And guess what this lady said at my church???

Hey Pooh, like I said before you look beautiful, like a model in a magazine. it is truly disapointing that our own people have been so brainwashed that they are sometimes worse than others when it comes to being so blatantly critical if it's not the hair it's the skin tone...when are we as a people going to start loving each other as opposed to wanting so badly to be accepted by others it starts with us first..personally, I have seen a few ladies here in Boston rocking some of the most gorgeous absolutely beautiful twa's and found myself in awe of them and their beautiful well maintained hair and wondered to myself why can't I do that? girl, you look good you have given me the courage to do the big chop and I don't really care what anyone come on tell the truth girl, you know you look good! (smile)
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toinette said:
you sure do know some ignorant ass people,. forget them and do you!!! you look great. your hair suits you very well - very cute :) sure do! I do too though. They're just hatas 'cause I know I look good, and you do too! *two snaps and a twist*
Allandra said:

Some people are just not used to the natural look (which is just too darn bad for them). Keep smiling and sporting your natural do. Since your cut is still new, you will most likely continue to hear these sort of comments from people that are just seeing it.

I agree Allandra!

I wore my hair pressed to church one day and this guy tells me, "Wow, you finally got mop done! "

First of all, I don't have a mop and second it's DONE everyday, whether it's worn straight, curly, in an afro, in puffs, in braids or in twists!

Just keep on being you and show them how confident and beautiful you are in all your natural glory.

No lie, Poohbear, Your hair looks really good! I know how hard it is to deal with people's mouths! You know better than she does. I wonder what her hair looks like? :scratchch

:Clown: There it is.:antlers: or that one?
Well, bless that lady's heart, but that comment was just off. I also had wondered where you live, because the reaction is definitely different depending on what part of the country you live in. I live in the south, too, but I live in a really diverse area, so you see people with all types of styles. But I would say that southern areas in general are probably less accepting of diversity. Maybe you can be the person who educates others to the positives of natural hair. I'll betcyha you'll see others following your lead -- maybe even the same ones who've made negative comments. Sometimes people need to see someone else do something before they'll even consider doing it for themselves.
Poohbear, I am very glad that God has blessed you with the wisdom to know that the silly people you've encountered don't know what they are talking about! :)

By the way, you and your newly natural hair look absoutely BEAUTIFUL! I just saw the pics! :clapping: The twists suit your face perfectly and I am so impressed that you did them yourself. :yep: