Aphogee for damaged hair or Dudley's DRC

Hardcore protein

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I think Aphogee changed the formula so it doesn't work for me anymore, and the old aphogee dried me out too much anyway. I prefer the Dudley.

Nope they didn't change the formula at all. I have an old bottle (quite full too :grin:) and I compared it to the new packaging. It's PRECISELY the same...word for word in the ingredients, only the packaging and name had changed.
I like Dudley's DRC better than Aphogee, but I can't find the DRC anymore :-(

Aphogee really does not work for everyone and it smells GOSH AWEFUL to me:barf: and causes me to lose so much hair, I am so happy to have found the DRC 28 at the authorized dealer right here in the Bahamas.

What helps even more is that the owners here are friends of mine. I got my 16oz bottle for only $35.95 which is pretty reasonable to me. I sure hope you find it somewhere soon laCriolla. I do agree that it is a very scarce product and very expensive too.

Thank you gymfreak for this recommendation.
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I haven't used DRC in a while, but for my girls and I, getting a DRC treatment in our hair was like taking a backsliding sinner to a revival meeting. I had great results. My college roommate sang the praises of this so often, that I had no choice but to try it when I had my own hair emergency. I forgot about this product, but it may be time to try it again. I have protein (Barry Fletcher's Mean Protein) that I need to use. Bottles of protein stretch for so long.
i just did a dudley's DRC 28 treatment about a week ago and must say i like it even though it's hard to tell how much it's affected my hair since i'm only wet bunning for now.

in 3 weeks when i touch up my texlax, i hope to see the results better on my straight hair!
Nope they didn't change the formula at all. I have an old bottle (quite full too :grin:) and I compared it to the new packaging. It's PRECISELY the same...word for word in the ingredients, only the packaging and name had changed.
the order is different and there is something added.

Ya'll are AWFUL:wallbash:. Just bought DRC at the BSS:perplexed:look::rolleyes:. Under the dryer and let me tell you! I had a piece of hair that was heat damaged and within minutes of the DRC being on it (during application), the piece began curling and spiralling:grin::grin::grin::grin:. I will check back in when I get out from under the dryer.

For those who have tried DRC what does it look/smell like? Want to make sure it's not bootleg.
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Bumping this thread.......

BTW I have just run out of Aphogee 2 step and am seriously considering this stuff :scratchch

Just wanted to check if Naturals still need to use hard protein treatments like this every two months or if I can now skip the heavy duty protein treatments???

TIA ladies
Bumping this thread.......

BTW I have just run out of Aphogee 2 step and am seriously considering this stuff :scratchch

Just wanted to check if Naturals still need to use hard protein treatments like this every two months or if I can now skip the heavy duty protein treatments???

TIA ladies
I feel that as a natural, you may only need to use a mild to medium protein treatment every 2 weeks or so. If your hair is very fine, then you may wnat to do one every 7-10 days to keep the strands fortified. This is only just MHO.
^^^ Thanks Aggie - I indeed do have very fine hair which starts acting up every now and then hence why I was considering getting this to use every 2 months or so.....

I saw earlier in this thread that you got the Dudley's - what did you think of it overall compared to the aphogee 2 step?
^^^ Thanks Aggie - I indeed do have very fine hair which starts acting up every now and then hence why I was considering getting this to use every 2 months or so.....

I saw earlier in this thread that you got the Dudley's - what did you think of it overall compared to the aphogee 2 step?

Oh girl, in my opinion, they don't compare. Dudley's drc28 is superior to Aphogee 2 step bar none. It smells better, it didn't turn hard on my head and it didn't break my hair off like Aphogee.

I must admit, when you wash out the dudley's drc28, you will experience major major shrinkage, but I liked it because my hair felt super strong. To top it all off, no breakage. Silicon Mix got the moisture back for me. I see why you cannot use it less than 6-8 weeks. It really works.

I found that they both are sticky and watery. I had to put a terry turby around my head to prevent it from drippng down my neck and that is a small thing to deal with to achieve strong hair.

The drc28 is definitely my hardcore conditioner of choice. I don't think I will ever change this one. A bottle can last me a little about a year and a half because I'll only be using it once every 2 to 3 months as needed.

you know if you feel the need to try it, go right on ahead, but I'm telling you, please have some moisturizing DC nearby to balance it off. I left my Silicon Mix on my head overnight just to make sure and it was fine. I don't think I needed to, but I wasn't taking any chances.

I had also henna'ed my hair within the same week - about 2 days apart. I definitely could have skipped that because of the detangling I had to do as a result, wow!
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Oh girl, in my opinion, they don't compare. Dudley's drc28 is superior to Aphogee 2 step bar none. It smells better, it didn't turn hard on my head and it didn't break my hair off like Aphogee.

I must admit, when you wash out the dudley's drc28, you will experience major major shrinkage, but I liked it because my hair felt super strong. To top it all off, no breakage. Silicon Mix got the moisture back for me. I see why you cannot use it less than 6-8 weeks. It really works.

I found that they both are sticky and watery. I had to put a terry turby around my head to prevent it from drippng down my neck and that is a small thing to deal with to achieve strong hair.

The drc28 is definitely my hardcore conditioner of choice. I don't think I will ever change this one. A bottle can last me a little about a year and a half because I'll only be using it once every 2 to 3 months as needed.

you know if you feel the need to try it, go right on ahead, but I'm telling you, please have some moisturizing DC nearby to balance it off. I left my Silicon Mix on my head overnight just to make sure and it was fine. I don't think I needed to, but I wasn't taking any chances.

I had also henna'ed my hair within the same week - about 2 days apart. I definitely could have skipped that because of the detangling I had to do as a result, wow!

Thanks Aggie - as always you are a oracle of info :kiss:

I think I will get this or get one of the LHCF ladies to sell me a sample to try.

Btw I always DC with steam and super moisture DC for about an hour after the aphogee so will just do the same with this one.

Glad you liked it !!!
Thanks Aggie - as always you are a oracle of info :kiss:

I think I will get this or get one of the LHCF ladies to sell me a sample to try.

Btw I always DC with steam and super moisture DC for about an hour after the aphogee so will just do the same with this one.

Glad you liked it !!!

It was my pleasure to help:yep:.
It was my pleasure to help:yep:.

Aggie, you are always such a doll!:yep:

you may not even know how many people your helpful posts and well outlined Fotki have helped!

i thank you and so do the hairs on my head!:grin:
Aphogee leaves your stuff like SATIN!

FYI....you don't need the other step the product to work. All you need is the bottle of stuff that dries on your hair and plenty of great moisturizing condish.

I second this. My hair didn't like the Step 2 either, so I don't use it. I just use whatever moisturizing conditioner I normally use.
Dudley's is way better. It's hard to get ahold of that people have to use Aphoghee or something else.
DRC Hands down, and it leaves your hair feeling like soft and Soooo Strong :) I love it!

DC after please :)
I used the Aphogee 2 Step with the blancing moisturizer for the first time yesterday thanks to so some LHCF'ers. So far so good, before it was shedding and breaking ALL DAY. especially in the comb. (I overprocessed my hair). Now it's silky again. I hope it stays this way.

I think it's really important to use the second step of the 2 step process and that is the balancing moisturizer. (alot of people dont :/) and I followed up with a conditioner.

How often are you supposed to do the treatment? I've heard of people doing too much protein. Is that a real thing? Since i'm nursing my hair back to health I was looking to do it biweekly or something. Is that too much?
Aww, MD ppl! I love it. Anyway. I'm scared to use the 2 step so I'll just do the 2 min this weekend. I know, I'm a punk. Don't judge me!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Aww, MD ppl! I love it. Anyway. I'm scared to use the 2 step so I'll just do the 2 min this weekend. I know, I'm a punk. Don't judge me!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I heard some scary things about the 2 step so i don't blame you. I think i might try the dudley's though i keep looking at and somebody had mentioned before that it was good.
vtoodler I have used Silk Elements, Alter EGO Garlic Mixed with Proclaim Hydrating masque, I have used any hydrating deep conditioner in my stash :)