Anyone afraid now.....?


New Member
Okay, is it just me or is anyone, at all, afraid to air dry since "Daviine's" post about her visit with Marvin? I mean, what in the world is a girl to do? No blow drying, no! Have I lost my mind? I'm about to just give up. *goes to look for clippers* /images/graemlins/censored.gif
I'm not, but only because even when I airdry I go through my hair with my blowdryer on low/cool with the comb attachment. So my ends don't dry frizzy. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Hi Leshia,

When I saw the post from Daviine about what her hairdresser, Marvin said, I was surprised, but I still air dry. My hair has done so well since I started air drying. I'm sure Marvin wouldn't like me because I would argue the point with him. I just don't agree with him. My hair isn't breaking and it's growing, so air drying can't be all bad, to me. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
ms_kenesha, do you hit it with the dryer after it has air dried? Or a little before it air dries?
But ladies, do you guys wonder what's really "ideal" for our hair? I mean, it seems at the rate we're going, we're never going to have truly healthy hair? We can't blow dry, we shouldn't air dry....what ARE we supposed to do? That post really frustrated me....what is doing through that man's mind? /images/graemlins/mad.gif
I'm not because I've never experienced any negative problems from air drying (and I've been air drying my hair for quite some time).
this is exactly why i don't even consider listening to people like that marvin.
i think you should only seek advice from marvin, cathy howse, etc, if you really tried a million things and absolutely nothing works for your hair. but if your routine is working and you see improvement i would never ever listen to one of those people.
like i said to each their own and maybe one or the other advice they give might work but always remember just cause it worked for their hair does not mean it will work for everybodies. this is another thing, black hair is not black hair. i mean come on, pleeeease. i know what works for my hair and i will keep air drying it and blow dry it, braid it and maybe wrap it every now and then.

girl don't stop air drying your hair, it's the best you can do for it although rollersets are good too. but if you go to other hair boards and look you will see that everybody will tell you that air drying is the best thing to do right after lots of conditioning.

i don't want to be mean or nothing, but do remember that all these hair stylists do make money and they want to continue making money.
i think there is more advice here on this board than from one hair stylist.

i think to achieve and maintain healthy hair you should do some basice things:

wash it on a regular basis (it depends on your hair how many times a week/month)


keep your ends moisturized

stay away from heat as much as possible

do hot oil treaments

be gentle with your hair

i don't know i am a little upset right now. on top of all that the girl who went to marvin (was it daviine) had to pay $104??????????????? noooo way

there are so many girls on this board with healthy nice looking hair who have not been to marvin.
like i said stick with what is working for you and don't keep paying hundreds of dollars for an analyse.
your mirror is the best analyser you can have and if you are brutally honest with yourself you know (!) what you did wrong with your hair (in most cases at least) and you do know what to avoid or not to be lazy anymore. and like i said if you really want advice you will always get it here on the board without paying anything. plus you won't just get one but usually more than one opinion.

i am soo sorry but i had to let this out /images/graemlins/angeldevil.gif

nay (i hope i didn't get anybody mad, but if i did let me know so we can talk about it)
I do it after it's airdried some. Sometimes I do it when my hair is 90% dry from airdrying, but if I'm being really lazy I'll airdry 50% and cool dryer for the other 50%.
Hi Nay007,

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(i hope i didn't get anybody mad, but if i did let me know so we can talk about it)

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Nope, I think that was fair. Like you said, not everything will work for everyone. I air dry my hair and will continue to do so. I happen to believe that it's good for my hair. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Leshia said:
Okay, is it just me or is anyone, at all, afraid to air dry since "Daviine's" post about her visit with Marvin? I mean, what in the world is a girl to do? No blow drying, no! Have I lost my mind? I'm about to just give up. *goes to look for clippers* /images/graemlins/censored.gif

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Listen to yourself and be CONFIDENT in your own regimen. You deal with your hair and handle it on a daily basis you know what it likes and what it can stand. Marvin is very kowledgeable BUT he sees everything from a professional viewpoint and it's scientific. NO for me it's straight up not wanting to jack up my hair with the blowdryer. /images/graemlins/censored.gif that /images/graemlins/censored.gif
I haven't airdried my hair since the summer. Back then I didn't know about the ponytail method etc. so I put in leave-in conditioner, hair serum, and moisturizer and let it go. It came out really nice and curly, but only lasted one day. I planned to try it again, but I'm not sure I really have time.

I think that airdrying is okay as long as you apply a leave-in and moisturizer to smooth the hair shaft. Serums also help. Not Paul Mitchell, but Razac Perfect for Perms and Fantasia IC help also.

Anyway, I think that Marvin may be a good stylist, but unless ALL of his clients have really long hair, then he isn't really an expert. IMHO. I think that as long as you are happy with the results you see in your hair (and it does take time) then you are OK. I agree whole-heartedly with NAY.
My hair looks and feels so much better when I air dry(except when I do a roller set) that I will continue to do so. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I guess everyone is right. I've only recently started to air dry on a regular basis and I like the look especially after I put in some curl activator. I miss the sleek look of blow drying but I'm going to see if the Caruso Steam Rollers will help with that. Thanks for the support. I seriously almost broke out both my blow dryer AND curling iron. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
One thing I have learned from the hair boards is what works for one may not work for all. While u may get greta results from airdrying...I may not . So in this case and any other future instances remember that it is rare that u have two identiacal heads of hair...we are all different so we will get different results with different methinds/products /images/graemlins/wink.gif
So good luck and keep at it! /images/graemlins/cheers.gif
I think Nay hit it right on the head when she said "stylists make money and they want to continue making money"

The women on this board are/are becoming soooooooo self-sufficient with their hair care. Most of us depend on a stylist for about 15-20% of our hair care needs (relaxing) and I am trying so desperately to learn how to do that myself so that I am totally responsible for my hair.

Anyway, in a little while all of us will be walking around with unusually long hair for black women. People will ask. We will tell. And then you'll have this wave of black women that stop going to the salon every week or every two or whatever. And that will be a bite in the butt for the stylists. I think stylists will give you good advice, but not so much so that you don't have to depend on them.

How long is Marvin's hair?
I have been airdrying my hair for the past three months and find that my hair is stronger because of no heat. Yes, I started to get frizzy ends but after doing a roller setting that went away. I am not afraid to airdry and will continue.

The price that Marvin charges in the norm in New York (especially Manhattan).
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Okay, is it just me or is anyone, at all, afraid to air dry since "Daviine's" post about her visit with Marvin? I mean, what in the world is a girl to do? No blow drying, no! Have I lost my mind? I'm about to just give up. *goes to look for clippers*

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This reminds me of Valleygirl and Mr. John's advice. I personally believe like she did that you have to stick to what works for you. I air dry with no problems. Everybody is different and if you know something is working for you, keep doing it. If someone suggests that you do something different, don't get upset, try it and then if it doesn't work scrap it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
NAY007 said:
this is exactly why i don't even consider listening to people like that marvin.
i think you should only seek advice from marvin, cathy howse, etc, if you really tried a million things and absolutely nothing works for your hair. but if your routine is working and you see improvement i would never ever listen to one of those people.
like i said to each their own and maybe one or the other advice they give might work but always remember just cause it worked for their hair does not mean it will work for everybodies. this is another thing, black hair is not black hair. i mean come on, pleeeease. i know what works for my hair and i will keep air drying it and blow dry it, braid it and maybe wrap it every now and then.

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EXTRA Ditto!

Girl, I know I aint mad at ya. Sometimes you just have to let it OUT! /images/graemlins/angeldevil.gif
I agree with the general sentiment - stick with what works for you. No one is mnore of an expert than you about your own hair. Somepeople have had tremendous experience with Marvin and any other hairdresser recommended on the board -until someone goes that doesn't agree with the methods and/or advise and decides it's not for them and posts about it.

Then, and only then, do I find that a "real" dialogue happens about the merits and drawbacks of a specific stylist. Until then you get only the applause - and none of the skepticism; skepticism that could be merited for a specific patrons concerns and hair "quirks".

And some of us just have different experiences for whatever reason and those experiences are real and necessarily color our reality....

To use Jerseygirl as an example of what I mean... JG posted that these are the normal prices in Manhattan (NYC) generally. I have NEVER paid Marvin/Joseph's prices for any service. In fact I routinely pay half, or less than half, for any service I've recieved. It all depends on your personal experience which makes up in the long run what is real and true FOR YOU.....for all I know people have very good reasons for paying these prices - but me? Not ever. Not even close. But my requirements and preferences might be different than theirs, and this may make what is acceptable service at a given price different for me than people who choose these more high priced salons....

Just using that as an example BTW - not calling you out or anything JG.... /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Personnally I thought what Marvin had to say was complete bull. I have always air dried my hair and have gotten great results with it. I would not change it at all.
I just don't understand why the man would make such a statement when apparently blow-drying is worse! I almost went into a panic. My ends, are sooo much nicer when I blow-dry but I just bite the bullet (for the past three weeks) and let it air dry. Once it's dry (since coming to these boards) I put some sulfur 8 on the length and concentrate on the ends and then top it off with curl activator. I think my ends are slowly coming around. They still "look" for the blow-dryer but they're coming around...I did find though, that thanks to ORS Hair Mayo (thanks Pebbles) and Ultra Cholesterol that NO hair came out in the comb today! I slept with the Hair Mayo in, and hair is fabulously strong today. Praise God! I am SO determined to have hair down my back this summer.. /images/graemlins/clap.gif
i believe that is what HE knows as the truth. i don't have to tell you that most of the stuff we do and try here is completely foreign to most black stylists...

i would never stop doing what i KNOW is working for me just because someone else said it was bad. it maybe bad for them, but it's working for me. ya know?

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
pebbles said:
Hi Leshia,

When I saw the post from Daviine about what her hairdresser, Marvin said, I was surprised, but I still air dry. My hair has done so well since I started air drying. I'm sure Marvin wouldn't like me because I would argue the point with him. I just don't agree with him. My hair isn't breaking and it's growing, so air drying can't be all bad, to me. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
jrw said:
Personnally I thought what Marvin had to say was complete bull. I have always air dried my hair and have gotten great results with it. I would not change it at all.

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Cosigning to this.

i bet if we were to see mr marvin and tell him all the things that we were doing to our hair. he would say that they were wrong. especially about the daily washes. but hey if he has helped restore health back to someones hair thats great but i dont think that i would allow him to touch mine.
This board is PURE proof of about 100+ different hair regimens THAT WORK.

No two are exactly the same on this hair board between 2 people, (kinda like fingerprints) we all wash it at different times, shampoo it a different number of times. Some deep condition always, some relax, some are natural some trim religiously some don't. When you look at it like that you really do have to stick with what works for you, because at the end of the day a lot of us here are very educated about our hair and have gotten great results with our own personal regimens.
I think everything doesn't work for everyone. I have been air drying and i am going to continue doing so. I think you just have to find what is best for you. /images/graemlins/grin.gif