And That Slippery Slope They Said Didn't Exist...


Well-Known Member
Well, here it is. Legalized pedophilia is next.

Woman plans to marry her father after two years of dating

Published January 17, 2015

A teenager has revealed in an interview that she plans to marry her father and have children after dating for two years.

The unnamed 18-year-old revealed in an interview with New York Magazine her romantic relationship of almost two years with her biological father after being estranged from him for 12 years.

In the interview, the girl also said the two also plan on having children.
The teenager said her father reached out to her on Facebook when she was in high school and soon after, she went to stay with him for a week.
After the week together, the 18-year-old said they had sex and then started dating.

"Everyone on my mom’s side of the family sees us as father and daughter," she told the magazine. "Those who know that he’s my dad, and that we are engaged, include my father’s parents (they can see we are happy together and they can’t wait for us to have babies — they treat us just like any other couple), the woman we live with, and my best friend."
After the wedding, the woman says they plan to move to New Jersey where adult incest is legal.

Click for more from New York Magazine.
after the first line I had to take a deep breathe..OMG and write this..Im not ready to read the rest but here I go:nono:
Adult incest is legal in NJ? Oh my...
The father's family approves??? Really? The woman obviously has the worst case of daddy issues. The father is a sick, twisted, and evil person. Where is the mother?
After same sex marriage became more acceptable and even legalized in some states, I started thinking pedophiles will start to want the same acceptance. They'll make the argument that they were born to be attracted to children and not people their age. It's just all a big mess.
This is not even remotely the same thing as same sex relationships. There is not a slope, slippery, dry, steep or flat that leads from same sex marriage to this type of behavior. She was going to be crazy no matter what. And come on unnamed teenager? Journalistic liberty taken too far.
This is not even remotely the same thing as same sex relationships. There is not a slope, slippery, dry, steep or flat that leads from same sex marriage to this type of behavior. She was going to be crazy no matter what. And come on unnamed teenager? Journalistic liberty taken too far.

krissyhair - How is it not the same?
This all falls under sexual immorality. It's the same spirit...incest, pedophilia, beastiality, homosexuality, hetero fornication. It is all sexual perversion in God's sight.

The slippery slope is in the breakdown of rigged boundaries of the definition of marriage. it's ok...two consenting adults even though they're related...well...ok, if you insist...multiple consenting adults...ok, if you want. Everything that feels natural isn't acceptable in society but once you open the door of "I was born this way"...:rolleyes:

This is shameful.
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Well, let's unpack this and determine how the relationship in the article/original post and a typical, same-sex relationship are different.

Are the two people involved consenting, non-blood related adults?

Do the two partners relate in a way that does not suggest that one partner is preying on the other?

Do the partners have a sexual preference for each other that occurs in an estimated 10% or more of the human population?

Is their relationship generally accepted by society as a whole?

If you answered differently to these questions for the people in the article than you would for a same sex couple, then they're different.
Well, let's unpack this and determine how the relationship in the article/original post and a typical, same-sex relationship are different.

Are the two people involved consenting, non-blood related adults?

Do the two partners relate in a way that does not suggest that one partner is preying on the other?

Do the partners have a sexual preference for each other that occurs in an estimated 10% or more of the human population?

Is their relationship generally accepted by society as a whole?

If you answered differently to these questions for the people in the article than you would for a same sex couple, then they're different.

krissyhair - Okay. Based on the specific questions you asked, the two relationships (homosexual and pedophilia) are different according to society's standards, but not when it comes to God's standards. That was the point I was making.
This is not even remotely the same thing as same sex relationships.

Homosexual attraction was listed as a disorder by the American Psychological Association until the 1970s. A disordered sexual desire is now "celebrated" and now there is "gay marriage." Now we see other disordered and immoral sexual couplings asking for legalized/recognized marriage and acceptance.

Another example--a three-way marriage in Brazil:
This all falls under sexual immorality. It's the same spirit...incest, pedophilia, beastiality, homosexuality, hetero fornication. It is all sexual perversion in God's sight.

The slippery slope is in the breakdown of rigged boundaries of the definition of marriage. it's ok...two consenting adults even though they're related...well...ok, if you insist...multiple consenting adults...ok, if you want. Everything that feels natural isn't acceptable in society but once you open the door of "I was born this way"...:rolleyes:

This is shameful.

I would argue that it is not the same spirit. Song of Solomon tells the man to be intoxicated in his wife. Surely that's the same intoxication/lust that he had before he was married when he met her. Should it not exist at all before and only exist after the moment of consummation?
Homosexual attraction was listed as a disorder by the American Psychological Association until the 1970s. A disordered sexual desire is now "celebrated" and now there is "gay marriage." Now we see other disordered and immoral sexual couplings asking for legalized/recognized marriage and acceptance.

Another example--a three-way marriage in Brazil:

Professional standards change daily. Until recently women were considered mentally infirm and therefore couldn't enter into enforceable contracts. Your cell phone contract would be void under that professional/legal standard. But we know that not to be true.
I never said they were the same, but I do assert that they are ALL immoral and they all seek some form of normalcy or acceptance. If society is willing to ignore and try to re-image what marriage is to include to persons of the same gender, and in Brazil apparently three people in a marriage, then WHY are they going to close the door on anyone else?

Well, let's unpack this and determine how the relationship in the article/original post and a typical, same-sex relationship are different.

Are the two people involved consenting, non-blood related adults?

Do the two partners relate in a way that does not suggest that one partner is preying on the other?

Do the partners have a sexual preference for each other that occurs in an estimated 10% or more of the human population?

Is their relationship generally accepted by society as a whole?

If you answered differently to these questions for the people in the article than you would for a same sex couple, then they're different.
Homosexual attraction was listed as a disorder by the American Psychological Association until the 1970s. A disordered sexual desire is now "celebrated" and now there is "gay marriage." Now we see other disordered and immoral sexual couplings asking for legalized/recognized marriage and acceptance.

Another example--a three-way marriage in Brazil:

There are also many polygamist marriages in the bible that God showed favor to. Fundamental Christians in the U.S. and elsewhere have polygamist marriages. I personally would not enter one and would encourage my friends and family not to have a relationship of more than two people. But that's not news.
Professional standards change daily. Until recently women were considered mentally infirm and therefore couldn't enter into enforceable contracts. Your cell phone contract would be void under that professional/legal standard. But we know that not to be true.

Homosexual acts are immoral and disordered. It is not discrimination to acknowledge this. You're making a false equivalency.

If it's okay for two men to get married, then why not that crazy man and his daughter?

(For the record, I agree the man is a low-life predator and his relationship with his daughter is obscene and tragic).
There are also many polygamist marriages in the bible that God showed favor to. Fundamental Christians in the U.S. and elsewhere have polygamist marriages. I personally would not enter one and would encourage my friends and family not to have a relationship of more than two people. But that's not news.

What Christian union in the Bible is polygamous that God shows favor to?

If someone calls himself a Christian but practices polygamy, he/she is not practicing Christian marriage (and btw, if you're talking about fundamentalist Mormons, they are a cult, not Christianity).
What Christian union in the Bible is polygamous that God shows favor to?

If someone calls himself a Christian but practices polygamy, he/she is not practicing Christian marriage (and btw, if you're talking about fundamentalist Mormons, they are a cult, not Christianity).

How about Abraham? He had multiple wives.

I'm sure the Mormons would not tell you they are a cult. In fact, they're praying for you and I and everyone else in their genealogical records right now that we will come to them.
How about Abraham? He had multiple wives.

I'm sure the Mormons would not tell you they are a cult. In fact, they're praying for you and I and everyone else in their genealogical records right now that we will come to them.

Sarah was Abraham's wife. Hagar was a concubine given to Abraham by Sarah. After Sarah's death, Abraham took another "wife" named Keturah according to Genesis 25:1. However, in Genesis 25:6, she was referred to as a concubine. Abraham did not practice polygamy in the sense of some modern day Mormons.
Wow you guys sound really gullible, this story sounds fake as hell. Where is this town where all or even most of the white kids are chasing the dragon and shooting up?

What were the parents doing while all this drugging was going on. You dont even see this in my hometown of Chicago. That would be like whole neighborhoods of kids are dope fiends...naw son.

Have you ever seen a junkie when they havent had a fix? It's called dope sick and it is nothing you'd want to see anyone go through especially a child/teenager.

60 minutes, 20-20 some news outlet would have been all over this

krissyhair you know that old false argument was going to rear it's ugly head

Children and animals cant think and give consent so that whole premise is really rdiculous. The grandparents approve and want them to have children? She took him to the prom and NOBODY, not the chaperones, none of the other adults there recognized him as her father?

This sounds like made up BS for hits and to give the right wingers something to be outraged about yet again. wait a minute....incest isn't illegal in New Jersey ???? Off to resarch that.
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Wow you guys sound really gullible, this story sounds fake as hell. Where is this town where all or even most of the white kids are chasing the dragon and shooting up?

What were the parents doing while all this drugging was going on. You dont even see this in my hometown of Chicago....ever seen a junkie when they havent had a fix? They call it dope sick and it is really nothing you'd want to see anyone go through especially a child/teenager.

60 minutes or Matt Lauer would be all over this

Children and animals cant think and give consent so that whole premise is really rdiculous. The grandparents approve and want them to have children? She took him to the prom and NOBODY, not chaperones, none of the other adults there recognized him as her father?

This sounds like made up BS for hits and to give the right wingers something to be outraged about yet again. wait a minute....incest isn't illegal in New Jersey ???? Off to resarch that.

Thank you. This is what I was hinting at when I said journalistic liberty. But comparing this type of behavior to same sex relationships seemed even more absurd to me.
How about Abraham? He had multiple wives.

But was this favored or commanded as the model for marriage? Is this in the Commandments? There's a difference between descriptive actions taken by people in the Bible and prescriptive ones. Just because a person's actions are described in the Bible, doesn't mean they are morally right or for us to use as a model. In fact, when you look at the polygamous marriages in the OT, there is always discord and disruption, and even sin. Solomon also took more than one wife, and he ended up falling into idolatry and disgrace. So when you take the time to actually read what happens with these, polygamy is shown to NOT be a good model of marriage. However, when God explicitly instructs us Himself on marriage and His will, He tells us this:

Malachi 2:16
"The man who hates and divorces his wife," says the LORD, the God of Israel, "does violence to the one he should protect," says the LORD Almighty. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful.

Exodus 20:14
"You shall not commit adultery."

Matthew 19:4-6
"Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, 5and said, 'FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH '? 6"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."…

Matthew 5:32
But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

I'm sure the Mormons would not tell you they are a cult. In fact, they're praying for you and I and everyone else in their genealogical records right now that we will come to them.

I know some very sincere, kind-hearted Mormons who would also say this, however Christianity is a defined Creed and religion, and if you accept/incorporate theological beliefs that are not handed down by Scripture and the Apostles Tradition, including adding your own bible (e.g., Book of Mormon), then that is not Christian. Mormonism is a religion that incorporates Christian aspects/beliefs, but it is not Christianity. Mormonism rejects several cornerstones that make Christianity Christianity. But this is sort of a rabbit hole, because Christianity does not teach or endorse polygamy.
60 minutes or Matt Lauer would be all over this

Children and animals cant think and give consent so that whole premise is really rdiculous. The grandparents approve and want them to have children? She took him to the prom and NOBODY, not chaperones, none of the other adults there recognized him as her father?

This sounds like made up BS for hits and to give the right wingers something to be outraged about yet again. wait a minute....incest isn't illegal in New Jersey ???? Off to resarch that.

Eerily, it has been on the news. I ignored it last week when it was on Facebook and assumed it had to be BS as well, but when I saw it again at news sites, I decided to comment on it because this was something we said would happen once the floodgates were opened as it were.

Another link, though a Google search can give you more news sources.

I don't know why Matt Lauer or whoever else didn't cover it. Perhaps they didn't care or they saw the same connection? The March for Life, where hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers marched at Washington, D.C. occurred just a day or two ago, and only a handful of sources reported--but I assure you, those marching were real people and it's a real event that occurred.
All the major news outlets at least showed the march. You mad at the women in the Republican party who shot down the abortion bill that denied an abortion to even rape victims? I bet you are :grin: you know their stance on this i s just another reason they won't win in 2016
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Adult incest is legal in NJ? Oh my...
The father's family approves??? Really? The woman obviously has the worst case of daddy issues. The father is a sick, twisted, and evil person. Where is the mother?

kikigirl - this part of the article talks about her mother...

"What was your family like when you were growing up?
My parents had me when they were 18 — they met in high school and I was conceived on prom night. They were serious for about six months but broke up while my mom was still pregnant with me. My dad wasn’t there when I was born. I think my mom’s psychological problems meant the relationship never really worked out. She has bipolar disorder and some other mental health issues. They just weren’t happy and didn’t really keep in contact after I was born. She wanted to do it alone. When she’s manic it’s hard to know what she’s going to say. After I was born she had a nervous breakdown and couldn’t take care of me, so I lived with her grandparents until I was about 2. I think that’s part of the reason we’ve never been close: We didn’t bond when I was a baby."
All the major news outlets at least showed the march. You mad at the women in the Republican party who shot down the abortion bill that denied an abortion to even rape victims? I bet you are, that's just another reason they won't win in 2016

:lol: Yeah, go ahead and go off topic. Gotcha. My point still stands. If you redefine marriage, then this (immoral/disordered couplings also seeking marriage) is the result.
You went there first with your comment on the march for life, so no gotcha moment here.:lachen:You know throughout history the concept of whom could be married has changed.
what has turned the majority of society against wingers is their ridiculous equating homosexuality with beastiality, and the guys want your children. I have no dog in this fight it's these arguments against it just insults my sense of logic

Even though Im an Atheist, I don't agree with incest, beastiality, rape, sex trafficking etc
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@krissyhair - Do you believe same sex relationships are not sinful? If so, why and how are they not sinful?

My personal beliefs on whether same sex relationships are sinful is beside the point.

What is on point is that this strange, predatory pairing in the article in the original post has nothing to do with same-sex relationships.