Any Ladies Only Taking a Multivitamin?


Well-Known Member
How many ladies here are only taking a daily multivitamin?
How is your hair growth and health?
If wonderful, what's your secret?

I am only taking a multivitamin. I am a bit weary about taking more than the recommended daily supplement for health reasons. What are your reasons, if any?
I take a multivitamin, and just 600mcg of Biotin. I've been taking them since February. I noticed that I have increased energy, less menstrual cramps :) I take a multivitamin because I don't always eat right, but I have been improving in this area.

I don't know if I have increased growth, but I noticed that my new-growth feels stronger, nails are growing too.
I only take a multi-vitamin. Well, I do take MSM, though.

I am not sure how if effects my hair growth and skin, but I stopped taking my vitamin and about 3 weeks later I got a bad cold. I NEVER get sick!

I am not sure if that is related or not, but I started back taking my vitamin again just in case.

I am not into taking lots of supplements anyway.
Thanks ladies because i am just wondering how people who are only doing a daily vitamin progress as opposed to those who take other supplements.
I'm a multivitamin only girl myself. I'm scared to take other supplements though I was contemplating taking a Hair, Skin and Nail vitamin. But I'm happy with my current results so I may hold off.
I only take a multivitamin because I've had nothing but negative effects with hair supplements, biotin broke me out terribly and MSM gave me headaches everyday.
currygyal said:
How many ladies here are only taking a daily multivitamin?
How is your hair growth and health?
If wonderful, what's your secret?

I am only taking a multivitamin. I am a bit weary about taking more than the recommended daily supplement for health reasons. What are your reasons, if any?

I only take multivitamins sometimes, i will re-begin during the fall, I've tried MSM only 2 months,and I tried Miconazole nitrate too (daktarin), it doesn't work for me, so I've stopped it.
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