Another church funny...


Well-Known Member
I am like the Mother Goose of the church. I usually have a row of children sitting with me. Well this past Sunday I kept feeling someone playing in my hair. It turns out to be a 8 year old who is of mixed race. When I would ask why he was playing with my hair, he got embrassed and just smiled. I'm thinking he was looking/feeling because of the difference in our hair; his is really curly and mine is well different than his :grin:.
Isn't that cute? :)

(You're better than me because I would have taken his little hand out of my hair immediately, lol)
Actually he was very gentle with it. I really think he was trying to figure out why mine was different from his. He touched it really softly :grin:.
For some reason, a little kid's curiousity in hair is much more acceptable. I guess because it's just their innocence. They're not weave-checking you, they're just fascinated by the differences/similarities of our hair. :grin:

As long as they don't have sticky candy fingers or something :lol: I have no problem letting them touch my hair.
In my experience, they tend not to be gentle :lol: Usually it's like a sudden grab for my head.

I guess if they touch it right, I'd let them do it for a little while... maybe. lol :)
Touching my hair is a big no no. My granddaughter Leilany climbed on my back, pulled my hair with her two fists, while singing some Reggaeton song. I thought I was going to die LOL
My SO 's daughter would play in peoples hair, as long as it was an arm's reach away she would be in it. It was very annoying because I would be sitting down trying to do whatever and 2 seconds later here she is in my hair.:look:
Well I think it depends on the age, at 8 he's not likely to grab at my hair. I've known the kids (he's a twin) since they were 6 weeks old, so I'm pretty sure he's not going to do any grabbing and no candy hands in church.
i let my little baby girl cousin play hairdresser with me. i don't mind because she likes touching hair and hers is always braided up. nothing a comb can't fix.
The last time I let a kid play in my hair I was 16 and she was 6. She was combing it a decided it would be a GOOD IDEA to curl my hair by wrapping my hair 3 times around the comb. :nono:

I could not untangle the hair to get the comb out and ended up cutting chunk of hair out :wallbash: .
I can count on one hand how many people have had their hands in my hair in the 11 years that have past since then. She is not on the list. :nono: