Anybody in a relationship that you need to leave?


Well-Known Member
Anybody in a relationship that you want to leave?

I guess this is a spinny. I was reading the thread about "how to get him to propose" and was just wondering what if he does not propose, then what??

I mean you still love him and honestly things are perfect between the two of you it's just that one thing - marriage. Just wondering if anyone is in a relationship that you feel you need to leave? What is your exit strategy?

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Do people know they need to leave and still stay? Phew that goes against my philosophy of self preservation. Most people I know who need to leave don't realize until after
i was. i wanted to break it off as soon as i realised that he was still "feeling me out" when to my mind deciding to be in a relationship meant he was already sure. i actually was fine dating other people. so i felt like he was wasting my time when we never even needed to be in a relationship in the first place. when we had that conversation early on, i asked at least two times whether he wanted to go back to dating other people. and he acted all indignant like "WHAT NO" :rolleyes: i gave him an out and i would have been fine to take it. still don't know why he insisted.

so we stayed in the relationship. after that happened, i knew we were just biding time til everything blew up anyway. so the entire time i wanted to break it off, but since he wasnt, i couldnt bring myself to do it either. finally he started being distant, and the fact that i still wasn't kicking him to the curb was really messing with me. i knew i was worth more and was mad at myself for not letting him know it. at the same time, its just not in me for some reason to tell somebody "i dont want you, youre not good enough. im leaving bye." it doesnt work to want to hurt somebody in the breakup and not want them to feel bad about themselves :lol:

so i took the cowards way out. boned somebody else :yep: it solved all my problems but dishonorably so... that way i proved that i wanted to end the relationship, because when he inevitably got up the balls to break up with me first, there would be no evidence that that ship had already sailed for me. this way i had proof that i didnt want to be with him either. plus, i really did want to hurt him. and he was messed up for awhile. i felt a little bad about that, but not enough that i wouldnt do it again. i wanted him to be hurt, and im glad he was.

yeaaaaaaaaaah, so... probably not a very good route to go, generally? :lol:
Do people know they need to leave and still stay? Phew that goes against my philosophy of self preservation. Most people I know who need to leave don't realize until after

Absolutely! people stay in bad relationships for a million reasons, for the kids, for fear of being alone, for finances, just fear etc.

I think 95% of a relationship can be good, really good., and that 5% can be a deal breaker. However people just stay because they don't want to go thru the break up, going back on the market etc.
and well, the obvious answer, on some level they do want to be together. we were great together, just not in a romantic relationship. we could have been friends forever if we had enough sense to stop sleeping together.