An observation my 5 year old made...


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
So my 5 yo dd came home from school with her school pictures. We were looking at the class photo and she was pointing out all of her friends. She has two teachers and made an observation about their hair. Here's how the conversation went:

DD: *point to the teachers* Mommy, why are they wearing their hair down? Did they flat urn it or somethin?

Me: No, they didn't flat iron it, their hair is naturally straight like that. Just like yours is naturally beautiful and curly

DD: They better hurry up and put their hair in a bun!
Me: Why do they need to do that?

DD: *with a dead serious look on her face and voice full of concern*Because the wind's gonna come and blow all their hair off!

I couldn't do anything but :lachen:

Where on earth did she get THAT idea? :scratchch
Well she was kinda right. It could maybe cause split ends and breakage. She just used more simplified kid terminology. :look: :lachen:
She get it from her mama! So inquisitive and attentive. Children pay attention to everything. She knows how important her mama hair care is, so she wants them to do the same:yep:
OMG that is too cute. Well we not go point no fingers on where she got that from. But she already got a good start with haircare.