Amount growth achieved Cathy Howse method?


New Member
How much is your hair growing with this method? Do you always shampoo every 3 days or do you sometimes replace a shampoo with a conditioner rinse? Bonjour.
Hi Mahalialee4,

I don't know how much growth I've gotten exactly because I didn't measure when I was starting, but I have gotten a lot of growth. Best of all, my hair looks healthy. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I always shampoo every 3 days, just as she recommends and it works great for me. I haven't tried the conditioner washes yet. For now I use shampoo every 3 days. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Now Pebbles, my problem would be that I try to run on the track about four days per week and if I only washed every three days there would be a slew of salt in my hair. Didn't you say that you worked out too? Do you still only wash every three days when you work out?
Hi Leshia,
I don't work out every day. /images/graemlins/blush.gif (gotta change that)
But on the days that I do work out I always wash my hair, no matter what day it falls on. A lot of the other ladies that work out daily wash their hair daily. Some of them do conditioner only washes. I haven't done conditioner washes. I always use shampoo. I find thatI can use either Cream of Nature for dry/damaged hair or Nexxus Botanoil shampoo frequently without it damaging my hair. I have no worries with these two shampoos at all. /images/graemlins/smile.gif HTH
Mahalialee4 said:
So could we have some updates re: growth and length retention as of Sept 05 using CHmethod?

Would love to hear more growth results. Some ladies were doing this for a long time. What can you tell me about your satisfaction or disappointments if you were committed to this method? Thank you bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
How much is your hair growing with this method? Do you always shampoo every 3 days or do you sometimes replace a shampoo with a conditioner rinse? Bonjour.

I achieve 6ins a yr but due to my bad upkeeping back in Sept - Dec (bad hair dyes) my hair started breaking but I have achieved 6 inches in a yr and currently in 6 months: i've achieved and kept 3 inches. I do wash every 3 days and dc once a week

ETA: I never do co-washes: i do just the opposite: i'll shampoo but i'll use a leave-in conditioner instead: i love shampooing: its like a nerve 2 me: if i'm washing my hair: i'm using shampoo regardless
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Cathy knows what she's talking about. I achieved growth with CW. From March to August of 2008, when I flat ironed my ends I noticed that I grew an 1 inch. I thought it would be longer. My strands were stronger and I was moisturizing everyday and sleeping in a silk scarf. I was not as happy with my hair as I would have liked. But I noticed a thread on Mega-Tek and I started using it. And I grew over an inch in 2 weeks. I was harrassed by my friends to trim my ends and I thought my hair was not retaining the growth due to split ends and remaining relaxed ends from transitioning. So in October or November I curling ironed my hair straight and WOW. My hair amazingly surpassed the growth I had with CW in only a few months and it was STRONGER and HEALTHIER. So even with split thin ends my hair was retaining length and there was less breakage. But I still trimmed. Just to give my scalp an extra stimulation I sometimes mix the CW conditioner with my MT or just put CW conditioner on my scalp and MT the length of my hair. I still apply the CW method but with different products now. I wash 2x a week, it was 3x a week in the summer. I no longer trim but I do dust my ends for splits. I find that Mega-tek is a far superior protien conditioner than Cathy's. But hers is a good one because it is also a moisturizing deep con.
When I first started my journey 2 years ago, I was using the Cathy Howse method and I did the 365 day challenge and retained 6 ". I know because I was measuring my hair at the time. I shampooed or CWed every 3 days. It is a good challenge to start out with to prove that hair does grow and that the only real issue is length retention!
Cathy knows what she's talking about. I achieved growth with CW. From March to August of 2008, when I flat ironed my ends I noticed that I grew an 1 inch. I thought it would be longer. My strands were stronger and I was moisturizing everyday and sleeping in a silk scarf. I was not as happy with my hair as I would have liked. But I noticed a thread on Mega-Tek and I started using it. And I grew over an inch in 2 weeks. I was harrassed by my friends to trim my ends and I thought my hair was not retaining the growth due to split ends and remaining relaxed ends from transitioning. So in October or November I curling ironed my hair straight and WOW. My hair amazingly surpassed the growth I had with CW in only a few months and it was STRONGER and HEALTHIER. So even with split thin ends my hair was retaining length and there was less breakage. But I still trimmed. Just to give my scalp an extra stimulation I sometimes mix the CW conditioner with my MT or just put CW conditioner on my scalp and MT the length of my hair. I still apply the CW method but with different products now. I wash 2x a week, it was 3x a week in the summer. I no longer trim but I do dust my ends for splits. I find that Mega-tek is a far superior protien conditioner than Cathy's. But hers is a good one because it is also a moisturizing deep con.

Perhaps Megatek would make an excellent reconstructor to replace the Mane and Tail Conditioner for the "knockoff" CH Conditioner. what do you think?