Anybody dealt with a crazy ex from your SO past ?!

Oh yeah. SO dated a girl January-May 2011 and she broke up with him after he bought her dinner. They barely spoke after that. Early August, SO and I started talking and he made a few statuses about being happy and finding someone new. She told him she was happy they both had moved on, but after she found out I was black (she's white, he's white/Filipino), she wanted him back. She wanted to meet up with him and talk about their future and basically professed her love for him again and apologized for hurting him and wanted to get back together. She even called me a "sista friend" :perplexed. She had 2 of her friends request me on facebook. She just crossed the line so many times I wanted to message her and take care of it myself, but my sorority sisters convinced me not to. "Don't stoop to a crazy's level." :lol: She even told him a few months ago that she found out she was pregnant right after they broke up but had a miscarriage. Like, why would you say that? :perplexed She's dating some other guy and got pregnant and now SO ignores her texts. :rolleyes:
I thought I was dealing with a crazy lying ex of my ex. She would stalk Facebook and twitter and call him non stop about everything i said on there. I'm over here thinking she's crazy but come to find out he was leading her on so I don't know if that counts as a crazy ex lol. But I thinking people deal with a crazy ex.maybe for like a month or 2 but 3 years? And your so hasn't checked her yet? Id be fishy. Just me
Since she is your SO's dirty laundry, he is solely responsible for addressing (and correcting) her behavior. The fact that he hasn't speaks volumes, IMO.
Yep. A few months ago back in July. She reared her ugly head. We nipped that chick in the bud with a quickness. I dealt with her first since she approached me. I told him what was going on and then he dealt with her...with me right there.