Sticky/waxy hair


New Member
Lately, my hair has been really odd. Feeling it, my hair is really sticky and odd feeling. At first it was just in one spot, but now it's spreading. More of my hair has this sticky sensation. At first I thought it was my leave-in and/or daily moisturizer, but after my last washing, I didn't put any products in my hair and my hair still feels sticky/waxy. Sometimes I even get these clumps of a waxy-like substances in my strands (sorry if that sounds gross.) My hair is also starting to develop a smell.:perplexed Has anyone ever had this problem? Will a few clarifying washes fix this? Or is this the start of some sort of scalp condition?
SweetTea What are you using to clarify your hair with?

What are your leave-ins and daily moisturizers?

Why do you feel it's the start of a scalp condition? Does your scalp have any flakes, film or some such build-up?

Maybe others will chime in when you answer these questions and bump this thread.

I clarify my hair either of two ways......With bentonite or rhassoul clay (I mix either with rosewater in a hand-held blender 'til it's the consistency of yogurt.) I apply it to my hair. Massage it my scalp and hair for about 2 - 3 minutes and then sit under the steamer for about 10 minutes. If you don't have a steamer, you can leave that step out.

OR I use a clarifying shampoo. Both of these methods do the trick in keeping my hair and scalp from having any build-ups.

I use the bentonite or rhassoul clays twice a month or the clarifying shampoo once a month.
