Any regimine/product changes you ladies are thinking about for 2007?


Well-Known Member
For me as of 2007 I will be stretching my relaxer for 10-12 weeks.
washing and deep conditioning every week or two.
I have not been that good with keeping my hair moisturized and sealed so I plan to do that everyday.
And the products I want to try are by Ojon.
I have read good things about this line in magazines mostly Essence. It is expensive but I want to try it anyway.
I don't plan on doing it anymore:lachen: :lachen: I am getting tired of rollersetting twice a week. It was fine when I was still learning but now I pretty much got it down and I am getting tired of doing it. I think I am going to decrease my washing to once a week and I think I am going to get it set somewere else. I might wash it and then come to the shop with conditioner on my head or I might just say forget it and just have them do it. No one will bring sissors to my hair of course.

Okay I have had some time to think about my sudden wave of laziness hence the post above. I will keep doing it myself because I know no one is going to care for it like I do but I am going to try to decrease my washings to once a week and twice when really needed.
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I love rollersets but my hair is not long. It hangs to the middle of my neck when dry and I have layers at the top. Is it possible to have a pretty rollerset if your hair is not long?
I'm thinking about switching to natural hair products...or atleast trying a few of them, like Giovanni Direct and some Oyin products....
I plan to dry my hair under a hooded drier every two weeks instead of airdying which tends to dry my hair out and cause it to frizz and split. I'm also going to wear different updo styles, as i've found the bun is breaking out my nape area. I will no longer do long stretches, i will only go 10-12 weeks. I will be re-introducing topical sulfur oil mix to assist myu growth. i will be increasing vitamins intake, vitamin E, protein shakes, omega 3 supplements for health. I will only be using less conditioners, only motions silk protein, motions moisture plus, ORS Hir mayo/replenishing paks.
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I think I may cut down my washings to twice a week and depending on if I get a hooded dryer, try some rollersets a few times out of the month.
i dont have too many changes i have to make..i do want to start maybe doing a pre-conditioner before i shampoo to see how it does on my hair..and also just to stick more to the regimen i have...

washing once or twice a week
pre-condition with SE mayo the 1st wash then do a regular wash and condition the 2nd time...
keep deep conditioning with ORS replenshing/SE mayo
stick with using products that work for my hair..
blow dry to straighten hair out every two weeks(twice a month) just to see my growth and progress
keep taken my pills consistently....
keep wearing my wigs and hair scarfs(protective styles my mom hates them she wants to be able to see my natural hair but i love them they are the best ..)
Yes I am changing up on products--I plan on rotating between a few Dominican Products, Salerm Protein Shampoo, Salerm Protein Conditioner, Salerm Wheat Germ Mask, and Salerm 21 as well as then JOICO line---not the JOICO KPAK line but the Daily Care and Moisture Recovery lines. I will also be goiong back to some of my favorite TIGI Bed Head products that were great to me when I first found out about them on LHCF back in 2004---EGO BOOST/Split End Mender, SHINE JUNKIE, HEALTH GODDESS and DUMB BLONDE Reconstructor.

I definitely will go back to rollersetting once a week around February / March time frame. Until then it will be the boring bun. Also back to deep conditioning once a week---I slacked up this past Spring/ Summer
Re: Any regimen/product changes you ladies are thinking about for 2007?

1) I am going to stick with my twice yearly retouches, June and December.
2) I will not be trying any new products until I have run out of everything in my cupboard. I will just replenishing my wgo, almond and jojoba oil supply. I have an unhealthy amount of everything!
3) Keep my hair braided most of the year like this year
4) When my hair is out of braids I will try a color rinse, I bought some last month and have yet to try it.
5) Continue deep conditioning and co-washing once weekly.
Re: Any regimen/product changes you ladies are thinking about for 2007?

I'm pretty satisfied with my current regime & products
I can't think of any "changes"
if anything, I would increase the frequency of deep conditioning...
that's about it :)
Re: Any regimen/product changes you ladies are thinking about for 2007?

I'm pretty satisfied with my current regime & products
I can't think of any "changes"
if anything, I would increase the frequency of deep conditioning...
that's about it :)
Re: Any regimen/product changes you ladies are thinking about for 2007?

I'm pretty satisfied with my current regimen & products
I can't think of any "changes"
if anything, I would increase the frequency of deep conditioning...
that's about it :)
I want to try and simplify my product line-up. I think I switch products too much. The only new products I want to try are Cathy Howse's conditioner and moisturizer and Kera Care Moisturizing Shampoo (I hear its just as moisturizing as CON without the build-up, which is not my friend). I read the ingredients of Cathy Howse's conditioner and I like what's in it. So here's what I plan to do (don't dig up this thread on me either guys :Blush2: )

1. Wash no more than once a week with with CON or KeraCare (I will wash more if it is needed, but otherwise, once a week).
2.Deep Condition every 1-2 weeks with LeKair Cholesterol (the good old pink one.) Possibly with Cathy Howse's conditioner, if i like it. Use oils with my conditioner.
3. Clarify once a month with Abba Molasses Purifier :love:
4. Do a protein treatment once a month (I am still trying to find a good protien that won't make my hair too hard and dry. I tried K-Pak. We'll see how that works out. Maybe I should just use an egg :) ) Follow with moisturizing deep condition.
5. moisture, Moisture, MOISTURE!!!!!!!!!
6. Conditioner Rinse about 3 times a week (more or less, depending) with Suave Humectant, Mane-n-Tail, or Cathy Howse's conditioner.
7. Try to BE CONSISTENT, not to manipulate it too much, not to use too much heat, be gentle with my hair and not deal with it when I am frustrated, to take my vitamins, eat right, exercise, and make sure my hair knows I love it on a daily basis (I hears you, you know :look: )

Okay. This is what I will try to do for 2007 :grin:
I plan on stop using a flat iron for my hair it just doesn't like it no matter how much heat protectant or oil I use my hair rejects. Also I giving away all of my serums and heat protectant sprays because they don't work for my hair with the expection of NTM serum.

I plan on continuing doing a protein treatment every 6 weeks

Oh no more braids or weaves until sometime next year
Changing from red label CON to Porosity Control poo to see if it reacts better to my hair.
Moisturize and seal up to twice a day during winter.
Gonna see if heat drying is beneficial to my hair instead of airdrying.
Instead of CW ill be DCing once a wk

Lets see how these go
I will be stretching my relaxer to 10-12 weeks!
I will be using mostly water and oil to moisturize my hair!
I will find a new deep conditioner that doesn't cause so much buildup!
I've been a long time lurker on LHCF and I've been experimenting with many products. I think I've found most of my staple products, however I'd like to try Aveda Brilliant Emollient hair serum, and Nexxus Aloe Rid Clarifying Shampoo.
I want to do only protective styling, moisturized my ends twice daily, and wash 2X a week. I also want to learn to apply my own relaxers, achieve texlaxed hair, and limit relaxing to 3-4 times a year. :)
den1 said:
I plan to dry my hair under a hooded drier every two weeks instead of airdying which tends to dry my hair out and cause it to frizz and split. I'm also going to wear different updo styles, as i've found the bun is breaking out my nape area. I will no longer do long stretches, i will only go 10-12 weeks. I will be re-introducing topical sulfur oil mix to assist myu growth. i will be increasing vitamins intake, vitamin E, protein shakes, omega 3 supplements for health. I will only be using less conditioners, only motions silk protein, motions moisture plus, ORS Hir mayo/replenishing paks.

I've got some of the same ones. Esp. no buns, no more long stretches. I'm going to wash n' go and leave it alone. That's my motto for next year.
I've been a long time lurker on LHCF and I've been experimenting with many products. I think I've found most of my staple products, however I'd like to try Aveda Brilliant Emollient hair serum, and Nexxus Aloe Rid Clarifying Shampoo.
I want to do only protective styling, moisturized my ends twice daily, and wash 2X a week. I also want to learn to apply my own relaxers, achieve texlaxed hair, and limit relaxing to 3-4 times a year. :)
I've been a long time lurker on LHCF and I've been experimenting with many products. I think I've found most of my staple products, however I'd like to try Aveda Brilliant Emollient hair serum, and Nexxus Aloe Rid Clarifying Shampoo.
I want to do only protective styling, moisturized my ends twice daily, and wash 2X a week. I also want to learn to apply my own relaxers, achieve texlaxed hair, and limit relaxing to 3-4 times a year. :)
2007 is going to be all about a healthy diet and more moisture. ive been slacking in both areas. i did want to try NTM serum.
I'm going to go back to washing and dc my hair once a week (the less manipulation route) try that for a year and see what happens.
Definitely try the Ojon hair product! It is absolutely amazing at moisturizing the hair. If you can get over smelling like a poetry beatnik bar, it is soooo worth the $55.
Re: Any regimen/product changes you ladies are thinking about for 2007?

I need a better deep conditioner this year. I might try Kenra or Elucence.
1)I'm trying to make the full switch to all natural products and if the Giovanni products seem as good as they do I most likely will
2)Simplify the supplement thing, cut it down to only MSM and a multi
3) Wash every 2 weeks. I used to do it all the time and I think I will be back on it
I plan on starting a henna regimine. I've already done a strand test and it turned out well, so I'll probably do my first henna treatment around the first of the year. I can't wait!
I am going back to caring for my natural hair like I did when I was relaxed.

I am going to stop wearing braids my hair has suffered some serious breakage, shedding, and hairline damage. Due to my braids, I can finally see the light despite being a thick head natural my individual strands are very fine. I am going to have to reconstruct with protein more than I thought to keep my strands.

My Regimen: Once a week to every 2-weeks wash (with Garnier Curl and Shine) then use a Reconstructor (Affirm 5-in-1, or Motions) every week folowed by a DC Treatment. I will cornrow my hair going back with the Conditioner in (Garnier Length and Strength) the sit under hooded dryer. Rinse conditioner out leaving a little conditioner in apply leave-in (Garneir length and stregth leave in or Stay-soft-Fro) then style in twists using grease to seal all the moisture in and keep the dry, cold weather out.
I was on a no-braids/no-weave challenge in 2006 and I am glad I did that. I used to think I could never wear my own hair out, but now I know I can do it.

But, now, my hair needs a break. I am going to do more braids this year.

I have an appointment in the 16th. I am excited.