And That Slippery Slope They Said Didn't Exist...

Believe it or not, I'm enjoying this conversation a lot, and not in a sadistic internet troll kind of way. Everything everyone has said is very interesting.

Now, I wasn't dressing up the language. I was saying the history word for word, trying to be as careful and literal as possible.

I don't think you are a troll.

:welcome3: krissyhair. It's nice to meet you. I mean this sincerely. :yep:
You know what? They are actually connected. The majority of pedophilia acts are homosexual. Grown men molesting young boys. This is the number one reason why these boys grow up sexually confused and THINK that they are homosexual.

They were introduced to sex by a man. Pedophiles prey on young boys especially boys at the age of puberty when boys are experiencing sexual awakenings and here comes a nasty foul pervert who introduces them to sex throwing their perception of it completely out of the natural order.

Story after story you will here of young boys who were molested by an uncle, an older male cousin, a perverted neighbor -- :nono: :nono: :nono: It messes the lives up for these young children.

Shimmie, pedophilia also includes grown men preying on young girls, or grown women preying on young boys as well, so it includes hetero- and homo- sexual interactions. It's all just perverted though. :ohwell:
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@Shimmie, pedophilia also includes grown men preying on young girls, or grown women preying on young boys as well, so it includes hetero- and homo- sexual interactions. It's all just perverted though. :ohwell:


:yep: I know Babygirl. You are absolutely right. :yep:

It was not my intention to dismiss the other sides of this, but only to emphasize the greater of it which is male on male perversion. And yes, it is 'all' so perverted.
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just and observation but, sins of sexual immorality seems to like 'acceptance'

Agreed, because they want to be able to operate in the light of day--hence this news article about a father and daughter "planning their wedding" :nono: Because society has accepted other immoral unions, more will come from the woodwork trying to make their case. Their cry for acceptance will be, "If two men and two women--then why not us?" You can't deny sexual morality then turn around and try to apply it to particular groups because they are too weird and freaky. The dad-daughter couple (now that she's 18) will argue they are both adults and aren't hurting anyone, and only want the "right to marry."
I've heard many say that every type of pairing other than married heterosexual couples are equally immoral.The next logical step would be to criminalize all sexual behavior that doesn't fit the mold since it's all the same.

If we punish sexual predators for hurting children by sending them to jail (which we should), and same sex couples are just as morally wrong and sinful as rapists or people who prey on our children, then why not send gay couples to jail and put them on sexual predator lists? Why not sentence unmarried straight couples to the same type of punishment if it's all just as evil?

Condem your child's lesbian math teacher and your gay co-worker for their sins. Punish the unwed mother. Deny them the full rights of Americans if all sexual behavior that doesn't fit the status quo is evil.

We're not doing this just to protect the children who can't consent because of their mental incapability, and sexual immaturity. We're not doing this just because of predators who use their physical strength and mental abuse to over power their victims. Let's just send all sexually active, non married gay and straight couples to jail because in the eyes of some Christians, it's all the same thing.
I've heard many say that every type of pairing other than married heterosexual couples are equally immoral.The next logical step would be to criminalize all sexual behavior that doesn't fit the mold since it's all the same.

If we punish sexual predators for hurting children by sending them to jail (which we should), and same sex couples are just as morally wrong and sinful as rapists or people who prey on our children, then why not send gay couples to jail and put them on sexual predator lists? Why not sentence unmarried straight couples to the same type of punishment if it's all just as evil?

Condem your child's lesbian math teacher and your gay co-worker for their sins. Punish the unwed mother. Deny them the full rights of Americans if all sexual behavior that doesn't fit the status quo is evil.

We're not doing this just to protect the children who can't consent because of their mental incapability, and sexual immaturity. We're not doing this just because of predators who use their physical strength and mental abuse to over power their victims. Let's just send all sexually active, non married gay and straight couples to jail because in the eyes of some Christians, it's all the same thing.

Hey, you came back. Im so glad that you did. As I was reading you post, my heart went out to you. You're looking for answers , not a debate nor to be combative :nono: you are simply looking for sincere answers.

Dearest One, it's true that any other sex outside of the marriage between one man and one woman is sexual sin.

Molesters, rapists, pedophiles and even those who orchestrate and promote pornography and prostitution are the ones who should be prosecuted and serve jail with the sentence that is appropriate to the crime.

A homosexual and/or lesbian should not be convicted just for being such. However, there are lines which should not be crossed regarding the lies which validate this lifestyle as harmless and sexually normal or being classified as being the same type of relationship as that of a man and a woman.

There is nothing in this world that can dehumanize a person for being gay. They are human beings who are loved by God, treasured in God's heart so much so that God had been extending His grace upon them in hope of their acceptance of His love and redemption for them.

l promise to come back later this evening to share more on this. In the meantime. ..


Sincerely meant.
krissyhair - Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for all sins, including all forms of sexual sin and immorality.

People suffer the consequences of their sin here on this earth. The law of the land doesn't punish all forms of immorality. As you can see, the law is imperfect itself. Not all pedophiles and rapists are punished. Some are let off scotch free.

Homosexuality, fornication, and adultery aren't considered crimes on earth, so that's why people aren't punished for these acts. This doesn't negate the fact that they are sins (wrongdoings) according to the Bible.
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I've heard many say that every type of pairing other than married heterosexual couples are equally immoral.The next logical step would be to criminalize all sexual behavior that doesn't fit the mold since it's all the same.

If we punish sexual predators for hurting children by sending them to jail (which we should), and same sex couples are just as morally wrong and sinful as rapists or people who prey on our children, then why not send gay couples to jail and put them on sexual predator lists? Why not sentence unmarried straight couples to the same type of punishment if it's all just as evil?

Condem your child's lesbian math teacher and your gay co-worker for their sins. Punish the unwed mother. Deny them the full rights of Americans if all sexual behavior that doesn't fit the status quo is evil.

We're not doing this just to protect the children who can't consent because of their mental incapability, and sexual immaturity. We're not doing this just because of predators who use their physical strength and mental abuse to over power their victims. Let's just send all sexually active, non married gay and straight couples to jail because in the eyes of some Christians, it's all the same thing.

@krissyhair, I promised to come back to share more.

@Poohbear's post is on point. I'm glad that she saw your post and responded. :yep:

The laws of the land (man-made) are definitely imperfect as they are made to 'appease' the desires of the flesh and not the will of God. Yet, there is still always a consequence.

There is consequence for all sexual sin be it heterosexual or homosexual.

*Adultery: Broken Marriages / Broken Homes / Broken Families / Broken Trust / Broken Spirits / Broken Finances / STD's

You mentioned unmarried straight couples. The consequences are all around us:

*So many women are living in heartache; for they have given their hearts and their virtue while unmarried -- to a man who did not love them enough to marry them. A Prevailing Consequence of sexual sin.

What else do you see around you?

*Children out of wedlock (Baby Mama's / Baby Daddy's)
*Leading to children in an unstable home environment
*Welfare / The vicious cycle

Read the endless posts in these forums; look at lifestyles of the entertainment world, look at the bosses who are sexing their secretaries; men in the pulpit spilling their semen into lives of other women. It never ends well, never. :nono: Why? Because it's the consequence of sexual sin.

The consequences of the sin of homosexuality and gay marriage:

*An abyss of mass deception

Denial / Refusal to acknowledge it as sin
Highest rate of STD's (confirmed by the CDC - Center for Disease Control)
Highest rate of sexual infidelity (confirmed by the CDC)

The deception and selfishness of the gay agenda (The Gay Activists)

Their fight is majorly political (not family oriented)

*By comparing their fight to that of African Americans, they have disrespected the entire legacy and fight for our rights and the lives of all African Americans and those who walked/marched/were hosed/hung/bled and died for our freedom, by using 'our' fight for life as their platform.

Our legacy and fight is far above that of the gay activists. Far above.

The marches the 'we' (our family members) took with Dr. Martin Luther King. The hell that we went through from the slave ships to the bloodshed of Tavon Martin, the blood which still cries out from the streets of Ferguson, the asphyxiation of Eric Garner....

Where was the support from the gay activists? Where were the tears shed from them for the lost of these Black lives? What contributions did the Human Rights (for LGBT) organization, give to help bury these lives or lend support to the families of any kind?

YET... they use our legacy .... No... they 'trampled' upon the life our legacy and fight for rights to gain acceptance of their sin.

The gay agenda can NEVER compare their fight to ours. When we as African Americans came together to 'fight' for our civil rights, we walked in dignity; we were peaceful; we were strong and we were beautiful and proud. When the dogs and the hoses were let loose upon us, we still kept our focus and did not disrupt nor hinder the progress of what we were accomplishing.

Look at the beauty of Rosa Parks... she protested in valiance and elegance.

In comparison, when you see gay marches / rallies, they act a pure fool. They walk half naked, they curse, spit, show indecent acts in public displays of non-affection. They paint themselves and truly put themselves to shame. No comparison to our refinement. None :nono:

Sweetheart, Dear African American Beauty... Yes, 'You' @krissyhair... Dear One, when you support the gay activists, think of what they extend to support you. The gay agenda are political 'users' and care only about themselves, even if it means to trample upon and disrespect our legacy.

I'm only speaking reality and how far sexual sin extends itself.

However, I do not hate / nor do I dislike a person because they are gay. My heart won't go there. I love too many persons who are gay and would never want to hurt them, only love them.

You mentioned the condemnation of a lesbian teacher teaching a child.

It's not the person, it is the lifestyle. A major difference. A lifestyle which has a foundation on sexual activity. Only a parent has the right to speak to their child regarding sex; only a parent.

What's happening is that young children in public schools -- without parental consent / approval are being 'oriented' to accept a lifestyle which they are too young to be exposed to. Children in middle school are now experimenting with same-sex interaction. School bathrooms are no longer just a bathroom.

There was a time when sleep-overs were so innocent, however, children have been 'awakened' to a new concept, a new awareness, and these sleepovers have become sexual experimentation with girls of the same sex and the same with young boys.

There is a reason that God tells us not to do certain things. It's not bondage nor is it punishment, in truth it is God's loving protection to keep us from bringing harm upon ourselves or others harming us. Even more to save us from losing our souls and being separated from Him, eternally.

Dearest Krissyhair:

God is very real. And His love exceeds all that we could ever imagine. Imagine how much heartache ... less of... there would be if everyone believed and trusted and obeyed what He says to protect us.

You take care, Dear One. I could not mean this more. Always remember that wherever you are, God is and He loves you more than life.
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@krissyhair, I promised to come back to share more. @Poohbear's post is on point. I'm glad that she saw your post and responded. :yep: The laws of the land (man-made) are definitely imperfect as they are made to 'appease' the desires of the flesh and not the will of God. Yet, there is still always a consequence. There is consequence for all sexual sin be it heterosexual or homosexual. *Adultery: Broken Marriages / Broken Homes / Broken Families / Broken Trust / Broken Spirits / Broken Finances / STD's You mentioned unmarried straight couples. The consequences are all around us: *So many women are living in heartache; for they have given their hearts and their virtue while unmarried -- to a man who did not love them enough to marry them. A Prevailing Consequence of sexual sin. What else do you see around you? *Children out of wedlock (Baby Mama's / Baby Daddy's) *Leading to children in an unstable home environment *Welfare / The vicious cycle Read the endless posts in these forums; look at lifestyles of the entertainment world, look at the bosses who are sexing their secretaries; men in the pulpit spilling their semen into lives of other women. It never ends well, never. :nono: Why? Because it's the consequence of sexual sin. The consequences of the sin of homosexuality and gay marriage: *An abyss of mass deception Denial / Refusal to acknowledge it as sin Highest rate of STD's (confirmed by the CDC - Center for Disease Control) Highest rate of sexual infidelity (confirmed by the CDC) The deception and selfishness of the gay agenda (The Gay Activists) Their fight is majorly political (not family oriented) *By comparing their fight to that of African Americans, they have disrespected the entire legacy and fight for our rights and the lives of all African Americans and those who walked/marched/were hosed/hung/bled and died for our freedom, by using 'our' fight for life as their platform. Our legacy and fight is far above that of the gay activists. Far above. The marches the 'we' (our family members) took with Dr. Martin Luther King. The hell that we went through from the slave ships to the bloodshed of Tavon Martin, the blood which still cries out from the streets of Ferguson, the asphyxiation of Eric Garner.... Where was the support from the gay activists? Where were the tears shed from them for the lost of these Black lives? What contributions did the Human Rights (for LGBT) organization, give to help bury these lives or lend support to the families of any kind? YET... they use our legacy .... No... they 'trampled' upon the life our legacy and fight for rights to gain acceptance of their sin. The gay agenda can NEVER compare their fight to ours. When we as African Americans came together to 'fight' for our civil rights, we walked in dignity; we were peaceful; we were strong and we were beautiful and proud. When the dogs and the hoses were let loose upon us, we still kept our focus and did not disrupt nor hinder the progress of what we were accomplishing. Look at the beauty of Rosa Parks... she protested in valiance and elegance. In comparison, when you see gay marches / rallies, they act a pure fool. They walk half naked, they curse, spit, show indecent acts in public displays of non-affection. They paint themselves and truly put themselves to shame. No comparison to our refinement. None :nono: Sweetheart, Dear African American Beauty... Yes, 'You' @krissyhair... Dear One, when you support the gay activists, think of what they extend to support you. The gay agenda are political 'users' and care only about themselves, even if it means to trample upon and disrespect our legacy. I'm only speaking reality and how far sexual sin extends itself. However, I do not hate / nor do I dislike a person because they are gay. My heart won't go there. I love too many persons who are gay and would never want to hurt them, only love them. You mentioned the condemnation of a lesbian teacher teaching a child. It's not the person, it is the lifestyle. A major difference. A lifestyle which has a foundation on sexual activity. Only a parent has the right to speak to their child regarding sex; only a parent. What's happening is that young children in public schools -- without parental consent / approval are being 'oriented' to accept a lifestyle which they are too young to be exposed to. Children in middle school are now experimenting with same-sex interaction. School bathrooms are no longer just a bathroom. There was a time when sleep-overs were so innocent, however, children have been 'awakened' to a new concept, a new awareness, and these sleepovers have become sexual experimentation with girls of the same sex and the same with young boys. There is a reason that God tells us not to do certain things. It's not bondage nor is it punishment, in truth it is God's loving protection to keep us from bringing harm upon ourselves or others harming us. Even more to save us from losing our souls and being separated from Him, eternally. Dearest Krissyhair: God is very real. And His love exceeds all that we could ever imagine. Imagine how much heartache ... less of... there would be if everyone believed and trusted and obeyed what He says to protect us. You take care, Dear One. I could not mean this more. Always remember that wherever you are, God is and He loves you more than life.
thank you so much