Anybody ever had a sticky, white film on their scalp? PLEASE HELP!

So when I wet my hair and massaged my scalp, I still had some film left over :nono: I used the prescription shampoo (rinsed for 10 minutes), then used BeeMine Daily Conditioner on ends of hair (rinsed for over 15 minutes), then I did a final rinse with ACV & rinsed with water until it felt clean. I then inspected my hair & had to rinse one section some more SMH My hair is so thick that it takes forever to get rinsed clean, but my scalp feels great and super clean now, so it is definitely worth it :yay: Thanks for the help ladies!

This sounds like great progress. May I also suggest that since your scalp is free and clear, that you try perhaps prepooing your hair with oil so that you can form a barrier between your conditioners and your scalp. Hope you have continued success.
Op I used to have that same problem. For me, when I first started transitioning I realized it was the shampoo causing the film making me have an allergic reaction and it was something terrible. I clarified with astringent *like with hazel, Sea Breeze* for an hour and never had problems again. It lifted all of the film right off my scalp With the exception of a Shikakai bar, I do not use any type of shampoo for anything whatsoever. If my hair needs to be cleaned, I will either use a Shikakai Bar, Witch hazel, ACV, or an astringent.
Thank you for trying to help me @FindingMe! I am a lost cause :lachen::lachen: But I will be researching natural products/conditioners all afternoon, so I'll definitely check out KC Come Clean. Any advice on moisturizing natural conditioners/products in general? I am new to this natural products game :yep: But I plan to do an ACV rinse in the next hour or so to hopefully help restore some order to my itchy scalp :yep: It is borderline ridiculous how sensitive I am to chemicals :look:

I am loving Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose right now for a conditioner/leave-in. It's pretty non-irritating/cloggin for me, but I still don't get it on my scalp.

Also, BE CAREFUL with the ACV rinses + sensitive scalp. Girl, I did one of those a couple of years ago and I don't think I had the right balance/dilution and it jacked my scalp up for a couple of weeks. Itchy, flaky, itchy..... It was a mess. It didn't get better until after a couple of clarifying shampoos. I have never done one again....:nono: