Am I Full APL?


To be full APL mean all of your hair has to be APL? No layers?
I think I'm a full APL. I want to be full BSL by spring...maybe beginning of summer.

Am I full APL or am I a few inches short?


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Actually, this is the aftermath of a BC. I was about a few inches above APL after the chop in August. I was BSL but I completely destroyed my hair with a bad relaxer and not taking care of it. Then I cut it all off in Jan of 07. Wore a weave until it grew BSL. But it was thin and awful. It's hard to tell from the first pic. But I cut like 4-5 inches off. For the past few months my hair has made a comeback!! And it's healthy. The only thing I need to do is stop flat ironing!!! I do it almost daily:wallbash: My hair is naturally 3a (curly frizzy) and 2 (wavy) So I relax it. I just leave it in for 5 mins. My strands are thin, but it's dense.

my reggie is:

I wash 2wice per week
I DC each time.
I use my steamer 2wice per week. (I think it made the most difference)
Roller set, flat iron, saran wrap.
I use either Sabino or Mazani Thermasmooth.
I can't do any leave ins. It weighs my hair down.
But I use a little Keracare Silken Shine when I flat iron. For me less is more.
I'm going to try the pin curls.

After I took out the weave it was long but a mess. The ends were thin and it really looked unhealthy. The thin pieces you see in front was ALL of the length. It was a mess:nono:

Took these today. After the BC in August and taking care of it. It grew about an inch. I cut some really short pixie bangs too. I nursed it back to health!:grin:

Now I'm working on getting the length back! BSL next year!!!:yep:
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Bella, do you have on a shirt in your pics. I want to see your hair but I don't want get caught looking at a lady in her bra while I'm at work. :giggle:
Huh? Yes. It's my Obama Girl Tee!! LOL!

Ok good. LOL

I can't tell you how many times I've clicked on links and people are in bras or even braless and I have to rush to close the tab so I don't get caught. And then I start to panic when my computer freezes and people start to walk by.

ETA: Your hair looks great!