Another rant overing texting


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I was dating a guy a few months ago that didn't work out, I first told him to F off after a bad argument, and then 4 days later I called and text him to say if we can meet up to talk. He came right out in a text message and said "NO, I'm no longer interested" I was like whatever, and moved on and didn't text him back after he said that (not going to lie, I was a little shock and mad). So yesterday out of the blue, he text me to advertise info about his business and at first didn't know who it was until he signed with his name. I politely text him "Please don't send me any text."

I thought what I was doing was good because it lets him know I don't want to be bother and please stop bothering me. So I told my friend this and she basically said "Why did you do that, you should've just not text back" I said no, I wanted him to know. I feel like every time I say something to my friend about me and guy she always got to say the opposite or contradict things I say.

Okay after all that ranting I want to know what would you have done if you were in my position?
I wouldn't have contacted him after the argument and I wouldn't respond to any of his calls or texts.

You responded to a text that may have been sent out to everyone in his contacts and now you seem too emotionally invested.
I wouldn't have contacted him after the argument and I wouldn't respond to any of his calls or texts.

You responded to a text that may have been sent out to everyone in his contacts and now you seem too emotionally invested.

I thought of that point too, but this guy put me through a lot in such a short period of time that I'm still pissed about it. I honestly thought that after he said he wasn't interest anymore that would've been the end and he would've took my number out his phone, or something. But that text yesterday really caught me off guard and took me back to the awful thing he did to me that I just didn't want to ever seen his name or number come up ever again in my phone to waste any of my text messages.
I mean I have well over 400+ contacts in my phone and I really don't have time to go through and delete *tho I will before my future comes home* every person I decide not to talk to again. If you don't want to every be contacted again I say you should have politely text him to remove your name and number so you don't get any future text if thats how you feel. Sometimes people do those forwarding messages and also biz messages and since I hate them I text them and let them know to remove me from their contacts. But, to text him back was fine...but you said not to text vs. please erase my number which I think you should let him know, if you want no further contact from him.
I thought of that point too, but this guy put me through a lot in such a short period of time that I'm still pissed about it. I honestly thought that after he said he wasn't interest anymore that would've been the end and he would've took my number out his phone, or something. But that text yesterday really caught me off guard and took me back to the awful thing he did to me that I just didn't want to ever seen his name or number come up ever again in my phone to waste any of my text messages.

Hmmm, the type that makes your blood boil. I can relate. If you have Verizon you can go online and block all his calls and texts from coming through. That's what I did to my ex. :yep:
You didn't do anything wrong. Hopefully now he will remove your name from his contacts. I wouldn't want to be getting random texts from him either, especially since you had a bad break up.
I don't need to get in your business, but from what you're telling me... you're the one who's giving yourself grief.

You told him to leave you alone... then you text him about "wanting to talk." He says he's no longer interested, and you get shocked and mad. Why? You told him to "F" off, and even if he was a jerk who deserved it, why would he want to put his defenses down and be the "bigger person?"

He then sends a mass text, and out of anger (and stubborness) you respond in what can be taken as a childish manner. If you wanted nothing to do with him, you would not have bothered with any of the texts past "F off."
If she doesn't want to recieve his texts or be on that mass email list she needs to speak on it. Heck those mass/group emails and text are irritating as hell!
I don't see anything wrong with your text message.. he needs to take you off of his contact list or he'll keep sending stuff to you...
You are past the 2nd text so I won't mention it but I think you are write to tell him not to text you. You should have asked him to remove you completely.

I had a guy I told to F off. He sent me a business text and I ignored it. Then I started getting them constantly. That' annoying as heck. Then when I told him to remove me he didnt but instead starting send me lil personal crap asking how I was doing. So I had to block him.