All My Fine/thin Haired Ladies...

What's your hair length?

  • BSB or shorter

    Votes: 30 50.8%
  • BSL

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • MBL or longer

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Long hair fanatic
I figured I would get a feel for how many here are growing out their hair and have already made it to BSL or longer? What helped you the most and how difficult was/is your journey? I'm trying to make it all the way to the daunting TBL! If you have pics feel free to post to inspire others!
Ive had a really hard way to go. Ive been natural since April 2009 (BC) Then had to BC again in 2014 (Dominican put a perm in my hair talking about blow out conditioning and it all started to fall out. (I am a licenced beautician,lol) NOW, I practice protective styles that dont pull on my hair. I make sure I maintain moisture. My edges continue to be extra thin, fine, and breaking off. I also have deep cow licks so its hard to deal with certain styles.... But Im about an inch or 2 from MBL. I thinkI figured it all out now, lol....not really. I will post pics soon.
I'm now shorter than bsb but that's because I bc'd on May 21, 2015. At my longest I was texlaxed scraping waist length. (This pic is not my hair at it's longest but the only decent pic I could find of my length)

Once I found the right products and cut heat down to once a month or less it was easy. I had setbacks in the beg of my journey mainly because of heat but once I cut that out my hair grew without a problem.
Thanks girls for the replies! They help! @BronxJazzy nice photos! Your hair looks good. :yep:

Welp, I might as well tell my story. What I found helps me besides cutting back heat (and using lowest setting), is good ol' Megatek and daily moisturizing with my Acai Berry-Avocado Mist. My hair health has really turned around: very shiny, soft and bouncy. I was having setbacks throughout last year each trim @ salons, on top of slowed growth from having to stop my beloved It Works supplements (eBay saved me though lol). 2015 & prior my enemy was dryness/breakage.

I'm tired of salons chopping my hair off so I'm investing in the Split Ender this month. I should hit MBL by December. :woot: Currently nearly BSB.


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I am between BSL and MBL, fine strands, medium density. No heat and protective styles (wigs) are what worked for me, even when I was inconsistent with the rest of my regimen. My hair got really thick during pregnancy (as hair tends to do), but started shedding a lot postpartum. Now I'm actively working to retain, retain, retain, and hopefully thicken my hair back up in the process. In the past, regular cowashing and/or DCing made a huge difference in the improvement of my hair, so I am back to that regimen.
I am constantly cutting my hair because it is so thin and scraggly, it grows right back.

I am a little passed bra strap. Protective styling and protein is key for me. make sure you keep the moisture protein balanced and it's smooth sailing.
I have thin/fine hair. I've been natural since 2009. I only started retaining length when I found that my hair needed heavy protein (henna, neutral protein filler, aphogee etc) weekly with moisture added for balance. I also need to keep my hair stretched to keep ssk at bay. Low to no manipulation is best so I opt for low ponytails and buns. My only heat is my steamer.


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I have fine, low density, tangle prone and protein sensitive hair. What helped me the most during my journey, which began in December 2009, was leaving my hair alone. The most manipulation my hair received was on my weekly wash day. I didn't use wigs, extensions or growth aids and I didn't do much to it besides clean it and DC every 7 to 10 days before placing it into a loose ponytail to air dry. Midweek, it got a spritz of water and a creamy moisturizer/refresher until the next wash day. I gave it a shot of protein as needed and every so often I straightened it in order to give it a good trim. I'm a slow grower, so it took me the better part of four years to go from SL to WL.

The most difficult parts of my journey were finding out what products and ingredients my hair liked and disliked, in addition to detangling. Since my hair tangles at the drop of a hat and is pretty fragile, uncovering an effective detangler and detangling method was crucial. Things were going well until the manufacturer decided to reformulate my staple detangler two years into my journey. I was hot and left scrambling for a new detangler. It took me four years to find an effective detangler, which necessitated changing my detangling method (I went from easy breezy detangling in the shower while rinsing my shampoo to either detangling on dry hair or with a cleansing conditioner). I'm still not sure how much I like either of those detangling methods, but they'll do until something better comes along.

I did cut my hair to SL in March of last year and I think I'm currently somewhere above BSL. I haven't really been paying attention to the length of it since I'm focusing my energies on recovering from a recent setback. These are pics of the last time I straightened my hair, which was mid 2014 (wow, it's been that long?) and the last pic is at the beginning of my journey in 2009.

2014a.jpg 2014b.jpg 2009.jpg

ETA: I've fiddled with things for a bit; hopefully, the pics to show up.
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I have fine, low density, tangle prone and protein sensitive hair. What helped me the most during my journey, which began in December 2009, was leaving my hair alone. The most manipulation my hair received was on my weekly wash day. I didn't use wigs, extensions or growth aids and I didn't do much to it besides clean it and DC every 7 to 10 days before placing it into a loose ponytail to air dry. Midweek, it got a spritz of water and a creamy moisturizer/refresher until the next wash day. I gave it a shot of protein as needed and every so often I straightened it in order to give it a good trim. I'm a slow grower, so it took me the better part of four years to go from SL to WL.

The most difficult parts of my journey were finding out what products and ingredients my hair liked and disliked, in addition to detangling. Since my hair tangles at the drop of a hat and is pretty fragile, uncovering an effective detangler and detangling method was crucial. Things were going well until the manufacturer decided to reformulate my staple detangler two years into my journey. I was hot and left scrambling for a new detangler. It took me four years to find an effective detangler, which necessitated changing my detangling method (I went from easy breezy detangling in the shower while rinsing my shampoo to either detangling on dry hair or with a cleansing conditioner). I'm still not sure how much I like either of those detangling methods, but they'll do until something better comes along.

I did cut my hair to SL in March of last year and I think I'm currently somewhere above BSL. I haven't really been paying attention to the length of it since I'm focusing my energies on recovering from a recent setback. These are pics of the last time I straightened my hair, which was mid 2014 (wow, it's been that long?) and the last pic is at the beginning of my journey in 2009.

What detangling
product do you use?
What detangling
product do you use?

It depends upon my hair's needs and what I plan to do during wash day. For instance, if I want to do a straight cleanse-DC, I will use cleansing conditioners with a ridiculous amount of slip, e.g., Eden, SSI Blueberry/Pumpkin, Jane Carter. If it's time to chelate or cleanse with a shampoo, I follow up with a DC that has excellent slip, such as DB Pumpkin or one of the NG DCs. However, if I need to give it a shot of strengthening, I reach for a protein-laden conditioner, like SSI Okra or one of the Silicon Mix DCs, and detangle on dry hair after letting it sit for a while. FWIW, if your hair can handle consistent doses of EVCO, it makes an excellent detangler and pre-poo under a DC on dry hair.
I have fine, low density, tangle prone and protein sensitive hair. What helped me the most during my journey, which began in December 2009, was leaving my hair alone. The most manipulation my hair received was on my weekly wash day. I didn't use wigs, extensions or growth aids and I didn't do much to it besides clean it and DC every 7 to 10 days before placing it into a loose ponytail to air dry. Midweek, it got a spritz of water and a creamy moisturizer/refresher until the next wash day. I gave it a shot of protein as needed and every so often I straightened it in order to give it a good trim. I'm a slow grower, so it took me the better part of four years to go from SL to WL.

The most difficult parts of my journey were finding out what products and ingredients my hair liked and disliked, in addition to detangling. Since my hair tangles at the drop of a hat and is pretty fragile, uncovering an effective detangler and detangling method was crucial. Things were going well until the manufacturer decided to reformulate my staple detangler two years into my journey. I was hot and left scrambling for a new detangler. It took me four years to find an effective detangler, which necessitated changing my detangling method (I went from easy breezy detangling in the shower while rinsing my shampoo to either detangling on dry hair or with a cleansing conditioner). I'm still not sure how much I like either of those detangling methods, but they'll do until something better comes along.

I did cut my hair to SL in March of last year and I think I'm currently somewhere above BSL. I haven't really been paying attention to the length of it since I'm focusing my energies on recovering from a recent setback. These are pics of the last time I straightened my hair, which was mid 2014 (wow, it's been that long?) and the last pic is at the beginning of my journey in 2009.

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ETA: I've fiddled with things for a bit; hopefully, the pics to show up.


@PJaye you been holding out on us!

beautiful hair!
Waist length both with relaxed hair and now as a natural.

The key for me was following the growafrohairlong method but without using extensions. Ninety-nine percent of the time, I still follow a modified method which is just plaiting the back of my hair in two plaits and putting it all in a bun.

I don't want to risk other types of protective styles because I don't think my hair can handle them and I feel most of them are too risky insofar as potential damage.
It depends upon my hair's needs and what I plan to do during wash day. For instance, if I want to do a straight cleanse-DC, I will use cleansing conditioners with a ridiculous amount of slip, e.g., Eden, SSI Blueberry/Pumpkin, Jane Carter. If it's time to chelate or cleanse with a shampoo, I follow up with a DC that has excellent slip, such as DB Pumpkin or one of the NG DCs. However, if I need to give it a shot of strengthening, I reach for a protein-laden conditioner, like SSI Okra or one of the Silicon Mix DCs, and detangle on dry hair after letting it sit for a while. FWIW, if your hair can handle consistent doses of EVCO, it makes an excellent detangler and pre-poo under a DC on dry hair.

Hi, PJaye.

Thanks for sharing!

What is SSI Blueberry/Pumpkin? Do you mind providing a link?

You said these are CLEANSING conditioners with a ridiculous amount of slip. Sounds perfect! Have you ever used Soultanicals Hair Glide? If so, how would you compare the SSI Blueberry/Pumpkin's slip to that of the Soultanicals Hair Glide?

Thanks in advance!
We'll get to TBL together :) I just got to BSL for the first time (yayy). I was a struggling to stay at APL prior to 2016. The game changer was (MOISTURE) spraying my cornrow braids almost everyday with water and olive oil, as well as scalp messages with water/acv, virgin hair fertilizer, and sometimes olive oil if my scalp got itchy. My cornrows were under crochet braids that I wore for three months, I washed/conditionned every week or every other week as I always did with any other hair style, by the time I took those braids out I was BSB. I have the same regimen now but I'm using a wig.

My struggle is detangling and ssks. It takes too long to finger detangle (but I do it anyway) because there are so many tangles - even before my longterm protective style days. ACV and oil do help to detangle, but I feel I need more slip. I've been eyeing this old mane n tail detangler thats been collecting dust in my stash (i stopped using it cause of the im grabbing it because of the silicon lolol) I want to use it in conjunction with acv and oil next take down/detangling session. If I dont have time oil and rinsing underwater works, but not to the extent that I would like. I'm still looking for something more convenient. As for my SSKs daily m&s sealing with a leave in and castor oil. Sometimes I forget, Im tired, Im busy and knots come through the ends of my cornrow braids within 2-3 days. I am trying out grease on my ends this winter, cause with my habits oil is not cutting it.
Umm ... what's BSB?
I have fine hair and low density. Most of it is kinky coily. The back is around BSL but the rest is not. I need to return to taking my vitamins and supplements and drinking more water. I just wig it for now. Not noticing any growth because my ends don't last. I know its growing though because of all the gray that comes in from the scalp. I need to get it together.
Hi, PJaye.

Thanks for sharing!

What is SSI Blueberry/Pumpkin? Do you mind providing a link?

You said these are CLEANSING conditioners with a ridiculous amount of slip. Sounds perfect! Have you ever used Soultanicals Hair Glide? If so, how would you compare the SSI Blueberry/Pumpkin's slip to that of the Soultanicals Hair Glide?

Thanks in advance!

Here are the links to the SSI cleansers:

As far as slip, there is nothing on this planet that Soultanicals could ever produce that would rival the slip of those two conditioners. Absolutely nothing. The only products that come close are the Eden Body Works and Jane Carter cowashes.
Here are the links to the SSI cleansers:

As far as slip, there is nothing on this planet that Soultanicals could ever produce that would rival the slip of those two conditioners. Absolutely nothing. The only products that come close are the Eden Body Works and Jane Carter cowashes.

Many thanks for the link, ma'am. :smile:

:lol: How do you know until you've tried the product, Miss PJaye! :lol: The slip of Soultanicals Hair Glide is INSANE!
Umm ... what's BSB?
I have fine hair and low density. Most of it is kinky coily. The back is around BSL but the rest is not. I need to return to taking my vitamins and supplements and drinking more water. I just wig it for now. Not noticing any growth because my ends don't last. I know its growing though because of all the gray that comes in from the scalp. I need to get it together.
Welcome! :wave: BSB is "below shoulder blade". Thanks for the response!
Many thanks for the link, ma'am. :smile:

:lol: How do you know until you've tried the product, Miss PJaye! :lol: The slip of Soultanicals Hair Glide is INSANE!

No, I haven't used the product, but based upon Soultanicals' history and other products in their line, it's no comparison. The slip may be insane, but I'm certain that it won't be able to touch the moisture and softness that the SSI provides. Plus, Soultanicals has constant shipping and inconsistency issues, and SSI does not. I'll stick with SSI.
I'm about an inch or two away from reaching WL. The main things for me are keeping my hair in a protective style and off of my shoulders 95% of the time, finger detangling, and moisturizing my hair regularly and often. My hair porosity has changed I think I went from high and I'm more normal now. In the beginning, I think sealing was more important but I find that my hair hold moisture a LOT better than it used to. I will wash and moisturize my hair while they are in twists which I think also helps keep the moisture in. I've just passed the 5 year mark.

Edited: To add pictures


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