Another Woman As His Screensaver?


Well-Known Member
Just curious how other people feel about this. Under what circumstances would it be okay for your SO to have another woman's photo as a screensaver on his phone? Does it matter who it is- a celebrity crush, family member, his childs mother, his best female friend?
My MIL passed suddenly this year and my husband had a picture of his mom as his screensaver for a little while. He's since changed it, but that's the only "other woman" I'd be ok with under the circumstances. If his mom were still alive and he had her as his screensaver it would seem a bit much to me. I think a celebrity crush over a certain age would be odd too.
My MIL passed suddenly this year and my husband had a picture of his mom as his screensaver for a little while. He's since changed it, but that's the only "other woman" I'd be ok with under the circumstances. If his mom were still alive and he had her as his screensaver it would seem a bit much to me. I think a celebrity crush over a certain age would be odd too.

I was just going to post this. I usually wouldn't care about a celebrity crush but after a certain age it is immature as hell :lol:. Any guy who has tried to talk to me who has a half naked woman/celeb crush as his screensaver or phone/computer wallpaper turned out to be basic, broke, or both.
I was just going to post this. I usually wouldn't care about a celebrity crush but after a certain age it is immature as hell :lol:. Any guy who has tried to talk to me who has a half naked woman/celeb crush as his screensaver or phone/computer wallpaper turned out to be basic, broke, or both.


Or has several photos of the celebrity women on their Facebook page. They usually stay talking about finding a woman who looks like that...when they look like a struck match.
Y'all are okay with your man having a celebrity crush as their screensaver? That's weird and childish to me. You're a grown man with a real life woman. :confused:

My FH has only ever had as his screensaver: me, himself (his old 6-pack), our dog, his late grandfather, his artwork, random pop art. He likes looking at beautiful women just as much as the next man, and has celeb crushes, but he's never saved any to his phone. I didn't mandate this; I guess he knows better. Lol
Hmm I haven't encountered any of this with SOs so it would be weird now.

I would say beyond a certain age, plastering pictures of celebrities on walls or phones/laptops is kind of immature. I remember a married white woman of 35 at work completely covered her whole desk space with pictures of Eminem and I found it so odd LOL:look:.

I just don't think I have time for a relationship with a man who has his head in the pussy clouds all day and has to look at "crushes" constantly. I am a lil judgmental about where people intentionally place their energy.
Hmm I haven't encountered any of this with SOs so it would be weird now.

I would say beyond a certain age, plastering pictures of celebrities on walls or phones/laptops is kind of immature. I remember a married white woman of 35 at work completely covered her whole desk space with pictures of Eminem and I found it so odd LOL:look:.

I just don't think I have time for a relationship with a man who has his head in the pussy clouds all day and has to look at "crushes" constantly. I am a lil judgmental about where people intentionally place their energy.

Pussy clouds? :rofl:

Or has several photos of the celebrity women on their Facebook page. They usually stay talking about finding a woman who looks like that...when they look like a struck match.

:lachen: And don't get me started on grown men who have a bunch of SM pictures of themselves posing with the promo models at events. These women are paid to take pictures with thirsty men. What are you trying to prove? They don't want you! :lol: Grow up.
I'm showing my age.

I was thinking along the lines of typical celebrity crushes that married folk have. Dh loves him some Sade! Whenever one of her songs would come on, I'd make fun of him and say 'there's yo girl'.

Same with me, and my 'men'. I forget the youngins with their SM obsession. No, that's not OK to have pics of women plastered all over SM. Matter of fact, I don't like grown men all over SM period.
Just remembered he has had a picture of me on one of his phone screen saver pages and a pic of his dog (now RIP) on the other since we first became official. It would be cute if he had a pic of his Mum too.

Only thing that bothers me is that my body looks xtra toned on that picture :look: Need to get back to that.
Hmm I haven't encountered any of this with SOs so it would be weird now.

I would say beyond a certain age, plastering pictures of celebrities on walls or phones/laptops is kind of immature. I remember a married white woman of 35 at work completely covered her whole desk space with pictures of Eminem and I found it so odd LOL:look:.

I just don't think I have time for a relationship with a man who has his head in the pussy clouds all day and has to look at "crushes" constantly. I am a lil judgmental about where people intentionally place their energy.
Totally agree with EVERYthing you said especially the bolded.
Under what circumstances would it be okay for your SO to have another woman's photo as a screensaver on his phone?
Only his mom, grandma or sister if she died. And it'd have to be only for a limited time like her birthday or memorial anniversary or something.