Anybody NOT a Product Junkie?


New Member
I'm sitting here looking under my sink looking at my products and I don't have enough stuff!:lachen: I don't have nearly the amount of goods that some other ladies on this board have...I think have "Stash Envy"!:lachen:

(***adding in my head*** I only have one shampoo, one conditioner, one deep conditioner, castor oil, shea butter, two moisturizers, a half a bottle of Aphogee, and a bottle of Surge that ain't gettin' opened until the Second Coming...that's about it!)

Why? #1 - reason is beacuse I am a cheapskate and I cannot bear the thought of buying products that may not work. #2 - My hair is sooooo finnicky, so when I finally find a product that works, I stick with it forever! #3 - I don't get to try a lot of new stuff because my hair is not down with experimentation. I've never been able to be a real PJ! I feel like I'm missing out :( :rolleyes:

Any other NON-PJs out there?
I am a former PJ. I only have CON shampoo, Vitale neutralizing shampoo, a jar of Gentle Treatment relaxer, a jar of Vitale hair mayonaisse, 1 big bottle of cheapie condish for my daily cw, 1 bottle of Surge, olive oil hair lotion, coconut hair grease for sealing, 2 tubes of fermodyl 619. I must say my hair is doing marvelous with this simplified regimen. So think of it as knowing what works for your hair and you are giving it the best possibe care. This is what I keep telling myself as I tell myself to walk away from the beauty (hair crack) aisle at Walgreens.
I'm not anymore :look:.

I think I had my day with PJism when I first joined the boards. But now, I pretty much know what works for me and I"m more than satisfied with that. I have more than one shampoo and conditioner, but I use them depending on what my hair is going through (buildup - use V05 to clarify, need to detangle, use Sedal, etc.)

I think the number one thing that curbed my pjism is fear of having a setback! Since my hair is texturized, it tangles easily. One harsh shampoo could really do me in!
i once were but not no more al i have is

Motion shampoo/conditioner
motion hair dressing for daily use
nexxus straightenin spray
aphogee use every 6 weeks

i'm a reformed junkie....i think:look:
i was a total nut pj but i have now learned to just keep it simple baby!!!!
BUT theres always something to try:drunk:
My addiction has run its couse. It lasted over 18 months. I have not even posted in the September or October hits and misses because I did not really buy anything new. In the last four or five months, I have only replaced a couple of staples, bought a bottle of Ojon revitalizing mist and PM awapihi moisture mist and a bottle of White Rain tropical coconut here and there when I see it or a couple of bottles of something discontinued at Big Lots. (If I see anymore Back to Basics conditioner in Big Lots like earlier this year, I will buy them all, though.)
I think I do not buy alot of hair products anymore because I use alot of things from the kitchen like honey, yogurt, molasses, buttermilk, eggs, gelatin, fructose, bananas, avocados, coconut milk, coconut oil, olive oil that I mix in the conditioners I already have. I am actually down to a half gallon of SalonCare wild cherry and honey and almond, a couple bottles of olive glossing conditioner, an almost full bottle of Tresemme moisture rich and a couple bottles of Nature Gate. That is all I have left now. I have used up everything else. I make a rinse from nettle or rosemary tea and things like that.

It was fun, though, trying out different things and waiting with anticipation for them to come in the mail and going to the BSS. Since I stick to a budget, my budget was never busted, but now since I am not buying hair products, I can buy other things (smile).
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when i first started i bought a few things, although still sitting around, will probably just bin them.
Also i find it difficult to find stuff where i am, that probably helps.
I definately have more stuff than you, but have pretty much stuck with same things for a while now.

shampoo-3, the third is a neutralizing poo, once i finish one of the poo will be sticking with the other poo.
conditioner- 4 - 2 moisturising ( keracare humecto tub, AO honeysuckle), 1 light protein (ors replenishing), 1 protein tx (ors mayo)
1 leave in
1 oil moisturizer
1 setting lotion
1 styling creme.

oils 3-4 at a time - i use this for my skin,hair,cooking, so i always have quite a few. (olive, grapeseed, avocado,castor, sweet almond, sesame, palm, coconut)
I'd like to think I'm not a PJ and I'm really not but I guess I used to Now, I only really use my staples..the ones listed in my Siggy and that's it.
My hair doesn't like to many different products. So when I find one it likes I stick with it.

However, I have TONS of products that I no longer use..some of which I've even put in a large suitcase in one of my closets. Some I will send back with my mother when she comes to visit next week. We have relatives in the country who would love to have these products and some I will send to my husband relatives. I would say I used to be ridiculous after going through some of my stuff but my husband uses a lot of it that I don't use...the shampoos..He and our oldest son like NTM after using it and it makes their hair soft never have to buy any. I also give a lot out to friends who come visit. They say I am better than the store:nono::rolleyes:.
You mean to tell me not everyone is a PJ!!!:blush:

*Passes out*


As yall know, I am a product junkie but I am not as bad as I used to be. I still buy a good share of new stuff but hair is my thing so it doesn't bother me. After giving away a good share of stuff a while back, I felt like I was "naked" in product stash terms because I only had like 12 products under the sink.

I have gotten better at shopping so I get a lot for very little.

I hit up dollar stores, dollar generals, big lots and the clearance sections at Walgreens and Target. My latest big steal was a huge pump bottle of paul mitchell instant moisture conditioner for like 6 bucks. When I spend less and less on my favorite drugstore stuff, I have more money for my more expensive favorites. I also buy alot from Amazon since I can get in bulk.
That would be me! *raises hand* For my hair, I use one shampoo, one DC, one serum, one reconstructor, one protein treatment, alternate betweeen two leave-ins and two oils. Oh, I also have an almost-empty container of LeKair Cholesterol and two bottles of VO5 conditioner...that pretty much sums it up.

My products work on my hair consistently, so I'm good!:yep:
gymfreak your hair looks wonderful!!!!!!

I am not. I just cant spend all that money on stuff. I used to be a stuff person. Like bath and body was my weakness. I would have TONS of stuff forever! Anyway, I rather not do it. Actually I went to CVS the other day and I was looking at prices and I just couldnt bear to do it.
I think I'm transitioning from being a pj. It was on and popping for the past year...but new product purchases have basically stopped.

I'm more of a stocker/re-stocker now. I just like to have plenty stocked up of what I use on a regular basis; basically, I've found what works, no real need to keep getting buckwild anymore (unless what I use now stops working... :look: then it will be pj time again, on and popping...)
I guess I've found my staples, so there's really no need for PJism. However, I can't help thinking that if I tried more stuff I might find something I like even better:look:
But I have learned my lesson...the last new thing I tried was an ACV rinse :badidea: and I looked like :hair: after
I guess I've found my staples, so there's really no need for PJism. However, I can't help thinking that if I tried more stuff I might find something I like even better:look:
But I have learned my lesson...the last new thing I tried was an ACV rinse :badidea: and I looked like :hair: after

Really?? I tried them last year and it didn't work for me but I tried again this year and :love: I guess hair changes? They key for me is to use it heavily diluted.
I think I'm transitioning from being a pj. It was on and popping for the past year...but new product purchases have basically stopped.

I'm more of a stocker/re-stocker now. I just like to have plenty stocked up of what I use on a regular basis; basically, I've found what works, no real need to keep getting buckwild anymore (unless what I use now stops working... :look: then it will be pj time again, on and popping...)

Yeah, that is why I love amazon. I can just about all of my basis there in bulk.
I guess I've found my staples, so there's really no need for PJism. However, I can't help thinking that if I tried more stuff I might find something I like even better:look:
But I have learned my lesson...the last new thing I tried was an ACV rinse :badidea: and I looked like :hair: after

You make a valid point my Aries sister. Now, I am wondering...why did I post in this thread?...:nono: Gymfreak will bust me out now...

Hi ladies,

I am not a product junkie because I am on a major budget, so I keep all my products simple. I have 1 bottle/jar of all these items shampoo, conditioner and deep conditioner,EVOO, coconut oil, and my beloved s curl. I can see myself becoming a PJ really soon.....I am a hair toy junkie though....
You make a valid point my Aries sister. Now, I am wondering...why did I post in this thread?...:nono: Gymfreak will bust me out now...


:lachen: You know we're always looking for the next best thing! I need to just go sit myself down somewhere with my Pantene and be happy :lol:
Really?? I tried them last year and it didn't work for me but I tried again this year and :love: I guess hair changes? They key for me is to use it heavily diluted.

:scratchch....hmmm...maybe I should try it with more water...I though two quarts would be enough:lachen: Girl that stuff had my hair like a Brillo took several DCs to get it back "right"
:scratchch....hmmm...maybe I should try it with more water...I though two quarts would be enough:lachen: Girl that stuff had my hair like a Brillo took several DCs to get it back "right"

I keep an empty pitcher under my bath room sink. I add maybe 2 tablespoons of acv to it and hold it up at the shower head until it is full. Then I pour it all over my hair. I follow it up with two full pitchers of plain water. I don't have any problems this way
I was a PJ from may to september of this year. I found staples that I can rotate with keracare or substitute for it and I am so glad. I had to investigate the dominican products because I had been hearing about them since 2003 when I was natural, and my drugstore products worked just fine for me. I have even been able to resist the urge to stockpile (maybe because the stuff I have now takes up too much daggone room). When I visit home, I still will hit up the dollar generals/family dollars, dollar tree,etc. for bargains..... I usually have a lot of self control, and I am really glad that I reeled myself in. My mother also helps to keep me in check by teasing me saying I am hair obsessed. I realize that by my simple regimen: no direct heat, no color, it takes a lot less to maintain healthy hair vs. counteract damage from these things. Now I K.I.S.S.
Last edited: I've never been able to be a real PJ! I feel like I'm missing out :( :rolleyes:

Any other NON-PJs out there?


There's a very popular scent ingredient I'm allergic to, so that cuts way down on any PJ tendencies unless I want to itch nonstop. Don't know the chemical name, but it's in melon-smelling products.

Baby shampoo, cheapie conditioner for co-washing, deep conditioner, jojoba oil, alcohol-free styling gel, a jar of humectant pomade left over from an Aveda phase I went through a while back. I still love Aveda but I'm on a budget now, so that's it for me.
I don't think I am...
I don't have stashes
and I've learned that sticking to
what works for me is the safest way
to go about things and unless
I hear it from someone I really respect
that uses a specific product as a staple, I'm not buying it.
If it doesn't work for me... I just throw it away
I think I've gotten it out of my system (REJOICE) and am pretty happy with my current staple products. I feel like, if it ain't broke don't fix it, and feel like trying too many different things can potentially kill my hair and make it fall out.

Every now and then I am tempted, but when that happens I just step away from the computer lol and regroup :grin:
Well I am a former PJ (i got them all in one weekend's time, lol) and now, I only stick to a few!!!

I currently have on my side of the room:
Keracare Shampoo & Humecto Conditioner
Keracare pressing creme
Aphogee products (lots of them)
CON color treated shampoo&conditioner (i don't think it even works!)
Ellin Levar grape seed oil shampoo and conditioner (i love this stuff)*
Generic brand Biolage shampoo & conditioner (college student, lol!!)
Tea Tree Oil (use EVERY DAY)*
ORS Olive Oil replenshing pack (best DC i've evr used in LIFE)*
ORS Olive oil sheen*

The stars are the ones i use the most. some of my stuff i haven't even opened!!!! that's sad :sad:
I'm not one either. I like to stick to what works & try to only buy products when the ones I have run out. I'm a college student so being a pj is not a good idea. :nono:
i'm sooooo not a junkie

too scared to try commercial things

natural all the way, besides maybe keracare and co-washing conditioners