Any weekly washers do CWs?


Well-Known Member
I want to know do any weekly washers, opt to CW instead of using poo? I always want to skip the poo and just CW, but my mind tells me that I can't join the CW club because it's only for those who wash daily or every other day at least...

I guess the question is....After a week of using products, is CWing enough or is it time to use poo?
Some ladies co-wash twice a week and still poo once a week. Others co-wash once a week and poo once a week. Some here even want to stop pooing completely I think. Just see what feels good with your hair I guess.
I co-wash 2x weekly and my hair loves all the extra moisture. Last weekend I went back to poo, to get some product out of my hair. My hair reacted like "Oh no you didn't!" It matted up and was extra hard to detangle... followed by lots of breakage. I don't think I can go back to poo anymore. :look: I am going to try ACV rinses to remove build up. :cool:

That's just my experience. May not be the same for your hair. HHG
I CO wash my hair weekly (sometimes, twice a week) and my hair loves it! :love: I use shampoo whenever the mood hits me.
I prefer to CW during the warmer months, when I wash my hair more often and wear more shake 'n go styles. Now that it's cold, I only shampoo every five or six days. When I CW, I would either do an ACV rinse or use shampoo once a week. I don't follow a set routine, I just do whatever I feel I need to at the time. Also, I'm careful about what shampoos I use, along with mixing some oil into my conditioner for extra slip.
Mestiza said:
I CO wash my hair weekly (sometimes, twice a week) and my hair loves it! :love: I use shampoo whenever the mood hits me.

Same here. I usually use poo once a month.