Anybody still henna?


New Member
So I just applied henna to my hair again and again it feels great, I plan on roller setting my hair tonight before going out..I kno its kinda late but im just going out on campus lol, so I'll post pictures for everybody. But I've noticed a lack of ayurvedic threads, when i first joined back in may/june they were everywhere lol So is anybody still doing that? or am i the lone ranger? lol
henna is a plant that is commonly used by Indians to paint designs on their hands. If you use regular henna you can use that to condition and color your hair or if you use cassia, which is a clear henna, you can use that just to condition your hair. For me I find that henna makes my hair stronger and it's still elastic so I don't have to worry about going into protein overload when I find that my hair is feeling a little weak. For me it also loosens my hair texture which allows me to stretch longer and it deposits a color that I like. I use Karishma henna, I just take it and mix it with water and put it on my hair. Before I apply the henna, I put amla and coconut oil on my hair and let that sit for at least 4 hours and at most overnight.
I still henna regularly. Every single month - without fail. Been henna'ing regularly for close to 18months now. Its a part of my permanent regimen. I use NUPUR henna exclusively!:yep: I absolutely love :love: the fact that is has additional ayurvedic herbs that are great for my hair. Its 100% pure henna, but its got some other great stuff like bhrami, shikakai, aloe.......
I just finished using some Yemen I'm roller setting

I just mixed it with warm water & raw honey. I really like henna but it's an all day project, so I'll only do it 3-4x a year lol
I still henna in fact I do it every other month and have been doing so for the past year. I just henna'd last weekend. I love it and honestly cannot do without. Its especially helpful for me during these winter months when my hair likes to shed like crazy. It helps to minimize that. Henna is what drove me to start doing Ayurveda and I'm in the 4 month challenge. Now that I'm ending 2 months and going into the third I already know that I will be keeping all things ayurvedic in my regimen. I absolutely love it.
Yes, I still henna...just did so this week. I've used it 2 years or so, about 1x per month or as needed.

I take the lack of threads as a good thing. I take it to mean that most people who want to know have it down and/or people are searching and finding the answers they seek.
I still do henna faithfully every 1-2 months. It only takes me 10 minutes to apply..
I just a did a hendigo with Reshma henna and indigo from Ruchita ayurveda (which was SUPERB indigo btw).
I just did my first Henna a week ago. I think I have to do 2 more applications at least to get the shade of red I want

I only needed 100 grams for my SL hair
I no longer henna because it produces a texture loosening effect on my hair.

If I were relaxed I would definitely love to henna frequently because I enjoyed the strengthening/thickening effects it had on my hair. Because my texture is already "loose" I did not want it any looser.
I still henna... hendigo actually... every three or four weeks or so...
Henna is great. I am so glad to have found a chemical-free alternative to covering my premature silver.
^^ You have to use indigo or khatam in addition to get browns to black. Henna used alone only desposits red-reddish brown. The red won't show up for a long time on hair that's already dark brown or black, except on grey hairs.
I do. Always will. :grin: I use henna and indigo to color my hair. No more man made chemical colors for me when I can get deep dark browns and blacks with a plant.
Can henna give you a dark brown, med brown or golden color? Do all henna's give you a reddish color?

All pure henna gives you a red color.

You must mix it with percentages of indigo to get shades of brown or do a 2-step process with henna, then Indigo, to achieve deep browns and black to blue black tones.

Golden colors can only be achieved if you use Cassia on hair that is already lightened.
I no longer henna because it produces a texture loosening effect on my hair.

If I were relaxed I would definitely love to henna frequently because I enjoyed the strengthening/thickening effects it had on my hair. Because my texture is already "loose" I did not want it any looser.

Yeah thats what im afraid of, and i didnt even do it yet:lachen:
I've notice mostly ppl with straight hair doing it, and if there hair is curly..they complain of some sort of loosening!:nono:
where do you ladies get indigo? i asked the guy in my local health foods store and he doesnt know what it is? i want to henna, but dont know where to get a good quality natural already mixed henna
where do you ladies get indigo? i asked the guy in my local health foods store and he doesnt know what it is? i want to henna, but dont know where to get a good quality natural already mixed henna

I get my indigo from AyurNatural Beauty. EXCELLENT SERVICE! :yep:
I get mine from this indian store in my area and its karishma henna so it already has a lot of ayurvedic herbs that are good for your hair in it. I've only done it two times, which probably explains my fascination with it, but I like it a lot. I've read that karishma henna releases the dye pretty quickly so I'm slowly building up how long I let it sit in my hair. i think I was afraid that I'd wash it out and have bright red hair or something lol. But the last time I left it in for about 45 minutes and depending on how it looks I think the next time I'm going to let it sit for about an hour and see what happens.
Yeah, I still use henna. I was shocked to find out that I ran out of it... I bought 5lbs of it for Christmas last year and now it's all gone! Gotta get some more. Now I am adding indigo as well in a second step. It does take forever and makes a huge mess.... but we all suffer for our art, right?

I will continue to use it forever to cover my greys :sekret: lol