Am I hair obsessed ???


Well-Known Member
Here's my problem,
I usually get a weekly wash and set at the salon but I am use to rinse my hair atleast 2x for the week after I am about 8 weeks into my relaxer. I get a wash every Saturday, but by the time Wed. rolls around my head feels dirty. Everyone looks at me like I am crazy and tells my that my hair looks fine, which it does
, but it feels kinda icky to me and my scalp doesnt feel clean. Last night, I decided to wash my hair, it WAS dirty and worse, it was falling out like crazy while wet and nothing could help it
. When I use to rinse my hair I could comb it with a tail comb while wet and nothing would really come out and this is 14weeks post relaxer. I think (I know) my hair misses the moisture, particularly b.c I need a perm. All I can think about right now is going home to give my hair a condition wash to restore its moisture level again. Am I obsessed, in the eyes of others I am. I kinda think I am also. Most black women wash once a week or every 2 weeks and they are fine. However, I find that as I approach week 8 and of my relaxer, condition washes do my hair sooo much good. Right now, all i can picture is walking into Just For Me bss and purchasing a Nacidit rinse and I am going to try 10 in 1 after reading so many posts on it. If I was into my school work as I am into my hair I would have a 4.0 GPA.... I guess my priorities arent straightened out
I think for people who are not so into their hair, our behavior may seem a bit obsessive, but really, you're no more obsessed than I am.
I think we're all normal.
That's funny that you say this! My husband told me the other day that I was obsessed with my hair and this website. I'm proud to say that I am obsessed with my hair! I think about it all the time! I want my hair to grow and be long, and for it to last. What's wrong with that!! Men love when black women have long beautiful hair, but when they find out how much work is really put into it, they want to say it's an obsession. I think everyone has something that they are crazy about, whether it's their hair, computers, working out, their job, food, we all have something that is on our minds a majority of the day. Ours just happens to be our hair. That's okay girl!!
Britt said:
Last night, I decided to wash my hair, it WAS dirty and worse, it was falling out like crazy while wet and nothing could help it

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Oh no!
Do you need a protein conditioner to strengthen it? Are you shedding some this fall? We've got to keep hair on that head!

I don't think a mid-week conditioning wash is excessive, and it sounds like you know what conditioners your hair prefers. Don't space out your relaxers so far that you get breakage. Adrienne says that what counts most is the hair you KEEP.
pebbles said:
I think for people who are not so into their hair, our behavior may seem a bit obsessive, but really, you're no more obsessed than I am.
I think we're all normal.

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Thanks everyone,
Megonw, spacing out my relaxers does not make my hair shed, strange huh? Actually the longer I get into my relaxer I think my hair gets stronger, especially with doing my rinses. My hair is easy to comb 12 weeks post relaxer. The only area that may give me a problem is my kitchen
thats when my glycerin comes in handy
Britt said:
Am I obsessed, in the eyes of others I am. I kinda think I am also... If I was into my school work as I am into my hair I would have a 4.0 GPA.... I guess my priorities arent straightened out

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We're all obsessed, let some people tell it! I'll take that, as long as my hair looks good in the meantime!
Better this than drugs!!!
i would like 2 go longer thn 6 weeks for a relaxer but it just gets sooo unmanagable at the root and it seems to affect the rest of my hair to the piont where i cant do anything to it, but now that i am joining tin the bun challenge, i guess it wont matter much, i will just try to soften up the new growth.......
Hey britt....girl dont worry...I am just like you..everyone thinks Im entirely too obsessed with my hair..but I just love a head of long beautiful thick healthy hair..and I am willing to do whatever I can to acheive that..and if that means being some-what obsessive....than thats just the way it is...because all this obsessiveness will definately pay off in the long run with absolutely to die for head of hair .
ms_kenesha said:
I am the same way my fiance says if the hair board was the DMV I'd defintiely have my license by now

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*joining the hair-obsession club*

My mother said that in a few weeks, I'm going to literally turn into hair.

Little does she know that would be a dream come true.
ms_kenesha said:
I am the same way my fiance says if the hair board was the DMV I'd defintiely have my license by now

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For real, I am 21 and still dont have a license or a permit for that matter
Britt said:
ms_kenesha said:
I am the same way my fiance says if the hair board was the DMV I'd defintiely have my license by now

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For real, I am 21 and still dont have a license or a permit for that matter

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Awe, don't feel bad. Although I've been driving since I was 16, I didn't get my liscense until I was 21 (actually I got it in June
). Anyways, I am definitely obsessed with my hair and my family tells me that I am, but it's fun. Like someone mentioned earlier, it's better that we are addicted to haircare than to drugs, lol
As long is it isn't an unhealthy obsession, you can call it a casual hobby

Today I jokingly tried to convince my boyfriend to give me a $100, he asked "what would you spend it on?" and I said "Hair products..." I tried to save myself by mentioning other items, but he called my bluff and said "You already have 10 billion hair thingies upstairs!! But I guess you have to have 10 billion and 1, right?"

Well, yes, I do. As part of my 'collection' (do you see how it can legitimately be a hobby?)
I'm so hair obsessed that I keep it hidden when secretly, I just want to try to engage everyone in a discussion about hair...
Fortunately, my hair obsession is helping me to keep breakage to a minimum so I'm not too worried!