Anybody Admit to Wistfully Looking at Photos of Someone Else's Hair?

Alpha Female

New Member
BlackBarbie, your hair is absolutely gorgeous - don't cut a strand of hair off your head girl! I'm loving it!

Now speaking somewhat along this topic - anyone on this site every been even remotely 'jealous' or 'wistful' about anybody else's hair on the site (though I'm probably the only one who would admit it)! Jealous is not exactly the right word (too many negative connotations with that word) - on the contrary, it's really a compliment - giving props to the ladies where props are due. Hell, I'd kill to have hair like some of the ladies on LHCF! I look at their hair on the site, then go look at my hair in the mirror, then ask myself 'Now what the hell is wrong with this picture?!' :perplexed LOL.
Too funny, as soon as I read this thread title I thought of Blackbarbie....there are tons more but I just really saw her hair for the first time today so its still fresh.
I do. *raises hand*

I'm just impatient. The condition of my hair has improved drastically since I've joined LHCF, but I want my APL length hair NOW! Sometimes it seems like my hair grows soooooo slowly.

I also wistfully look at pics of people who are great at self-styling. I can wash n go, but my rollersets are hit and miss, so are my pincurls and braidouts. I see pics of other people's hair and want to drool, it looks so beautiful.

One day I'll be there. One day.
***slowly raises hand***
I'll admit to it Alpha Female. I do find my self sometimes looking at some of these fantastic heads of hair on this board and look at my own hair like "Why won't YOU do that???":lachen::lachen:But deep down I know comparisons are useless because everyone's hair is so different and the Hair Holy Grail is truly not the same for each individual. But doggone it, I'mma get my MBL hair come hell or high water! I just try to turn my touch of the green-eyed monster into motivation:yep:
There is so many pretty heads on here too many to name. I am always wistfully looking :yep:RIGHT WITH MY:gunner7:just jokeing:lachen::lachen:i love looking at all this hair telling my hair when it grows up it will be just like them:yep::yep::yep:IT give me HOPE:grin:
BlackBarbie, your hair is absolutely gorgeous - don't cut a strand of hair off your head girl! I'm loving it!

Now speaking somewhat along this topic - anyone on this site every been even remotely 'jealous' or 'wistful' about anybody else's hair on the site (though I'm probably the only one who would admit it)! Jealous is not exactly the right word (too many negative connotations with that word) - on the contrary, it's really a compliment - giving props to the ladies where props are due. Hell, I'd kill to have hair like some of the ladies on LHCF! I look at their hair on the site, then go look at my hair in the mirror, then ask myself 'Now what the hell is wrong with this picture?!' :perplexed LOL.

At first when I read the title, the thing that inspired me to open the thread was to get more clarification on your definition of "wistfully":grin:, then when I saw my name, I was like :eek: "What did I do???"

But to answer your question, YES!!! I look at some of the natural heads that are full of curls and I just think:love: "Why can't that be me? or "I would die for that hair"! And I look at people (relaxed or natural ) that have thick hair and I am still like :love::love:

This is funny, but I was thinking why my hair doesn't look like blackbarbie last night.:lachen:. not jealous.. just like girlfriend got it going on. There are some other beauties on here too, too many to name now.
When I first got here I copied a pic of one member's hair and named it "inspiration" I don't do that anymore because I ater realized I shouldn't copy pics for the person's privacy/respect (their face wasn't shown)..I don't even know her name or if she is on the board anymore.
but yeah..I'm a big hair oggler!!!
Oh yeah! i was just looking at LoveYa's hair like *sigh*...... Even though I'm no, sometimes I feel bald headed after looking at the gorgeous WL hair on here. I just can't wait until I'm there!
*raising hand* ME!

I feel like a real chump sometimes when I look at all the beautiful hair photos and then my own plainness. :ohwell: But, even if I haven't had a lot of growth, my hair is definitely HEALTHIER than when I started subscribing here!
I do, I do!! I have a few I can name off hand: Macherieamour, Sweetcashew, Dlewis, Loveya, Ms. Jadu, and there are a lots others, that I can't think of right now, but those are my faves (I hope I don't offend anyone). Everytime I look at their hair, I just sit there and blissfully wish that I too could be like them. I find myself stalking fotkis all the time and wondering what more I can do to get to their level. One day, day......
Man, there are sooo many lovely heads here and on other hair sites.
It's just crazy!:spinning: I'm lovin' every bit of it too! So much inspiration.:yep:
Yeah, I was just looking at Lonei's photos of her pincurls for her wedding and *sigh* I just love her hair. I have watched her for a while and I certainly look up to her as an inspiration.

I don't really find myself wanting anyone's hair or feeling jealous as much as looking at their hair and being truly inspired that one day I will get there in my own special way that my hair can. :) I have learned to accept my hair's limitations and to focus on what it can do and be with proper care. :) I am never going to have Macherieamour hair or Dsylla hair (super thick! :)), but their hair inspires me to do the best for my hair that I can! :)
There's too many to name! So many have beautiful hair or are working to get their beautiful hair. It's good to have that inspiration though. You look at some and they started out with really damaged hair and it looks great now. It's really the push you need to keep at it b/c it pays off in the end. We just must be patient. :grin: I love this site. It makes me proud to show the world that EVERYONE can grow long, healthy, and beautiful hair no matter what kind of hair you have.
Ain't no shame in my game.

I stay up in the following fotkis wishing that my hair would looked like theirs



I drool over too many to name!!! I used to think my hair was long!!! But its wonderful because it shows that we dont hate on each other when it comes to hair!! And we all can and will grow beautiful hair!!!!
I readily admit that I pine over several heads. Two that immediately come to mind are PrettyHaitan and Dsylla.

Its not so much envy as it is admiration and wistfulness:wink2:
My hair idols are Sylver2 (she's the reason I started the journey after I saw her short hair and now her long thick tresses......I was jealous at

Marcherieamour and everyone who added themselves to my friend list I'm loving all of you guys' hair. I wanna cut it off and take it for my own, but I'll chill because in another yr. I think I may be almost there.

:scratchch: Where to begin ISIS, Sweet Cashew, Macherieamour, Naturaline:)love: the fullness), All the Sylvers (serious about changing my name to Hot Silver/Sylver!-there's something in that name), :shocked:Naturallady (the growth in the length of time), Reniece, Blackbarbie (esp as a blonde!), Lonei, qtslim, Bre...ok you get the idea OMG DSylla (not quite sure what I'd do with all that hair but I'll take it first and figure the details later) I :heart: thick healthy hair so for me that'd be a good start there are soo many my bookmark folder is bursting:grin:

PS: Did I mention Mochamadness? Like/ want Whip's shiny hair...ooohhh shine my pretty, Sareca just for the shine and the fullness ok I'm done now:look: Actually just one I'm done for now:drunk:

*Tiptoeing to add* Miss Scarlett, Cichelle, STL...ok really i'm done:)
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yep, I drool over Isis's hair. :love: also, just about anybody else that has thick and/or nice wsl & beyond hair. lots of them have been mentioned in this thread already.

i don't get jealous, tho. it's just inspiration/motivation to stick to my reggie & nurture my own hair. i want my hair to be the best it can be, not the best someone else's can be.. if that makes sense.
Yea, i admit. :look:
I have yearned for the hair of another. LOL
It just seems like time is going so so slow. My hair is growing and is so much healthier BUT sometimes- i wish, i wish, I wish............................
Thanks to everyone who mentioned me:blush: its totally normal to stare listfully at someone hair. Before I joined, I PRINTED out a color version on Carmelhonee's hair and stared at it all the time. It just looked so silky and healthy and mine was dry and dull. I copped her whole regimen and tweaked to work for me. Sounds crazy but after that, my hair became sooo much healthier:)
Yea, i admit. :look:
I have yearned for the hair of another. LOL
It just seems like time is going so so slow. My hair is growing and is so much healthier BUT sometimes- i wish, i wish, I wish............................

Everything she said.......:ohwell:

*kicks rocks out of the thread...*
No...actually when i look at all the beautiful heads on here i say to myself..."I'm gonna look even more beautiful than i do now, when MY hair grows to that length"...or i say "Wow...I can't wait for 2010 for MY hair to get to Tailbone" :grin::grin::grin:.
I look at all of the beautiful heads as inspiration especially since i have been seeing progress with my own growing efforts. I just know that it will take time. That is the part that I have trouble with...waiting.
But I know that when 2009 is done and I am turning 33yrs old in December...I will also be flopping around waistlength hair.
I know there maybe a lot of folks here that look at 33 as old...but trust me wait until u get there...u WONT think it is old...
This maybe off topic a tad, but i heard Naomi Cambell is there is hope for all of us to still look young, beautiful and whip around REAL waistlength hair while we are still
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Pshh... yeah!
Kini, Mochamadness, Redhotlala, Sylver.

I don't admit too much to it because I don't want to seem like a stalker.
:sekret: Even though I am 1.:sekret:
Thanks to everyone who mentioned me:blush: its totally normal to stare listfully at someone hair. Before I joined, I PRINTED out a color version on Carmelhonee's hair and stared at it all the time. It just looked so silky and healthy and mine was dry and dull. I copped her whole regimen and tweaked to work for me. Sounds crazy but after that, my hair became sooo much healthier:)

and how could I forget macherieamour!
yep, I drool over THICKness and/or Curls. It doesn't matter the lenght, so I could be stalking your (short hair) fotki too:grin: