am i crazy, or did i really get a few inches in less than three months?


New Member
i rarely make threads in the hair forum anymore, but i need some opinions on this. basically, i got myself all super-excited tonight. even though my official length check won't be till next month, i took another impromptu length check photo, and shocked myself. i don't know what kind of super growth potion someone snuck in my regular cowash and leave-in conditioners, but i am flabbergasted. i hit BSB just in time for my two-year nappiversary in june, but when i went to go get a dominican blowout before my progress photos, my trusty stylist suddenly became not-so-trusty and hacked off my hair. i went from BSB to barely grazing APL in a matter of minutes. i mean, my setback was the first week of june, and i've already gotten back to where i was PLUS some.

someone please tell me i'm not crazy or delusional. is this normal? am i trippin', or seeing something wrong? talk about a summer growth spurt....if this keeps up, my hair will be ankle length by christmas....ok, not really, but you get the point. the bottom line is, am i really BSB, or is my mind playing tricks on me, sort of like reverse hair anorexia?

the first pic is from june 5th; the second i took around 1am today.


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Wow you definitely grew your hair back. Whatever you're doing it's definitely working. What's your entire regimen? Are you taking any vitamins?
The lock of hair you are stretching does indeed look BSB.

I hope you won't be going to a stylist again when you straighten for your next length check.
You are not crazy, but that *is* some crazy growth in a few months! Just go with it and be happy! Congrats on the beautiful locs- yay you!
Wow you definitely grew your hair back. Whatever you're doing it's definitely working. What's your entire regimen? Are you taking any vitamins?
nope, no vitamins. i swear i'm over here scratching my head....i gotta figure out how to duplicate this success! :lachen:
The lock of hair you are stretching does indeed look BSB.

I hope you won't be going to a stylist again when you straighten for your next length check.
nah, i think i'm done with her. heck, i was only going 3-4 times a year anyway, when i straighten for my length checks, but i'm gonna have to learn to do that on my own for sure!
Possibly, but it will be more accurate if you take a picture with your hair comparisons in the same style. My pulled hair, my natural hair, my blow dried hair and my pressed hair all look like different lengths in pictures(ranging form shoulder length to mbl depending on the style).
yes, i agree. you can see that my natural hair is just barely SL unstretched, and that's a twist and curl. my WNGs are NL. my official length check will be in september....curiosity just got the best of me last night and i did the stretch test. i will say that my stretch tests usually aren't TOO far off from the results i get when it's all flat ironed and silky swangy smooth :giggle:
Great progress! I love it. Have you been in protective styles since the setback?
yeah, pretty much! after she cut my hair, i was so distraught i couldn't even wear it down that week and get my money's worth out of the dominican blowout. i think after 4 days i washed it and went back to curly, then the next week i got a sew-in. i wore that for 4 weeks, then took it out. after that i just cowashed and wore WNGs every day for about 2 weeks before i decided to get serious about PSing. the last 6-ish weeks i've been wet bunning.

here is a post i wrote on my blog back in july about the new changes i was implementing in my regimen -- basically, i started sealing, used a new leave-in, and started wet bunning.

i may have had a growth spurt, but i really think the wet bunning had something to do with it. i've been here for two years and this kind of growth/retention is TOTALLY new to me. i mean, it took me six months (jan-june 2010) to go from APL to BSL once i stopped trimming, and here i made it in three. i had something similar happen in spring 2009, but it was only a two month growth spurt, and was maybe 1.5 inches in those two months. my regimen then was totally different than it is now, except for the cowashing. all i've been doing for the past 6 weeks is basically cowashing with HE HH, half-drying my hair with a t-shirt, adding the kimmaytube leave-in, and wet bunning. i've worn my hair down a total of 7-10 days in the last 6 weeks. i have noticed that my ends feel way better, but i never would have expected this.
Your hair looks so gorgeous! I'm drooling over it.:lachen: You are not crazy. You're retaining a lot of your growth. Please share what you are doing.:spinning: