isn't doing a thing for me at this point.

This only happens when I have about an inch of new growth, which lately happens after about 3 1/2 weeks. That's way too early to re-relax my hair, but it won't cooperate with bushy roots.

Anyone else have this problem? Anything I can do? Suggestions, ladies. :)

Thats a lot of growth in 3.5 weeks. I used to be like you though, I could never stretch beyond 6-8 weeks. By the time i'd reach the 8th week, my hair would be breaking/shedding and looking a mess. But then a few months ago, I decided to stretch. It was very hard for hair was matted, tangled, dry, breaaking, everything by the 9th week. But I decided to push to 11 weeks. I can honestly say that I thought that when I'd relax, I'd lose all my matted hair. But this was not the case. My hair came out looking healthier than ever. Since then I have continued to stretch. Strangley enough, the second time round was much easier and I didn't notice my new growth till the 10th week, even though I did have growth. I'm now planning to stretch to 16 weeks.
I am glad to know that I am not the only one! After week 4 I have to shampoo and condition, every 2 to 3 days to make it to 6 or 8 weeks post relaxer.
I touch up at 10 weeks, which for me is a big deal (use to be 6) but is far less than a lot of ladies on the boards. Past that and not only do I get so much breakage that it's not worth it but my hair looks horrible and inappropriate for work, IMO.

What's worked for me is light protein on a weekly basis and moisturizing conditioner washes in between. If you've tried everything without success then I say get the relaxer. Sounds like you have enough new growth for it to be a safe process.
I have the same problem. About a month after I relax, I always feel like I have a TWA sitting beneath my hair. I'm going to start CW many times during the week. I did one yesterday and my newgrowth feels very soft and easier to comb. I know alot of ladies on the forum do this, too.
Maybe you need a new conditioner. When I used to use Moisture Maniac, my hair would be matted and locked at the roots 12 weeks post-relaxer. Now that I use Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner, I am a year and 3 months post with no plans of turning back.
The key to extending the time between touch-ups for me is using a conditioner that detangles your individual hair texture extremely well. For me it's KeraCare Humecto, with Humecto I can stretch my relaxers as long as I want to without breakage and shedding. So far I've stretched my relaxer to 18 weeks & only got a touch-up to see the full length of my hair not because of breakage or shedding, I'm going to space it out even longer this time. You just have to find the ultimate detangling conditioner for you.
I can not stretch either.... I have to go every six weeks or it is major breaking and shedding for me.... I have tried CW's... .. Even moisturizing like crazy does not help... My hair sucks it up better that a Hoover vaccum :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :grin: :lol: ......I may try french braids... in the fall to see if that helps... but right now I do not want to try to stretch... I don't want to risk damage...:eek:
I have tried to stretch my relaxer but I could not stop the shedding so I am trying seven weeks now.
I'm noticing that I can't extend my touch-up's to 8 weeks which is the norm for me. Lately, I have been getting incredible hair growth..I'm at 6 weeks post as of today and already I have a good 1 1/2 in. of ng, no lie. I have 2 more weeks to go and I can't even get a comb through my roots. These new hair products I have been using are very stimulating and is increasing my hair growth like crazy.

Next relaxer touch-up: July 6th, 2005 (6 wks post)
Perming early, 1 1/2 of ng gained, yea!!!
Cornrows for 8 weeks and starting the MTG challenge.
Current hair length: 1 1/2 inches past bra strap (when blown out)
Hair goal for 2005: 5 inches past bra strap by December, might
exceed that!!! pics coming soon!
I didn't think I could strecth as well. I could only go over my 6 weeks mark if I wore braids. Once I read that you should treat your new growth different from your relaxed hair meaning not combing alot, using the right combs and use alot of moisturizer, I feel more comfortable about trying to stretch again. If it doesn't work this time then I know it wasn't meant for me to stretch.
Starian said:
Because I sure can't. I'm about 5 weeks post, I think...I can't exactly remember because I'm a bad girl and don't mark my relaxers on the calender. :spank:

My hair is having a major meltdown on me. It's breaking and shedding like crazy...more shedding than breakage, though. No matter how carefully I comb, no matter how much I oil my new growth, not matter how many conditioning treatments I give it; my hair refuses to respond.

If I run my fingers through my hair, strands and strands of it come out. I stop because I get scared I'm going to be bald if I don't quit it. My hair is thick, so I know it won't thin out on me, but still. I don't want to see any hair. Even my beloved Motions CPR isn't doing a thing for me at this point.

This only happens when I have about an inch of new growth, which lately happens after about 3 1/2 weeks. That's way too early to re-relax my hair, but it won't cooperate with bushy roots.

Anyone else have this problem? Anything I can do? Suggestions, ladies. :)

I read your story and I thought I wrote it. I stretch 12 weeks and I had to take baby steps to get there. The first time I stretched I made it to 8 weeks; second time was 10 weeks, now I am up to 12 weeks. But this time I am stretching 14-16 weeks. I kept fine tuning everything that got me to certain point then pushed beyond. I am a 4 a/b thick and hate combing, because I still see hair falling out. The thing I would recommend that you do is choose one protective style each week and stick to it until the next wash. Example....Style your hair after you wash with a phony pony...wear for a week....take it out only when it is time for your next wash. Another thing that works for me is frequent conditioned washing 2-3 time for the first 2 months...On the last month before perm I wash and comb only once a week. Because this is were all the breakage happens. Keep using the oils that work for you. Hope this helps... :)

P.S. Add S-Curl to your routine. Put it on you new growth when you adding your products after your wash. Also wash you hair in sections...6 sections.
....Wash in sections, detangle in sections, add products in sections, and dry in sections....Taking it in small sections helps...ALOT.
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hottopic said:
I read your story and I thought I wrote it. I stretch 12 weeks and I had to take baby steps to get there. The first time I stretched I made it to 8 weeks; second time was 10 weeks, now I am up to 12 weeks. But this time I am stretching 14-16 weeks. I kept fine tuning everything that got me to certain point then pushed beyond. I am a 4 a/b thick and hate combing, because I still see hair falling out. The thing I would recommend that you do is choose one protective style each week and stick to it until the next wash. Example....Style your hair after you wash with a phony pony...wear for a week....take it out only when it is time for your next wash. Another thing that works for me is frequent conditioned washing 2-3 time for the first 2 months...On the last month before perm I wash and comb only once a week. Because this is were all the breakage happens. Keep using the oils that work for you. Hope this helps... :)

P.S. Add S-Curl to your routine. Put it on you new growth when you adding your products after your wash. Also wash you hair in sections...6 sections.
....Wash in sections, detangle in sections, add products in sections, and dry in sections....Taking it in small sections helps...ALOT.

Co-signing, stretching takes alot of patience. Especially if you are type 4a/b, it just does because dealing with thick unruly hair is a pain. I relax every 8-10 weeks now using what I learned from LHCF, but I used to relax every 6 weeks. I know I could go longer, up to 12 weeks but I don't have the patience.
Thanks for all the replies. I have a relaxer scheduled for tommorow and possibly an agressive trim. My ends are looking a tad ragged although I may just twist my hair up and trim in sections so as to avoid the stylist getting too scissor happy. Starting with this relaxer and your suggestions, I'm going to see if I can stretch for 8 weeks.

Once again, you guys are always so full of info. If I can't count on my man or my friends, LHCF always got my back, lol. Thanks!
I didn't think I could stretch until I spaced out my protein treatments and moisturized with carefree curl. Some of you can do it a bit more easily if you tweak your routines/products a bit. Last time I tried to stretch, I had to relax at 8 weeks with horrible shedding and breakage. I'm at week 16 now...:grin:
I tried stretching and it dont work for me past 8 weeks I almost made it to 9 weeks which would have been today but I couldnt take it and made my appointment :D `
I am officially the Bad Gurl of LHCF....I stretched for 12 weeks this time and I wore my hair down every single day!! *ducking*
I think they key to no shedding/breaking is the drying method. You MUST blend the 2 textures together or if you leave your roots nappy then that demarc line will more than likely lead to breakage. A professional rollerset would work if you ask the stylist to roll your hair tight. For me.. I'd blowdry (on low) my roots out, using a paddlebrush to hold my hair taut and it would actually straighten my hair (no flatiron needed). I would also make sure i applied alot of oil to my WET hair when i was drying it. So that it would be properly oiled for the rest of the week. I'd just wear my straight shoulderlength hair if i wanted a no fuss style. And mostly i'd use my caruso rollers to make curls. I had no issues with shedding at all, and my breakage was at a low normal amount.

Bottom line is I spent time on this board and i'd try most all of the methods that the ladies mentioned...cause u never know whats going to work for you until you give it a shot. So good luck!!!
i stretched for 12 weeks and 13 weeks a few times and the key is getting a conditioner that gives great "slip" and also a moituriser for the new growth. stasoffro was a life saver for me. kenra MC also. i also washed twice a week......CO washes
The longest I've gone has been 9 and 1/2 weeks and I was really glad, because I didn't have any massive breakage, shedding, matting or anything like that. I think it was due to the fact that I had started washing my hair every for days so the roots were getting more moisture and I didn't manipulate it as much because I let it air dry. This time I'm going to try for 10 and see...