Anybody afraid of using Aphogee?


Well-Known Member
I'm dying to use this product. But I'm so afraid of losing my hair after all the hard work involved in growing it out. My hair is thicker than it has been in a long time and I haven't noticed length like what I have now. I have fine hair and I want to strengthen my hair by using Aphogee since so many of you have gotten good results with it. I'm just afraid that I will make a mistake somehow and break off my hair while trying to rinse it out. I have so many bad scenarios in my head (the water being cut off at the moment I need to rinse it out, thus leaving the treatment in too long because I didn't rinse it out in time...). The last time I had a protein treatment that made my hair completely stiff, was at a salon. I don't go to salons except for special occasions (which isn't often enough) and I do my own trims. Has anybody else had a fear of this product?
If you do decide on doing the Aphogee follow the EXACT Instructions on the bottle, DON'T SKIP STEPS and you should have no problems. Follow up with a MOISTURIZING conditioner treatment this will make your hair ubber soft and touchable. If you're still afraid use Nexxus' Emergencee, this stuff is good too and it does not have that stinky smell. I does get a little hard too but not as much as Aphogee and you can do it with or without heat (but IMO it's better with heat).
YES! i'm very scared. i wanted to use it b4. i found it in London but i just got the 2min recon instead. i think the actual big boy thing is too powerful/ i cant think of when i would actually need it?
I was afraid until I did one. I was still scared to touch my hair a few days later. I am glad I did it. I went from losing a nice little ball of hair daily to a few strands.

I think that the people who have problems, 1- don't rinse well 2-use too much protein after the fact.

Because Aphogee is such a strong treatment, I have not done any mild protein treatments since I did mine. I have been focusing on moisture (Moo Poo). I might start doing mild ones at the 4 week mark but that would be just until I can do another Aphogee at 6 week.
karezone said:
I was afraid until I did one. I was still scared to touch my hair a few days later. I am glad I did it. I went from losing a nice little ball of hair daily to a few strands.

I think that the people who have problems, 1- don't rinse well 2-use too much protein after the fact.

Because Aphogee is such a strong treatment, I have not done any mild protein treatments since I did mine. I have been focusing on moisture (Moo Poo). I might start doing mild ones at the 4 week mark but that would be just until I can do another Aphogee at 6 week.

ITA Karezone! Especially with the bolded sections. I only do them every 7 weeks and the rest of the time I do moisturizing treatments, this stuff works ladies, give it a try.
Aphogee treatment is excellent!!
I am going to purchase the Essential Fatty Acids Oil Concentrate today.
I was reading and old thread on this site and it says it's good to add to conditioners and you can use it on the ends of your hair for moisture
The aphogee site says it can be incorporated into relaxers to achieve better results
Emergencee use in the same way is another option.

It is much easier to apply and does do that crazy nasty dripping.

I know it is much more expensive, but it is still an option for those that would like to try it.
scorpian said:
Aphogee treatment is excellent!!
I am going to purchase the Essential Fatty Acids Oil Concentrate today.
I was reading and old thread on this site and it says it's good to add to conditioners and you can use it on the ends of your hair for moisture
The aphogee site says it can be incorporated into relaxers to achieve better results

This is an EXCELLENT oil! Especially for the price it's worth it, it's 32oz bottle for $6. THis oil is great for everything from moisturizing, to hot oil treatments etc. I say go for it!
I have had some aphogee at home for a while, I think I only used it once like a year ago.
I do Deep conditioning washes every weekend. This will be the only weekend that I wont be doing one, but using the Mane n Tail Conditoner as a treatment. Should I opt out for the MNT Co and use the Aphogee as my treatment? And if so, does that mean that I shouldnt continue with a Deep Co next weekend?
trinidarkie1 said:
I have had some aphogee at home for a while, I think I only used it once like a year ago.
I do Deep conditioning washes every weekend. This will be the only weekend that I wont be doing one, but using the Mane n Tail Conditoner as a treatment. Should I opt out for the MNT Co and use the Aphogee as my treatment? And if so, does that mean that I shouldnt continue with a Deep Co next weekend?

Trini, If you do the APhogee treatment it's something you should do once in awhile when you notice severe breakage. If you do it this weekend then you should do a light protein or a moisturizing treatment the following weeks.
Get outta my head! :lachen:

I feel the exact same way. I've had a packet of the treatment for months, and haven't used it cuz I always imagine the worst that can happen...

Blackbird77 said:
I'm dying to use this product. But I'm so afraid of losing my hair after all the hard work involved in growing it out. My hair is thicker than it has been in a long time and I haven't noticed length like what I have now. I have fine hair and I want to strengthen my hair by using Aphogee since so many of you have gotten good results with it. I'm just afraid that I will make a mistake somehow and break off my hair while trying to rinse it out. I have so many bad scenarios in my head (the water being cut off at the moment I need to rinse it out, thus leaving the treatment in too long because I didn't rinse it out in time...). The last time I had a protein treatment that made my hair completely stiff, was at a salon. I don't go to salons except for special occasions (which isn't often enough) and I do my own trims. Has anybody else had a fear of this product?
Don't be scurred. :lol:

Yes, your hair will get hard. How to rinse? Just get under the water and let the water flow through until your hair starts to loosen and soften. Then gently go through and make sure all is rinsed out. Follow with the most moisturizing conditioner you have (I like to follow with Elasta DPR-11).

I haven't used Apoghee in a while since I wanted to try Emergencee but I think I will be going back. Haven't decided.
I agree with karezone, the problem people are having is that they either aren't rinsing well enough afterward, conditioning long enough, or they really didn't need that level of protein at the time to begin with due to the other protein sources in their regimen.

I was scared like this too because I had heard the horror stories about the BIG BAD APHOGEE treatment ooooooooo:lol: , but after you do one, you won't see what you were so scared of.:lol: It really is hyped up in my opinion. I mean, if you are brave enough to use a relaxer, with all those potenial hazards and risks . . . you are sooo good to go on this one. :yep: Its just a stinky conditioner that gives your hair more strength right before your eyes. It won't kill you. Your hair won't fall off. (You might pass out from the smell of rotting animal flesh though *and to think one of the ingredients is actually fragrance*:lachen: ) But its just a strong protein formulation, nothing more guys!

In fact, I actually look forward to how cool my hair feels when its turned into an invincible helmet like that... and then rinsing and watching it go away. Your hair won't snap off y'all:lol: Unless you run a comb through it after its dried in already. Its best to detangle your hair after your shampoo FIRST, apply the aphogee and then comb through for even distribution. Don't try to detangle your hair with the aphogee in there-- handle that all before the aphogee goes in. You can't leave it in too long. You can let it airdry in or blow it dry (aiming down of course). You will be just fine, trust me!;)
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I am. I use to use this product when I was a kid and my hair was pressed. But I've seen a few threads where ladies have had a bad situation occur after using it. I remember it making my hair real hard...
yeah my hair got hard like a brick. But after I rinsed for a good 30 min (overkill) and put on some conditioner, I was fine.

I can really tell a big difference in my hair. You just have to remember to curb protein use in your other conditioners.
I've used Aphogee a couple of times in the past with no problems.

Still, I'm a little scared of it. The smell along with how hard it gets make me nervous. I know this is crazy, but...I worry that something will happen while it's hardened on my hair. Like I'll accidently touch it or my hair will brush against something and pieces will break off.

To my knowledge that has never happened to anyone. I'm sure it's just my overactive imagination. But still, I think I'll go with Emergencee from now on. Also, I think the texture of Emergencee is easier to deal with...I can't stand stinky, sticky Aphogee dripping down my forehead.
I would not recommend Aphogee unless you have DAMAGED AND/OR SEVERLY BREAKING HAIR....Using it to "strengthen" without it actually breaking, I really am not to keen about, because you can do damage to your hair if it does not need it...

Aphogee DID stop my breaking and I instantly felt its new strength

Yes I have a horror story but it was my fault....I scrunched my hair with the treatment in, lol, so for all of you reading this who are scared, DONT SCRUNCH YOUR HAIR! The bottle says don't manipulate hair, but like a lazy behind, i didnt comb it throught, I scrunched it thru.
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I feel just the way SistaSlick feels. I believe it is all about the rinsing process. I wouldn't manipulate my hair in NO WAY while it is in there.
I totally agree, make sure you completely detangle your hair b4 applying the treatment (I like to apply in sections, combing each section through, going up so in the end all sections go up and my ends are pilled on top, for even distribution immediately after apply)
once it dries completely "DON'T COMB OR MANIPULATE YOUR HAIR UNTIL it's all rinsed out. You will definately be able to tell it was strengthened. I always just rinse w/warm water for about 2-3 min. and then I just pat touch my hair w/my hand to feel if it's all rinsed out if not then I rinse for another 2-3 min, follow up w/Nexxus Humectress and I'm good to go. Or you can just use Emergencee like Alli77 suggested.
[/quote Alli77]If you do decide on doing the Aphogee follow the EXACT Instructions on the bottle, DON'T SKIP STEPS and you should have no problems. Follow up with a MOISTURIZING conditioner treatment this will make your hair ubber soft and touchable. If you're still afraid use Nexxus' Emergencee, this stuff is good too and it does not have that stinky smell. I does get a little hard too but not as much as Aphogee and you can do it with or without heat (but IMO it's better with heat).[/quote]

I mix both the apohgee and emergancee' together and have no problems, before that I just used the apohgee.I must say it took some getting ude to. But none the less I liked it enough to keep using.
BaBy_PhAt said:

I mix both the apohgee and emergancee' together and have no problems, before that I just used the apohgee.I must say it took some getting ude to. But none the less I liked it enough to keep using.

Yeah this is a nice combo isn't it? It makes working with the Aphogee so much easier.
I was scared of it too but I had tried everything else to stop my hair from breaking and nothing worked so I gave it a try. My hair did a 360 in terms of breaking and strength. It will be apart of my regimine from now on. I wish I would have used it sooner.
When I had brreakage I only had to use Aphogee once. It stopped breakage right away. I think people shouldn't go crazy using it all the time.
Once every other month is good, rinse thouroughly and deep condition afterwards.
tishee said:

how much do you use of each when you mix the aphogee & emergencee?

I do half and half, in a bowl mix equal parts of aphogee and equal part emergence or at least until it has a nice globular gel consistency.
Alli77 said:
I do half and half, in a bowl mix equal parts of aphogee and equal part emergence or at least until it has a nice globular gel consistency.

Alli77 thanks SO much! Just to make sure that I have it right:
-I mix equal parts of both aphogee & emergence
-apply to hair(do I comb it through or just apply it to my hair?)
-sit under a dryer w/o a cap for as long as it takes for the hair to harden
-rinse hair & proceed to style
tishee said:
Alli77 thanks SO much! Just to make sure that I have it right:
-I mix equal parts of both aphogee & emergence
-apply to hair(do I comb it through or just apply it to my hair?)
-sit under a dryer w/o a cap for as long as it takes for the hair to harden
-rinse hair & proceed to style

Exactly and you can comb it through sopping wet hair. Sit under a dryer for about 20-30 minutes or until very hard (do not comb or aggitate hair!), rinse very well and if you still smell any hints of the aphogee shampoo your hair with your favorite shampoo you can even dilute it with water if you want; then I WOULD put on a moisturizing treatment (very light protein) for about 5-10 minutes without heat and then rinse and proceed to style.