Any 2007 Hair Resolutions


Well-Known Member
I have to do some resolutions. In the last 6 weeks I have been lazy and visited the hair salon 4 times. The result----BREAKAGE and broken ends! So now I have to spend January to June rehabilitating.

I;ve made myself some hair resolutions

1. No visits to the salon but for a touch up (maybe I'll learn to do my own).
2. Only 2 touch ups from now until June 30
3. Protein conditioners every 6 weeks
4. Continue to airdry the hair only.

So, let's see if I will reach my goal of armpit by June 2007.
I have neglected my hair for about 3 years. It has grown out alot but I am constantly trimming from all this neglect!!

My Resolutions:
Wash my hair at home at least 1x a week
Find products and a regime that work for me
Keep salon visits down to 1x bi monthly or special occasions only.
Use the head dryer which is collecting dust in my closet for roller sets.

Pray for me-lol
My resolutions:

I will continue to deep condition weekly!

I will continue to use direct heat only every 3-4 mos.

I will NOT blowdry!

I will stick to my regimen and products (okay so maybe I am lying about the products)

I will moisturize my situation daily.

I will continue to baggie to retain my ends.

I will NOT clip unless neccessary.
Well i am undoing YEARS of neglect,and i have been doing pretty well.
I will-
Not blow dry
Only use direct heat on special occasions/ or briefly in the back to measure length
Dust only
deep condition weekly
Baggie until my birthday( Feb 13)
for summer of '07 i plan on wearing more twist styles. not the tiny ones which i LOVED but had an awful time taking down (tangle-city) on wash days but the medium sized ones.

humidity is gonna be a humdinger for my hair this year so gonna rock dem twists all sorts of ways as much as i can until the fall.

No heat (execpt special occasions no more than 5 times MAX)

No braids or weaves

Puffs only in emergancy cases

no new products stick with what you know works

learn how to two strand twist my self
No trims unless neccessary
Rollersetting on the regular
DC with every rollerset
Protective Styling
Babying my ends
Armpit by August!! Please...oh please...
Enjoying my hair no matter what! :)
And I ditto what Navsegda says: No breaking from the regimen no matter what!!!
My hair resolution is to:

no relaxers and to fully transition
to keep up with my regimen and find a great regimen for my hair
wear protective styles(wigs or braids)
not to buy new products and to use what i have
to continue daily moisturizing
not to apply too much heat to my hair or do too much blowdrying
stick to taking my vitamins/eat healthy and exercise
Grow 5 inches to reach arm pit length
Bun 5 days each week (Mon-Fri)
Stretch relaxer 12 weeks (I've made it to 9 so far)
Be consistant taking vitamins
My 2007 Hair Resolutions are to :

1) Deep Condition 2 times per week
2) Stretch Relaxer atleast 4-5 months
3)NO direct heat AT all on my hair for the entire year
4)Reach My goal of APL
First I am going to really reduce the time, energy and money I put into my hair. Reduce routine to bunning for a year (except special occasions), wet almost daily (keep ends moist and protected). Wash at least 2x a week. It’s not necessary FOR ME to keep up the madness. As long as I eat semi-decent and take my vitamins my hair grows. I just need to focus on maintaining the length which means low heat, low manipulation and keep my ends moisturized. It’s that simple. Next I am going to challenge myself to tell women about the forum. If I see them looking at my hair. I am going to ask if they ever visit the hair care sites that are online, for example:,,,,, I see alot of people who are shocked at my length. Because my hair has always been short. I refuse to be a hair snob I am going to preach healthy hair to the masses.
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Dedicate myself to crown and glory method atleast for 4 months (2 months in braids, 2 months out)

Don't try anything new and mess up my regimen again (last time I tried this I had breakage for two months)

Always to remember to use heat protectant on my roots (I now have a permanently straight part in the front of my head that will make me have to transition for an extra year)

Grow my hair to midback by May
I plan to:

*Not Blowdry (I havent since August '06)
*Try not to flat iron
*Keep Trouble Area (nape) cornrowed
*Drink more water and be consistent with vitamins
*Deep condition with every wash
*Eat Healthier (cuz healthy hair starts with a healthy body)
Here are mine:

1) Update my regimen and stick to it
2) Stay diligent with my transition all year - no matter how tough it gets as more newgrowth comes in
3) Get back on the fast hairgrowing track so that I can get to 100% natural in less time than expected
4) Experiment with transitional styles and document everything in my Fotki so others may benefit

Over the past year or so since reaching my length goals, I have gotten REALLY lazy. I haven't stuck to a regimen and have really not had any goals. Going natural will be a major challenge for me, as I know nothing about caring for natural hair. I'm happy about going into the New Year with new hair goals again :)

my 2007 hair resolutions:

-ROLLERSET (I have been saying that for how long now, but now that I'm about to experience real winter and can't afford setbacks on my way to waistlength, i'm going to finally get on it!)

-MOISTURIZE DAILY (started doing that again. Getting compliments on the shiny hair. Always a good thing)

-DEEP CONDITION WEEKLY (have slacked off a bit, but will get back on it too)

-WILL DUST MY ENDS EVERY 2 MONTHS (stopped doing that. Therefore when I see the stylist, she trims for me, and you know how they are. Dusting makes me not have to get a real trim for a good while. Maybe I will trim every 6 months)

-TAKE MY VITAMINS (for my overall health. I eat healthy, but still am missing vitamins and I'm so lazy. They're right there, I just don't take them)
My resolutions for 2007:

1. Continue transitioning without the use of heat.
2. Crown & Glory method (depending on how my hair reacts).
3. Regular deep conditioning treatments (1-2/week when not braided).
4. Henna every other week.
5. Co-washes twice per week.
6. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
7. Continue vitamins/supplements.
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My resolutions are:

*I will deep condition weekly
*I will relax every 3 mos.
*I have not & will not use a blowdryer
*I will continue to care of my own hair & use money for spa treatments
*I will protect my hair every night, even if it's just tucking my hair under w/pins
*I will moisturize my hair daily
*I will continue to baggie to retain my ends
*I will NOT clip unless neccessary (this was really hard for me)
*I will stick to the regimen & products that work for me
*I will start to wear my hair out more often (1st 3 wks after relaxer)
*Keep taking my vitamins consistantly
*Get rid of all straight heat damaged ends
*Go to the salon less (and figure out what to do with my natural hair in the meantime)
*make sure a heat protectant is on my head every time heat touches it
*reach APL!