am I being ungrateful?


New Member
So this guy im seing said he would take me out for Valentine's day. Well he had to pick up his child at 230pm and I had class till 1 so we decided to just meet up at 4. He comes over at around 5 and takes me to get my nails done. While im getting my nails done we are discussing a place to eat and then see a movie. After my nails are done he says he might have to run back home to pick his kid up from the baby sitters but that he will be back to take me to the movies. We go get something to eat and the whole time hes complaining about how he is gonna be late. After dinner he leaves. Its about 8pm now. I wait and decide to call him at 11 and no answer he texts and says he will be here later and im a little frustrated so I say" its late im going to sleep "and he says I was being ungrateful but im like this is the 3rd or 4th time he said he would see me and never shows up or cancels. Am I being ungrateful?
So this guy im seing said he would take me out for Valentine's day. Well he had to pick up his child at 230pm and I had class till 1 so we decided to just meet up at 4. He comes over at around 5 and takes me to get my nails done. While im getting my nails done we are discussing a place to eat and then see a movie. After my nails are done he says he might have to run back home to pick his kid up from the baby sitters but that he will be back to take me to the movies. We go get something to eat and the whole time hes complaining about how he is gonna be late. After dinner he leaves. Its about 8pm now. I wait and decide to call him at 11 and no answer he texts and says he will be here later and im a little frustrated so I say" its late im going to sleep "and he says I was being ungrateful but im like this is the 3rd or 4th time he said he would see me and never shows up or cancels. Am I being ungrateful?

Come on now...:nono:
No, you are not being ungrateful. Why would you think that? I assume you thanked him for the first part of the date. Anyone would be disappointed when they were looking forward to going the movies on Valentine's night and then being stood up without even a phone call. Third or fourth time canceling or standing you up too? That is not cool at all. It sounds like he was squeezing someone else in between your date and expected you to be grateful for having him all to yourself from 5-8 :ohwell:.
I don't think you're being ungrateful. He may be a great dad...or he may be juggling women. But with whatever he's doing, he doesn't have time for you.

Ungrateful?? He's rude and disrespectful. If he has to do all of that, maybe he shouldn't be trying to date.
Heck no you are not being ungrateful. I think he's trying to play mind games with you and by turning it around on you. I'm going to be brutally honest, if my man was not available during prime time hours on V-Day, but then try to see me on the late night for a##(that's kinda the beginning of booty call hours), we would be fighting. (Not physical)
Cancelling rarely due to emergency, I can deal with.
Not showing up to a date and not calling? Never that.

Now he's trying to convince you that you should be satisfied with a piece of man when he can be bothered. :lol:

Its slightly sad you had to ask other people if you are being ungrateful tbh. IMO the answer is no. Don't doubt your worth:yep:.
Well its his week with his son so I figured he would be busy and I know he has been having money troubles which is why I was grateful that he took me out but I just feel like this Valentine's day sucked.
If he was having money trouble you all could do a nice movie and dinner at home. Or would you be opposed to that?

And no you are not ungrateful for wanting to keep plans. He was trying to make you feel guilty but don't. Is he a single parent?
He's done this multiple times, even when he doesn't have his son .... Girl, I think you just have to admit what you already know...
It's 11pm on valentines day night and he responds via text? No call back? No movies as planned? And he supposedly went and picked his kid up at like 8? And you are ungrateful?

Sent from the corner pay phone
Je Ne Sais Quoi said:
It's 11pm on valentines day night and he responds via text? No call back? No movies as planned? And he supposedly went and picked his kid up at like 8? And you are ungrateful? And he's talking about he will be there later? What's later than 11pm?

Sent from the corner pay phone

Sent from the corner pay phone
No you aren't being ungrateful. He was rude. He knows what his obligations are. Should have told you that the evening would be short and left it at that instead of making promises.

By the time he came, valentines day woulda been over.
oh, honey, you are not being ungrateful but you are sharing that man.

Ita. Please realize that you are more than likely not the only one. My ex started pulling crap like this. Making plans and canceling at the last minute. Cutting our ”dates” short. I never confirmed it, but I'm fairly positive he was seeing someone else. I wish someone would've clued me in a lot sooner. Would've saved me heartache.

Do what you wish, but please know that he's probably seeing someone else. Don't get caught off guard.
Dang he should have just brought his kid on the date.

I agree, sounds like he had more than you as a boo on Valentine's day.
I'm tryna figure out what he could have possibly told the other person he's seeing. I'm pretty sure he squeezed someone else in as well, not to sound harsh but maybe even 2 others. What parent has to keep running back and forth for their kid?

Then instead of being understanding, he tries to flip the script.

I say don't reach out to him...see what he does next.
I'm tryna figure out what he could have possibly told the other person he's seeing. I'm pretty sure he squeezed someone else in as well, not to sound harsh but maybe even 2 others. What parent has to keep running back and forth for their kid?

Then instead of being understanding, he tries to flip the script.

I say don't reach out to him...see what he does next.

Probably that he had to work late. :rolleyes: I am not necessarily a big fan of V-day, but it's very telling if your mate disappears on that day. :nono:
I don't think you're being ungrateful. He may be a great dad...or he may be juggling women. But with whatever he's doing, he doesn't have time for you.

Ungrateful?? He's rude and disrespectful. If he has to do all of that, maybe he shouldn't be trying to date.

*CherryPie* Yep Indeed! Sounds like a juggler, Yep. My daughter had me cracking up saying that February 13th and 15th are National Jump-Off this true? :lachen:
Well its his week with his son so I figured he would be busy and I know he has been having money troubles which is why I was grateful that he took me out but I just feel like this Valentine's day sucked.

I don't think you're being ungrateful, I just can't understand why he wouldn't have made suitable arrangements for his child knowing Valentine's day would be during his week. I can't say that he definitely has someone/others apart from you because I don't know that, but I know what I would be thinking if it was me :nono: already know the answer to this post OP. He was squeezing you in hoping you would be satisfied with a third of a date. Time to unleash your inner detective on this dude.
i agree with the ladies ,he s seeing somebody else that's why he couldn't invest too much time and money with you ,don't fall for the mind games ,as convincing as he might be ,his actions tell a different story ,i have a kid ,it's really not that hard to plan things out .
I would leave him alone,he doesn't care /like you enough to respect your valuable time.
It's 11pm on valentines day night and he responds via text? No call back? No movies as planned? And he supposedly went and picked his kid up at like 8? And you are ungrateful?

Sent from the corner pay phone

:lol::lol: He had another date and was trying to juggle them.