Another company stealing quotes from the board


New Member
Just found this:

"Hey all... I just wanted to rave about this product that I have been using for about a week by Xenna Corp called Curlaway. The product is a gentle curl relaxer that reduces frizz and curl over time with continued use. It's safe for all hair types and is suitable for use over previously processed hair of any kind.
I got mine through Walgreen's (I had them special order it!) and have applied it to my hair every other day as a leave in conditioner (with aloe vera gel). The results are gradual but they are already starting to show. My hair is slowly taking form from the frizz (lots of previous damage) and my new growth and natural hair has lots of shine and smoothness to it once applied and rinsed out. No burning, but the smell is like vinegar and green apples... It's strong but it's not too much of a bother.
Just so you guys know I have 4a strands which range from pen diameter to very tiny super coffee stirrer diameter.... and I have used all types of texturizers and colors before. I like this product because I can sleep with it in my hair, and my hair does seem to have improvement.
I'll post pics when I see more noticeable progress!" Posted on Long Hair Care Forums - on 8-24-07
Wow! I wondering if they are doing google searches for their name! What other way would they find out about this forum?
Good thing u came through Doll.

I was going to say maybe the testimonial was fake and the person who posted it works for the company... but u shot my theory down!
Legally its not stealing, this forum is public domain. But you can contact them and request them to remove your testimonial. If they dont want to remove it then become a litigous sob and file some cease and desist letters.
I mean, it's not even that serious to me, to see about contacting them and all that good stuff. As of now I still use the product but wow... you would think a representative would have contacted me or something.

:look: ... Like... I don't even feel like posting a picture cause of that!

Yea, it is funny how they dont' talk about the potential negative effects though.