An Accidental bit of Moisturizing Mojo....

Welp ... I finally tried this yesterday ... and let me tell you, this is a winner!! I used:
  • 1 teaspoon of regular table salt
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 and a 1/2 cups of Suave Tropical Coconut conditioner (what can I say ... my transitioning hair needs a lot of conditioner)
I mixed it all up in a bowl and slathered it on my head one small section at a time. I put a plastic cap on my head, walked on my treadmill for about 20 minutes, then rinsed it out. The result: smooth and luscious hair that detanged in an instant. I was actually able to detangle with my fingers.

This will be added to my reggie on a permanent basis. Thanks again, Kiya!
Tried this:

1/4 tsp ionized salt
1/4 tsp seasalt
1/2 C DC

Applied to roots and sides first and worked down to ends. 1 hour under hood dryer and 1 hour under heat cap. Hair came out delightfully manegeable -- more than I expected.

But my sides surprised me the most - I actually have a few ringlets there.
Because of the powerful loosening capabilities, I will hold off and doe quarterly applications because I don't want to loose my curl. I will only apply to roots as I don't want straight ends (which are pretty straight already due to BS ( i'm gonna have to let go of that too for awhile).

But on my sides, I am going to continue weekly application. Kiya, my sides used to be hard no matter how much I moisturized, now the skin is soft there just like other parts of my hair.

Thank you sooo much JUSTKIYA:luv2:
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My results:

I am 3c slightly texlaxed. I mixed about 2 teaspoons of salt in with my regular old Suave conditioner. It didn't foam up as I was expecting it to. I massaged it through my hair, covered it with a cap and let it sit for about 5 minutes while I finished my shower, then rinsed. My hair felt smooth smooth smooth, and unlike NiceandWavy, was very curly. I put it my leave ins and let it air dry just like that. I had the most defined curls I have ever had, along with the most shrinkage I have ever had :perplexed. But my hair felt good!

I didn't like the way I had styled the curls so I rinsed my hair with conditioner the next day to start over. My hair is still smoothly curly, if you know what I mean - my curls are defined with less frizz, and my hair feels nice and soft. I like it!!!
My results:

I am 3c slightly texlaxed. I mixed about 2 teaspoons of salt in with my regular old Suave conditioner. It didn't foam up as I was expecting it to. I massaged it through my hair, covered it with a cap and let it sit for about 5 minutes while I finished my shower, then rinsed. My hair felt smooth smooth smooth, and unlike NiceandWavy, was very curly. I put it my leave ins and let it air dry just like that. I had the most defined curls I have ever had, along with the most shrinkage I have ever had :perplexed. But my hair felt good!

I didn't like the way I had styled the curls so I rinsed my hair with conditioner the next day to start over. My hair is still smoothly curly, if you know what I mean - my curls are defined with less frizz, and my hair feels nice and soft. I like it!!!

I'm glad you had a good experience. When I did it, my curls were looser than usual, but they snapped right back the next day. I too have less frizz and my hair still feels softer than usual. I think I'll do this once per month and see what happens!
You used the white vinegar? I'm wondering is there a difference in the ph levels with white and the apple cider, if any?

Glad it worked out for you...I know the feeling and all I used was straight up table salt (Morton's)

Yes, the white vinegar was actually nice & I didn't have that heavy 'vinegar-y" after-smell.

Now, for some reason, I can't wrap my brain around using SALT-

I guess old habits are hard to break-

but the science of it makes so much sense.

I'll get to it- but in the 'tween time, baking soda is the bizzniss!
I haven't tried this yet, but I'm itching too. This is so ingenious! Thanks for sharing this Justkiya! :yep:

Can I give you a shout out on my fotki when I review it?
Yes, the white vinegar was actually nice & I didn't have that heavy 'vinegar-y" after-smell.

Now, for some reason, I can't wrap my brain around using SALT-

I guess old habits are hard to break-

but the science of it makes so much sense.

I'll get to it- but in the 'tween time, baking soda is the bizzniss!

I haven't tried both vinegar and baking soda together, but the salt and the conditioner works sooooooooooooo well!
Hmm, I want to try this, but should there be some type of guideline for how often, especially if you relax your hair?
Kiya girl....I love u, i may name my firstborn after u

So u know i love u right? This is a part of my new regimen. The only thing is, is it safe to use it on a regular basis? Hopefully so cause this is the TRUTH for me!

:woot: I'm so, so glad it worked for you!!!!! :blush3: Kiya is a lovely name.

I've tried this twice now & I absolutely love it. My hair is shinier and silkier. However, I got a few tangles which I never get, but it wont stop me from using it. Thank you Kiya! :heart2:

Hrm, tangles are concerning, though - they make me think about raised cuticles, and that's definitely a problem. *thinks* How much salt have you been using?

This will be added to my reggie on a permanent basis. Thanks again, Kiya!

:clap: Yay!!! Yay!!! I hope it continues to work for you!

I LOVE LOVE my Kiya Fizzle results!!! Here's what I did yesterday evening:

It's the next afternoon as I type this and my hair feels nice, soft and moisturized every time I smooth my bun. Oh year, I almost wore my hair down this morning cuz my ends are banging! What is it about this salt that detangles and smooth the ends???

Girl, I don't know!!! I'm so glad it's working - but I'm still nervous. I don't like beta-testing software, I'm real nervous about beta-testing on hair! :look:

But on my sides, I am going to continue weekly application. Kiya, my sides used to be hard no matter how much I moisturized, now the skin is soft there just like other parts of my hair.

Thank you sooo much JUSTKIYA:luv2:

Yay!!! :lol: I'm glad that it's helped you, in any way!!

I didn't like the way I had styled the curls so I rinsed my hair with conditioner the next day to start over. My hair is still smoothly curly, if you know what I mean - my curls are defined with less frizz, and my hair feels nice and soft. I like it!!!


I haven't tried this yet, but I'm itching too. This is so ingenious! Thanks for sharing this Justkiya! :yep:

Can I give you a shout out on my fotki when I review it?

:lol: Yes, please?

Hmm, I want to try this, but should there be some type of guideline for how often, especially if you relax your hair?

Girl, we are all figuring this out as we go - so, I don't even have any wise ideas. :(

alright I'm going to be trying this today

*has mild panick attack* it will be ok though :grin:

:clap: Oooh, Iris, girl, goodluck!!!
alright I'm going to be trying this today

*has mild panick attack* it will be ok though :grin:

How'd it go Iris? Inquiring minds wanna know! :grin:

I did it again, my hair was soooo soft, and I swear my new growth is straighter than usual. This will help me stretch for a couple more weeks.

Thanks again JustKiya! :clap:
Kiya thanks for sharing your accidental discovery. I tried this last night- just a little salt in my Tressemme condish. I massaged it into my wet hair, focusing on the ends and allowed it to soak in for a while. I was concerned since I flatironed my hair last Sunday and I knew I was a little less timid with the heat than usual- so I knew my hair needed some TLC. Well, I rinsed it out, and began detangling- for the most part the comb slid through my hair with no other leave-ins. Salt in the condish is a keeper for an occasional treat for my ends.
I just tried this. My hair was soft so far. I braided my hair for a braid out tomorrow morning. I will post my final results and pics.
How'd it go Iris? Inquiring minds wanna know! :grin:

I did it again, my hair was soooo soft, and I swear my new growth is straighter than usual. This will help me stretch for a couple more weeks.

Thanks again JustKiya! :clap:
I got sidetracked, gonna do it later tonight or tomorrow for sure

I'll be sure to share!!!
I tried this over the weekend (forgot to post)! My hair immediately began dripping water... :perplexed That worried me at first, but I just slapped a baggie on and kept it moving. I didn't use heat, just let it sit for about 20 mins then rinsed. I kept rinsing and rinsing and rinsing because it felt like my hair still had conditioner in it!! :D My ends look soooooooooooo much better, I can't believe it. Last night I co-washed and set my hair in curlformers, and my ends STILL look good (I didn't do the salt mix this go round)!!!

I may do this every other week to keep my ends looking sleek. THANK YOU KIYA!!! :kiss: :huggle: I was so distressed about my ends!!
:woot: Kels!! I'm glad it worked for you, and you are most welcome!! Hrm, I wonder what the water dripping was about - did you put it on wet hair, maybe?
It's not that you are supposed to do it on dry hair - though I think I always have - but that was just my first thought as to why it would start dripping water... :yep:
I said I would post the pics of post salt braid out. Here is it. Thank you again Justkiya you saved my hair's life. I have been swanging my braid out all day long.

wonder if this would make a super soft steam treatment? a samantha and kiya hair softening hybrid?...
Well I just got my hair done....actually my stylist did a reconstutor....I should try this when I wash Saturday.....
hmm...maybe add some saa to the mix for more silkyness. and maybe help counteract a lil of the protein breakdown.... i got a lot of lights goin on in my head with this!

oh, how much acv and bs to use? or is that trial and error?
hmm...maybe add some saa to the mix for more silkyness. and maybe help counteract a lil of the protein breakdown.... i got a lot of lights goin on in my head with this!

oh, how much acv and bs to use? or is that trial and error?

I believe most people are using equal amounts of the two, and personally, I wouldn't use more than a teaspoon or so of BS, esp. for your first try. :yep:
ok.... so Ive been doing research on how to deal with some weeds and overgrowth of the marshy woods behind my house... and the cheap recommendation is rock salt... the experts talk about how the salt will soak up the excess water and cause dryness and the dryness will starve the weeds & plants & shrubs and thus they will die...

so then this thread came to mind....

so yes, the salt obviously helps with slippage and detangling... but at what cost?? I guess one would just have to pay ue diligence and use extra moiturizers... but for the non-naturals, that could wreak havoc on the moisture/protein balance....

What do you folks think?
All I know is I wanted to try this but I got home and didn't have time for the 30 minute DC etc.. So I just mixed some up with a handful of conditioner and conditioner washed my hair. The 10 minutes I took in the shower was enough to see a difference. To get your conditioner to foam up if ou are just adding salt, you have to dissolve the salt in a tiny bit of water. You don't have to dissolve all, but enough. It will foam right up. This morning now, I washed my hair with my son's baby shampoo. That yellow johnson and johnson one, and my hair is still feeling like someone elses. It is so shiny and everything. I shampooed and now I am dcing with honeysuckle rose kiyafizzle style. I put it on and its like my hair just absorbed it, I think I may have to put more conditioner. Thank you sooo much for this kiya! Even when I was mixing it up last night to go in the shower, I stirred with my finger and my finger felt like it had residue on it for a while it was so silky.