And guess what this lady said at my church???


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Today, I went to my mom's choir practice at church to watch over my nephew and some lady had to nerve to say...

"Why you cut all your hair off? Are you changing to beliefs to Muslim?"

Where in the HELL did that come from??? :huh:

I was really disturbed by what she said. What does natural hair have to do with your religion? Can someone please tell me???

I just said "What does that have to do with hair? I just wanted to wear my hair naturally now."

She went on about other stereotypes like...
"What you gonna do when it grows out? Hot comb or hot curl it all the time?"
"You know us black folks got nappy, kinky hair."

I said, "If I want it straighten, I'll hot comb. You can style natural hair in different ways without heat." It just made me think of how ignorant she is to say things like that. So sad. :(

Knowledge is Power. :up:
you sure do knwo some ignorant ass people,. forget them and do you!!! you look great. your hair suits you very well - very cute :)
Church folks sometimes, I tell ya......I would have pulled out the "Tell me......why is there something wrong with me just wearing my hair as GOD intended????"

Where do you live again? I think acceptance of natural hair varies by region...out here, there are so many naturals, especially in NYC...I rarely get comments, good or bad about my hair...
Poohbear said:
Today, I went to my mom's choir practice at church to watch over my nephew and some lady had to nerve to say...

"Why you cut all your hair off? Are you changing to beliefs to Muslim?"

Where in the HELL did that come from??? :huh:

I was really disturbed by what she said. What does natural hair have to do with your religion? Can someone please tell me???

I just said "What does that have to do with hair? I just wanted to wear my hair naturally now."

She went on about other stereotypes like...
"What you gonna do when it grows out? Hot comb or hot curl it all the time?"
"You know us black folks got nappy, kinky hair."

I said, "If I want it straighten, I'll hot comb. You can style natural hair in different ways without heat." It just made me think of how ignorant she is to say things like that. So sad. :(

Knowledge is Power. :up:

How sad...she really needs to get out more often than she would know that some muslim women like their hair long and some like it short. Not many people bother to get educated on what to do with natural hair. Oh well, don't let it bother you.
(*going to put MTG on hair*)
Girl you have to ignore some people, even those church folk b/c they can be just as ignorant.....You look beautiful!!!!!
so1913 said:
Church folks sometimes, I tell ya......I would have pulled out the "Tell me......why is there something wrong with me just wearing my hair as GOD intended????"

Holy freaken cow. I SOOOO hear you. What the HECK is the big deal???
Wow, I thought people were more open minded. I didn;t know that natural hair was associated to a specific stereotype. People should ask intelligent questions before making comments. So sad...
Wow....thats really all I can think is WOW!!!! What in the world...does she think you are a black panther or something. Very unfortunate. :-(
Some people just don't think before they start BLABBIN'!!!

Don't worry about her, your hair is beautiful and healthy! Next time she comes running into church, late, trying to pass by you to sit down---trip her on the sly! That'll teach her!:lol:
How do you stand being around so much ignorance and negativity? I can't even imagine how you must feel. But then again, whenever people step out of the box and step up their game in any way (with hair, education, pursuing dreams, etc.) people become threatened. Focus, focus, focus your precious energy on your beauty and what's good in your life. Hold onto every compliment and turn away from all the other crap.
If someone says my hair is nappy, I just say "well I'm just going to have to let it be nappy then." This shuts them up because it shows that you love and accept your hair how it it. Don't let them make you feel bad about your hair.
Be strong girlie...I'm glad that you appreciate how stupid these comments are. Trust me, they'll come around. And when your hair grows out a bit, they'll say that you must have "good hair" because it'll be so fly and they need some way to categorize.
I believe that you should stop worrying about other people's commentary, this is like the second board that you've created about this. You're a beautiful woman, so don't be discouraged. ;)
so1913 said:
Church folks sometimes, I tell ya......I would have pulled out the "Tell me......why is there something wrong with me just wearing my hair as GOD intended????"

Where do you live again? I think acceptance of natural hair varies by region...out here, there are so many naturals, especially in NYC...I rarely get comments, good or bad about my hair...
Louisville, KY... it's not very diverse here.
Koffie said:
I believe that you should stop worrying about other people's commentary, this is like the second board that you've created about this. You're a beautiful woman, so don't be discouraged. ;)
I know. I just wanted to let y'all know about some of the crazy things people are saying! It's just sad that they think this way! :(
Btw, I'm not discouraged at all. ;)
You said it all yourself when you said, "knowledge is power". Must be boring to be as narrow-minded as churchlady was making those comments. She really ought to get out more. I mean really.....but in her defense it's not just her, it'a a whole lot of other people who actually believe all that garbage. Brush it off ya and enjoy your hair :). -- jainygirl
hopeful said:
How do you stand being around so much ignorance and negativity? I can't even imagine how you must feel. But then again, whenever people step out of the box and step up their game in any way (with hair, education, pursuing dreams, etc.) people become threatened. Focus, focus, focus your precious energy on your beauty and what's good in your life. Hold onto every compliment and turn away from all the other crap.


I could not have said it better. :Rose:
Poohbear said:
Today, I went to my mom's choir practice at church to watch over my nephew and some lady had to nerve to say...

"Why you cut all your hair off? Are you changing to beliefs to Muslim?"

Where in the HELL did that come from??? :huh:

I was really disturbed by what she said. What does natural hair have to do with your religion? Can someone please tell me???

I just said "What does that have to do with hair? I just wanted to wear my hair naturally now."

She went on about other stereotypes like...
"What you gonna do when it grows out? Hot comb or hot curl it all the time?"
"You know us black folks got nappy, kinky hair."

I said, "If I want it straighten, I'll hot comb. You can style natural hair in different ways without heat." It just made me think of how ignorant she is to say things like that. So sad. :(

Knowledge is Power. :up:
Pooh, you're gonna get a lot of these stupid comments. Even with my 3c hair, I got and still get tons of them. It is soo crazy that people are sooo ignorant. My own dad even asked me if i needed for him to give me some money since he thought I didn't have enough to get my hair done.
hopeful said:
How do you stand being around so much ignorance and negativity? I can't even imagine how you must feel. But then again, whenever people step out of the box and step up their game in any way (with hair, education, pursuing dreams, etc.) people become threatened. Focus, focus, focus your precious energy on your beauty and what's good in your life. Hold onto every compliment and turn away from all the other crap.
It's really hard being around negativity because I'm a very optimisstic person. Especially since my dad is totally pessimisstic and loves to dwell on things. Yesterday, I was with my mom and he came by her and said "You see your daughter's hair? It's ugly!" I just told him he was ugly. I know I'm gonna hear most of the negativity from him. I don't let the comments get to me, but I don't like being around negativity. And my dad is negative about everything. See, the only time I see my parents is if I go home and I go to the same church as them. (My dad is a pastor as a matter of fact, isn't that sad?) I'm just gonna try to stay away from my dad during this time.

Some people are just not used to the natural look (which is just too darn bad for them). Keep smiling and sporting your natural do. Since your cut is still new, you will most likely continue to hear these sort of comments from people that are just seeing it.
toinette said:
you sure do knwo some ignorant ass people,. forget them and do you!!! you look great. your hair suits you very well - very cute :)
I sure do and it's sad. But the strange thing is this church lady has seldom ever came up to talk to me. Before she approached me, she walked by me like 3 times and I could tell she wanted to say something. So sad. I think she made herself look stupid after I said you can do so much with natural hair. Then she try to say she cut all her hair off once to start all over. I was thinking "Yeah right. She just couldn't think of anything stupid left to say." :smirk:
We've been conditioned to think that relaxed hair is the natural way to go.:(

Pooh, it's a drastic change (however lovely). Let em stare and scoff and eventually it will pass. If it gets too personal, or continues down this path, you may want to make a once and for all family or church family statement acknowledging your new style and say there will be no more discussion. That will shock them into keeping their traps shut.
toinette said:
you sure do knwo some ignorant ass people,. forget them and do you!!! you look great. your hair suits you very well - very cute :)

ITA Pooh! It makes me rethink getting more relaxers...:look:
melodee said:
We've been conditioned to think that relaxed hair is the natural way to go.:(

Pooh, it's a drastic change (however lovely). Let em stare and scoff and eventually it will pass. If it gets too personal, or continues down this path, you may want to make a once and for all family or church family statement acknowledging your new style and say there will be no more discussion. That will shock them into keeping their traps shut.
How come I was thinking about this yesterday?!?!?! :blush: Us LHCF ladies have minds alike! :D
hopeful said:
How do you stand being around so much ignorance and negativity? I can't even imagine how you must feel. But then again, whenever people step out of the box and step up their game in any way (with hair, education, pursuing dreams, etc.) people become threatened. Focus, focus, focus your precious energy on your beauty and what's good in your life. Hold onto every compliment and turn away from all the other crap.

Well said!!!
My aunt (good, strong, southern-Baptist-Christian woman) LOL ...ALWAYS has something to say about my hair. Her hair is the same breaking relaxed, thinning, over-dyed, over-processed hair that it has always been. She likes to stretch my hair and comment on how "nappy" it is and that I must take hair after "somebody else in the family" because it is unusual for my "type of hair" to grow this long.
I just tell her that God did it. He opened my eyes and closed the lid on the relaxer jar and the rest is history. (Trust me, it takes everything in me not to tell her to go straight to Purgatory). But she see's it's healthy, not breaking, growing fast and strong and there is nothing she can say or do to stop it.
Your church lady will realized the same thing one day. Keep on looking cute, keep smiling, keep growing and this too shall pass. Happy Hair Growing.
I'm truly amazed. I can't believe she said "you know us Black folk got nappy kinky hair" I would have said...."speak for yourself lady, my hair is beautiful"

Let your hair speak for itself.
Girl all I have to say is get used to it ..Black folk always got something to say ...

I some folks at my church love my hair ... and others ... it seems to me the more old fashion type don't ... Yesterday .. I when to bible study and 2 people thought my hair had to go ... and 4 others thought it looked great ..

It all in the eye of the beholder...

I am glad I live in NYC because ... natural hair is very popular here .. so I don't think I I could deal with the comments... if I lived in an area were it was not