Anybody on here almost 40


New Member
The other day I was thinking maybe I'm to old to be trying to grow my hair out. I will be 40 in June, it use to be a time when women would cut their hair in there mid 30's. Just wondering.
The other day I was thinking maybe I'm to old to be trying to grow my hair out. I will be 40 in June, it use to be a time when women would cut their hair in there mid 30's. Just wondering.
I'll be 46 this month...girl, you better grow that hurr....:grin: :rosebud:

Oh, and Welcome to LHCF!!!
I'm 36 and counting, but ladies age ranges run the gamut on the forum, so you're among like minds of all ages.
My aunt Rita has super thick 4b mbl hair & she is a beautiful 60..
Turn 40 in sept..

Happy Hair Growing!
Me, me, me & missy hush up with that type of talk. There is no such thing as being too old to grow out your hair.

I initially came to the board looking for help with managing my daughter's hair. I'm now transitioning & my goal is really to get back that thick & luscious hair that I used to have. If I gain the length in the process I will be loving it even more.
I'm closer to 40 than I am 30. I'm 35. Since I didn't make my goal of BSL for 35, I envision myself with nice waist length hair at 40 & I even envision myself with grandchildren playing in my hair like I did in my great-granny's hair. She had WL hair in her 90s - it was still black with only streaks of gray - no dye. I used to love to play in it & drool & wish my hair was like hers. Girl you're never too old for long hair.
I'm 43 and hoping to get to waist length before I get to 44. If you notice on TV women in their 40's and 50's are wearing longer hair, Rachael Ray, Oprah just to name a few.
Girl please! I'm 41 and I'm having a blast growing my hair out. I'm looking towards reaching my goal of APL...someday. :yep:
I am 38, and no one will ever be to old to be beautiful because beauty is priceless.:grin: Happy hair growing.

I cosign with you here! I'm also 38 and I think it took me to getting to this age in order to really not care what others think about and want to transition to natural. When I was younger, I wanted no part of having curly hair. So no ma'am you are not too old OP!:look:
I'm 38, and finally making the effort to grow it out. My SO is of the opinion that too many women reach "a certain age" and chop their hair short because they think that's what they're supposed to do. Needless to say, he's been very supportive of my HHJ, and that has helped me stay motivated.
I'm 42. My hair is currently APL and I'm shooting for MBL. I love that my hair is getting longer and healthier. I don't see myself cutting it anytime soon, if just for the luxuary of being able to pull it back into a ponytail. You are certainly not too old!!!
I am 45 and have no desire to conform to that frame of mind. I am on a journey to grow my hair until I am 50 and then settle on that length. Happy Growing!!!!!!!!!!
The other day I was thinking maybe I'm to old to be trying to grow my hair out. I will be 40 in June, it use to be a time when women would cut their hair in there mid 30's. Just wondering.

Oh no you didn't just say you were too old! My grandmother & all her sisters had WL and beyond hair until the day they passed on - all in their 90s. I'm 42, and I will have hip length hair by the time I'm 45.
Girl, grow that hair! :yep:

You're never too old to have long, healthy hair; it is beautiful, sexy and ultra-feminine. I'm almost WL and plan to keep my hair at this length....or longer...for the rest of my life. By the way, in 6 months, I'll be 50.
All it takes is the right attitude to grow your hair. There are plenty of 40 something, fifty somethings, and older on here doing just that.:yep: I don't think you're ever too old to grow beautiful healthy hair!
I just turned 40 and am on my way to wl

my mom is 65 - has been natural for all my life. She's had an angela davis in the 70s, a twa in the 80s and 90s, and now is working on her big bun

do you! as you can see lot of older women have long hair!
I'm 38 as well, I want to be a lil ole lady with one long thick braid all the way down my back. I don't care what society says I'm suppose to do, I won't cut unless I want to. My hair my rules:yep:
I'm worried that I'm too old for my hair to grow long!
What chu talkin bout, LadyRaider?:look:

I'm 42. My hair is currently APL and I'm shooting for MBL. I love that my hair is getting longer and healthier. I don't see myself cutting it anytime soon, if just for the luxuary of being able to pull it back into a ponytail. You are certainly not too old!!!
Me too...MBL is my goal!

Age ain't nothin but a number
Sho u right, girl!

This is a 5-star thread right here! :yep:
It sure is!!!
What chu talkin bout, LadyRaider?:look:

Just a little worried that my hair won't grow past shoulder length at 40! My mom cut her hair and then I never saw it grow back as long. Of course she was a LOT older than 40 at the time.

Just a little scared that there's going to be some reason all this effort won't work for me! I'm just getting to shoulder length now after years of damage making my hair shorter and shorter.

Just needing some reassurance that I can do this! Thanks for this thread!
Just a little worried that my hair won't grow past shoulder length at 40! My mom cut her hair and then I never saw it grow back as long. Of course she was a LOT older than 40 at the time.

Just a little scared that there's going to be some reason all this effort won't work for me! I'm just getting to shoulder length now after years of damage making my hair shorter and shorter.

Just needing some reassurance that I can do this! Thanks for this thread!
Don't be scared :love2: :bighug:
I will be 46 this month, and I cut my hair August 2007 and as you can see, my hair is growing. You will learn to take care of your hair, so that it can be in optimum condition so that it can grow. You can't go by what happened to your mom....take it day by day and find the right products for your hair, and your hair will grow...just look at all of us on LHCF!!!
:look:I feel 45 does this count..but by my birthday im 24
Ummmm....what does 45 feel like, young lady?:look: 45 is young...girl, let me tell you. Keep your head is soooooooo good and your hair will grow, grow, grow...with a little will see! :bighug: