Anybody dealt with a crazy ex from your SO past ?!


Well-Known Member
Anyone deal with a crazy ex from your so past? Did you say anything to them? Did they ever go away?!!

My so ex gf is like obsessed with our relationship. We've been together three years next month and she's STILL upset he's not with her some ishhh. Every time I post anything about our relationship on twitter, she's got some smart comment to make about it right after, but won't be upfront about it. Just petty ishh! She tries to add me on fb.. Followed me on twitter.. Then 8itches about what I post.. So last night I said something along the lines of ' if you gonna talk ish then atleast be up front about it.. And tagged her in it. Then this girls gonna go off about some stupid ish like I'm so sick of her. She doesn't even bother my boyfriend that much she's like obsessed with me it's horrible!
You can block her in your privacy settings on FB so she can't search you or see any posts, pics etc.
No, I have not.

I haven't (and don't) deal w/any of my crazy exes, either.
This is one of the many reasons why I don't do social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). The past is in the past for a reason. Everyone should not have the ability to resurrect what has long since died, because they can "look you up" on-line.

So sorry that you're dealing with this op. Hoping that your s.o. can block the ex, so you guys don't have to deal w/the stress. Take care!
Oh I unfollowed her. Funny thing is she's still following me. Idc if she sees what I post I will just never understand why she cares. I was following her in the first place cause I didn't think there was a problem. May sound weird but she actually seems pretty chill minus the creepy obsession
Why did you tag her in your tweet? You're just provoking her. She block and ignore her. She's only there because you are paying attention to her.
Umm, you tagged her in a tweet? Not cute. :nono::nono:

It is real easy to keep her out of your life, especially since all of your contact is via social media. The question is do you want her out of your life. I would say by your actions, you do not.
MissMariee said:
Oh I unfollowed her. Funny thing is she's still following me. Idc if she sees what I post I will just never understand why she cares. I was following her in the first place cause I didn't think there was a problem. May sound weird but she actually seems pretty chill minus the creepy obsession

Girl, block her and call it a day! You should have been blocked her. Tagging her in a tweet was a waste of time. Sounds as if part of you likes the drama.
She will go away once you and your boyfriend cease all contact with her. Does your boyfriend still communicate with her also?
You can't say in one sentence that you are sick and tired of her, that she's obsessed and blah, blah, blah, and in the next sentence say that you've been tagging her on tweets.

I think you have a lot of growing up to do because you beefing with someone over twitter which is sooooo immature, and you have yet to block her which tells me that you welcome the drama, jealously, and attention.

If you really wanted her to go away, you would block her, make your tweets private and move on. You have full and complete control over this situation.

ETA: And to answer your question...No, I've never dealt with a crazy ex because I don't date men who are not completely removed from their past relationships. My bullish!t tolerance is extremely low.
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She will go away once you and your boyfriend cease all contact with her. Does your boyfriend still communicate with her also?

Good question...And key statement "Once your boyfriend ceases contact with her"...

Cuz under a lot of circumstances theyre not crazy.
Someone is provoking her. If its not you then you know who...I mean of course we have some folks that cut a dayum fool for no reason at all and jus cant let go. But if its goin on this long, could be the former.
Whatevers goin on, will come to the light, always does...
social media drama is immature to me. So I wouldnt b in that position in the 1st place. I suggest stop sharing your private life with the public & u wont have to deal with the scrutiny. U cant b mad if u r sharing info with people who shouldnt know anything about your relationship in the first place
This is all a bit immature to me. How old are you guys? If you're over 21 :nono:

Can you not just block her from seeing what you tweet? And make sure she's not on any of your other social media pages. That way, you'll never hear from her again. Problem solved.

IA with the person who says it seems part of you likes the drama.
No. He doesn't talk to her, he doesn't use any social networking sites.

And like I said, I could careless if she sees what I post. I don't post personal matters on twitter/fb I really don't care who sees what.

I tagged her in one tweet, stating if she wanted to say something to me, she could say it DIRECTLY. Really isn't contributing to the "drama" considering it really isn't drama. She's just annoying.
Nobody has payed this girl any mind for two years now. If its immature idc, somebody needed to say something. My boyfriend wouldn't be the one to do it, considering she's not even up his a$$, she's up mine, and I cannot understand why.
No. He doesn't talk to her, he doesn't use any social networking sites.

And like I said, I could careless if she sees what I post. I don't post personal matters on twitter/fb I really don't care who sees what.

I tagged her in one tweet, stating if she wanted to say something to me, she could say it DIRECTLY. Really isn't contributing to the "drama" considering it really isn't drama. She's just annoying.

You are contradicting yourself. First you said she has something to say after you post about your relationship. Now you say you don't post personal stuff. You have to let this girl go. You don't have to acknowledge her. Not even once.
So last night I said something along the lines of ' if you gonna talk ish then atleast be up front about it.. And tagged her in it. Then this girls gonna go off about some stupid ish like I'm so sick of her.

You both are being immature.

Be the bigger person and leave her alone and go about your life.
Keen said:
You are contradicting yourself. First you said she has something to say after you post about your relationship. Now you say you don't post personal stuff. You have to let this girl go. You don't have to acknowledge her. Not even once.

Gahh! Posting that I'm going out to dinner with boyfriend, or apple picking with our son isn't personal. Not to me anyways :/
LiftedUp said:
You both are being immature.

Be the bigger person and leave her alone and go about your life.

Oh I am. I'd just appreciate that if someone had an issue, they'd be direct about it. That's just my personality.
OP.. You are contradicting yourself in every other sentence. You title your post "Anyone Ever Dealt With A Crazy Ex from Your SO Past?" and call her obsessed, but then you say there isn't any drama, yet you tagging her on tweets.

You say you couldn't care less if she sees your tweets, but you start a whole thread about her reaction to your yes, PERSONAL tweets.

You are annoyed by her, however, you have clearly done nothing to block her from your account...

Do you notice a trend here?

Why did you start this thread seriously? Did you expect everyone to co sign on this silliness, or did you want some real grown woman advice?
Nobody has payed this girl any mind for two years now. If its immature idc, somebody needed to say something. My boyfriend wouldn't be the one to do it, considering she's not even up his a$$, she's up mine, and I cannot understand why.

It sounds like you might be threatened by her or jealous of her.

Also, no one can be up your rear regions, unless you let them in.
I did back when I first started dating my ex. I should've taken it as a hint. :lol: She would pop up wherever we were and would try to stir up crap. I'm a very calm person so she never got a rise out of me and eventually stopped. I think she thought they were going to get back together and then I stepped into the picture. He was more than likely leading her on.

My advice is to ignore her. If she doesn't go away eventually then you may have something more to worry about.
Obviously I'm being misunderstood.

I wasn't asking for advice.. Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with any crazies. I'm obviously the only one.

I have her blocked on Facebook, which lead to her cousins/friends trying to add me.

It's not that serious, in the sense that its a social networking site and I don't post anything I wouldn't want people to see. I'm content with my life and my relationship. If she wants to follow me on twitter then be my guest BUT there's no need to post petty things in response. If she doesn't like what I post then she knows where the unfollow button is. Which is exactly what I told her.

Sorry if saying one thing, after years of stalked is immature. But a person can only let so many side remarks go unnoticed.
gabulldawg said:
I did back when I first started dating my ex. I should've taken it as a hint. :lol: She would pop up wherever we were and would try to stir up crap. I'm a very calm person so she never got a rise out of me and eventually stopped. I think she thought they were going to get back together and then I stepped into the picture. He was more than likely leading her on.

My advice is to ignore her. If she doesn't go away eventually then you may have something more to worry about.

Thanks for making me feel like I'm not crazy here. Lol. I'm a very patient person as well, but there comes a point where you just get so frustrated! Stuff like that doesn't usually get to me, but she caught me at a time where I was already aggravated.
I'm really not worried about him & her, which is why it's been ignored for as long as it has.
But thank you(:
Yes been there before.

Block her.

Don't let that 8itch get to u.
When u block her.

All of a sudden. fake pages and random people add u.

Just keep ignoring the friend requests.
I did back when I first started dating my ex. I should've taken it as a hint. :lol: She would pop up wherever we were and would try to stir up crap. I'm a very calm person so she never got a rise out of me and eventually stopped. I think she thought they were going to get back together and then I stepped into the picture. He was more than likely leading her on.

My advice is to ignore her. If she doesn't go away eventually then you may have something more to worry about.

That's what's probably happening here. No shade OP, but no woman in her right mind is gonna still be upset about a relationship that has been over for 3 years unless she's been getting played with and led on. I'm not saying your SO is stepping out, but maybe she's getting signals that make her think she has a chance.

I won't comment on the Twitter part, cause that siht is for the birds.