An Accidental bit of Moisturizing Mojo....

I have got to read this entire thread because I have 2 lbs of citric acid and don't know what possessed me to buy it! :spinning: Now I might actually have a use for it!

JJ: You are the one who told me that it was a cuticle-closer, which is why I started adding lemon juice to my homemade aloe vera moisture spritz and it worked like a charm.


Plus, apparently it also works as a chelator.

:lol: Those two pounds will last you FOREVER, trust!

I also use it in the kitchen (actually IN food) to give 'tartness' to stuff I don't want to add additional liquids to....
No, not really - one, that's a HECK of a lot more than I used.... but that's interesting - I've never used Epsom before... :lol:

One thing about Epsom Salt, it's an entirely different chemical than table salt.

Table salt is Sodium Chloride, Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulfate. So, the suggestions/uses/recommendations for Epsom Salt might not transfer to table salt quite as well.

Ok totally understand. Thanks
Co signing and subscribing.

I love new discoveries.... So it seems that not only sodium chloride but magnesium sulfate as well does good for your hair..

OT. To the ladies who use epsom salts: Does it do your skin good? How much do you use in your soaks.?
My skin is very soft. I have no complaints at all about Epsom Salts. ;).
Okay...tomorrow I am going to post on the salt experiment in this thread and on my new RUSK passionflower and aloe texturizing leave-in in the other thread and then I am not going to post again until after I get home from work because I HAVE TO GET SOME WORK DONE. We'll see if I can stick to that :grin:. The thing is is that last week while I was researching a very high end product I read a rave about (not here) and had no intention of buying because it cost too much, it had salt as an ingredient and it had a blurb of an explanation of all its ingredients and their benefits and it has been killing me trying to remember what it was I was researching so I can go back and find it. This product has all kinds of wonderful ingredients in it and I did find the salt part a little jarring, but now I wish I had paid more attention to it.
When you mixed your citric acid and baking soda - did you dissolve the citric acid in water first, or just pour the crystals right into the CON?

I've got a whole BAG of citric acid in my closet. :look:

Me too, I forgot why I even bought it... I had something in mind I'm sure.... I have lactic acid too... I plan to experiment with that one day if I can sit still long enough.

I couldn't wait. I added the salt, honey, evoo mix to my dc early this morning. I just rinsed it out about 10 minues ago, immediately after my previous post. I believe you may be on to something. I have super thick and extremely curly hair. I cowash daily yet this past week my hair laughed at my conditioners, butters, oils, etc. and ALL of my other methods of restoring shine and softness.
I can run my fingers through my 100% natural hair without them snagging and pulling out tons of coily srands. I also did not notice one piece of hair in the sink as I was washing out the con. I am allowing it to dry without any product at all so that I may see how this experiment changed my hair in its 100% dry state. It is a miracle for me to be able to comb through my curls while it is drying without any leavins, oils, or butters and not have the comb get stuck halfway through. It also loosened me curls somewhat. I will be using this method again. I wonder if it would work with sea salt? I can't keep my hands out of my hair because it is so soft and it does not feel like a brillo pad (like yesterday)

This is terrific! :clap: keep the reviews coming!

I am so intrigued by the science behind this. Turns out salt is a natural relaxer:
Good gravy, that's some reading right there, did you read that entire thing? :blush:
:lol: DH just gives me the side-eye when I start rattling pots.... I really need to start cooking (food) more.... :rofl:
Tell DH you busy hookin us up...he can get a sandwich :laugh:

Lord can it be that I will never have to use a chemical relaxer again??!!??! Only LHCF! Only LHCF!

I too was thinking of clipping my end (which is a very big deal to me b/c I don’t cut for religious reasons). This is a God-sent. As a matter of fact I got down with a serious prayer session just last night and I was just waiting for an answer and her it is. Thank you so much for sharing!

Subscribing and Trying!

Please be sure to post your results!

Ya'll are going to make me wash my hair in the middle of my no wash week...see....Imma try to hold off until Saturday when I have time to play in my hair! This is such great and interesting news! Thank you Miss Kiya you are a winner!!!

Just to let ya'll know, if ya'll don't come back and update this thread, I will be PM'ing folks - good or bad, I really want to know how this works out for ya'll ladies! :yep: :lol:
Shimmie: I have been adding honey to my conditioner three or four times a week for the last three weeks, so no problem there. I get a hairgasm just thinking about the combo of the epsom salt and honey condish :yep:. My arms and shoulder are incredibly sore from new exercises on the lat pulldown today, too...

Svetlana: I am embarrassed to say that I use more than what the box says to use because I have a huge tub. And, although I have suffered no ill effects, it is best probably best to do what the box says.

adw, we must be 'twins', :lol: I have the same muscle soreness. :lol:

AND my legs are sore from the leg press. My trainer upped me to leg pressing 325 lbs. He wouldn't tell me until my session was over. He just kept adding and I started showing off........ But Ummmm, now I'm paying for it... :cry3: :lol:

I keep huge bags of Epsom Salts in my home....Huge. :lol:

Blessings to you angel.... Keep on 'Pressing' :lol:
JJ: You are the one who told me that it was a cuticle-closer, which is why I started adding lemon juice to my homemade aloe vera moisture spritz and it worked like a charm.
Thank you ADW for reminding forgetfulness shows me I need to slow down! LOL I can't keep up with myself! :spinning:


Plus, apparently it also works as a chelator.

:lol: Those two pounds will last you FOREVER, trust!

I also use it in the kitchen (actually IN food) to give 'tartness' to stuff I don't want to add additional liquids to....

Good idea I love tart foods.
I going to try this today ASAP because my hair is a tangled, dry, rough, knotted mess, which is why I decided I wanted to texturize my hair. I will let you know if this works for me because I definitely will not texturize my hair if it does.
Hi everyone,

as i said in my very first thread today this reaaaaaalllly works.

I want to try it again tonight.

JK do you think it is good to do it 2 nights in a row?
Hi everyone,

as i said in my very first thread today this reaaaaaalllly works.

I want to try it again tonight.

JK do you think it is good to do it 2 nights in a row?

Oooh, I don't know!!! :look: Since I don't know how or why it works - I don't know! Girl, we are traversing unknown ground together!

Maybe try a little just on one section, and if it feels good, put it on the whole head? That would be the 'safest' way to do it, I think. :yep:
I just did a quick ingredients check of my beloved nexxus original line: therappe moisture poo, humectress moisture condish, headdress leavein, kerafix reconstructor, aloe rid clarifying poo ALL have sodium chloride (plain table salt) as an ingredient somewhere in the middle. Don't know what it means, but these products have served me well over 20 years, especially back in the day when I was clueless - they saved my hair without my knowing it.

Now that I'm more informed (and after much experimentation with other products) these nexxus "classics" still out-perform all others on my hair. I had concluded after an interesting thread on ceramides that it was because nexxus originals all had ceramides. After this thread, there's another reason to believe this line is great because of the lowly table salt, aka "sodium chloride" . . .

Just a thought . . .
Question - Do you think it's safe for me to get under the dryer w/ this mix in my hair? I try to DC with heat for about 30-50 minutes. I can't see it hurting anything, but I just want to get your viewpoint.
Question - Do you think it's safe for me to get under the dryer w/ this mix in my hair? I try to DC with heat for about 30-50 minutes. I can't see it hurting anything, but I just want to get your viewpoint.

As long as you don't let it dry out, I don't see why not - I left it on for about two hours last night, and we don't have central air, and I was cooking. :lol: It was pretty warm. ;)
This is really interesting. As it happens I'm about to wash just now. I've already loaded the hair up with condish and it is in about 12 twists under a cap. I'm sleepy, though, so I might take a nap before rinsing out. I don't have the energy or will to do a full detangle today so I'ma do a makeshift one with the shower comb under the shower. I'm going to add a little lemon juice to water to rinse since you all suggest it as a cuticle sealer. As for the salt, I might wait until more reviews come back. Especially since I've already put conditioner on and I'd rather go the easy route and just add some to conditioner. If more results come back positive, I might give it a go.
Alright, so I shampooeod, then used my conditioner with some baking soda, a tiiiiiny bit of lemon juice and some did get foamy and like mousse...interesting!

Put on a plastic cap for half an hour, then under my steamer for about 20 minutes.

Two words: LIKE BUTTAH. :spinning: It's so soft and my ends feel wonderful. This is just what my hair needed.

Thanks Justkiya!
I just did a quick ingredients check of my beloved nexxus original line: therappe moisture poo, humectress moisture condish, headdress leavein, kerafix reconstructor, aloe rid clarifying poo ALL have sodium chloride (plain table salt) as an ingredient somewhere in the middle. Don't know what it means, but these products have served me well over 20 years, especially back in the day when I was clueless - they saved my hair without my knowing it.

Now that I'm more informed (and after much experimentation with other products) these nexxus "classics" still out-perform all others on my hair. I had concluded after an interesting thread on ceramides that it was because nexxus originals all had ceramides. After this thread, there's another reason to believe this line is great because of the lowly table salt, aka "sodium chloride" . . .

Just a thought . . .

I saw that too and looked up several other of my arsenal ingredients. Most have....ta dah... Sodium Chloride. Conspiracy? hmmm
Alright, so I shampooeod, then used my conditioner with some baking soda, a tiiiiiny bit of lemon juice and some did get foamy and like mousse...interesting!

Put on a plastic cap for half an hour, then under my steamer for about 20 minutes.

Two words: LIKE BUTTAH. :spinning: It's so soft and my ends feel wonderful. This is just what my hair needed.

Thanks Justkiya!

Just like a sista, go head and just throw it ALL up in dare. Tee hee. You are so my twin.

For someone who normally waters down conditioner, do you think the same results can be acheived if the salt was dissolved in water, then added to the conditioner? Or should the conditioner be diluted first, then adding in the salt (not sure if that would make a difference)? Or should diluting be avoided in this situation?
great thread! it reminded me that when i applied a baking soda and avc mix to my hair, it felt so silky :love:. i was surprised but then i promptly forgot about those results :look:. this thread reminded me about it and confirmed to me that it wasn't some crazy fluke!

So tonight I came home from work, got settled and mixed the following

2 ounces of Organix Vanilla Silk Conditioner (I love this :love4:)

2 tsp of Baking Soda

1 tsp of Fresh Lemon Juice

This is what it looks like on my head. :lol:

Now Kiya........I have 5 more minutes (30 minutes total time) before I rinse this out... :rolleyes:

I have to say that my hair feels sooooooooooooooooooooo soft and silky with this "Kiya Fizzie" on it.

I'll be back after I rinse it out. :nervous2: