Album Update/ They really want me to go off (Long)


Ok school is starting this morning so I made an appointment for Saturday 10.30am for my daughter,trying to be one of the first ones in so I could get her in and out. Then the stylist says come in at 1.30. Get there at 1.45 and someone is in the chair. Ok she is finishing someone up. Fast forward 2.45 her hair is wash/condit/rinsed. 30 min later she is called back again. Meanwhile I am comming in and out of the shop and going to nearby stores. There was a wall between the waiting area and the chairs and I was ready to go so at 4 I looked in and how come my daughter was still back there sitting under the dryer but the dryer was not on. So I'm really pissed because the person she was working on had the same color hair and all I could see from where I was Was that persons hair getting blowdried. So 4.30 still getting nothing done. She finished 4 people b4 she got my daughter in her chair to blowdry. Mind you I came in with 4 afro puffs and had my whole head flat twisted except my last twist way b4 she even got blowdried. I leave and come back the stylist asks if I want her ends trimmed I say yes. They were looking at me crazy
Then she calls me back to see how i want it styled. My daughter says she wants it straight. Then the lady who was doing nails says Sure she wants it straight all the crying is over now. Crying, so i ask here why she was crying and she said she was hurting her.
Now if I would have known that I would have said something but the wall was up, the music was loud, there were 10 stations many with blowdryers going and lots of chatter. Why would her hair be so hard for her to detangle and make her cry when I have it down to maybe 5-6 ouches if that. Thats why they were looking at me crazy because she was back there getting torchered and instead of them blaming her for not knowing how to detangle they are blaming me for not continuing to perm her hair. I know they were talking about me because when I came to pay she said "What are you doing with her hair?" After I told her when i made the appt that she would no longer be perming. So she takes my credit card and goes to the back to run it. The owner says what is she doing? The stylist says she said she is going natural like her momma. Then the owner has the nerve to say "NATURAL AINT FOR EVERYBODY" WTF? NO REALLY WTF? I am not a militant natural, I say to each their own, I may even consider perming/texturizing after I reach some Natural Goals. But how is natural not for everyone. Are we not all born natural. And she is a child kids do not need to be subjected to chemicals in my opinion. Now the only way that I could agree with that statment is that if you used the mindset that You wear your hair straight on a regular basis and you do not have the time or patience or knowledge to manage you hair sans chemicals. Then yes I could agree being natural is not for you. But who are they to decide what i should do with my childs hair. Mind you the ***** said "OOOH XYZ's hair has grown so much since I last saw her" Exactly I grew her hair out, I've been treating it and I have been trimming it. So since it is not all on the floor broken off obviously I know what I am doing. Maybe if she had gotten on my daughters hair after rinsing it instead of letting it sit for 3 hours and bunching up she wouldn't have been crying. She probably didn't even detangle it she probably just went to blowdrying it. She didn't even have the sense to section off the hair and ponytail it to let it airdry. Either way I let her trim the hair up to give it a nice shape since my daughter wanted to wear it down. Please feel free to view the results. I know this was long but i wanted to vent. This is why I do my hair at home and will continue to do my daughters hair at home. A 1.30 wash, condition, blowdry and flat iron should not take until 5.55. Mind you once she started to blow dry at 5 she was out of the chair b4 6. She didn't double book she quadruple and penta-booked her appointments.
I had to hold back especially in the end so it would get

That being said She looked nice in the end
and I updated her album please take a look pics 19-25 are new
I would never go back there. This is why I do myown hair now. The most I would do is go to the Dominicans for a simple wash and set and call it a day. If I had a 10:30am appointment I wouldn't have even been sitting there at 12pm! No one should ever spend a full day out of their lives trying to get a hairstyle. Then to put the icing on it they have the nerve to be stank!
after they made your daughter cry.
I can't believe that
. What kind of stylist would NOT support a child's hair being natural?? Anyway, it does look really cute, though
Don't worry I'm not going back, and when I discovered she had not had anything done at 4.30 I was gonna ask how much she charged just for the wash/condit. so i could leave. But I knew I didn't want to wrestle with hair this late in the afternoon. Yeah she wasn't stank she was asking as if she was just curious but the owner was stank. Mind you nobody in there doing hair had nice hair except the owner and I attribute her length to genes (black/asian). It only took an hour to blowdry/flatiron/trim so why did it take so long?
The answer is pure and simple GREED!!!
Your daughter is too cute! Her hair turned out really nice!
Oh, and ditch that stylist!
dreemsold: a greedy uneducated one
honeyjams: already ditched
swirl: this sealed the deal I am going to cosmetology school if not to do other peoples hair at least to get the skills to take care of mine and my daughters
Girl you a soooo good with your hair you need to go to hairschool and make all the kiddies look good. in NV. Your daughter hair does looks nice but 4hrs is too long of wait....especially when you can do it too!!!!
It sounds like these ladies like many other working in the industry are only interested in doing styles that are easy and/or comfortable to them. I think that's sad. I actually haven't gone to a beauty shop in 12 or so years for some of those reasons.
dsd: you know this was just a "special occasion" trip
mysweet: you know she knows she was wrong cause she kept doing just enough that when i was about to say something she would call her back like wash/rinse wair, condition let it soak wait, rinse, wait then she got slick and had her wait in the back instead of the reception area so i thought work was being done.
I wouldn't go back there, either. Sometimes to get things done right--ya have to do it yourself. What a cutie your daughter're never too young to be LCHF-er...
See, this is why I am more scared with my natural hair to go to a salon than I was with relaxed hair. A lot of people do not love black hair in it's unaltered state
and they act like they don't know how to do it. Which they probably don't, but I think it's sad when you don't even know what natural black hair looks like or how it behaves & you've got it.
so true and I was really killin em because i did my hair in the reception area. They were amazed when i sprayed it with water put my kids organics detangler and the comb slid thru. I could see them watching me like how is she gonna get a comb thru that. It was looking like 4 lil brillo pads but thats cause they air dried with no product. But when i finished they were looking like WOW! Now the lady next to her was doing another lil girls hair and it was natural and she was working it out. The girl had a slightly bigger coil than my daughter but from what i saw she had the detangling process down. Sections, plastic brush, holding the roots while detangling the tips. Just depends on the stlyist. But don't DO natural hair if you don't DO NATURAL HAIR. How you gonna take the money and then complain after the customer leaves.
That stylist sounds awful- I'm so glad you aren't going back to her! Your daughter's hair looks beautiful- being a LHCF-er this young she's going to have hair down to her knees in no time
time for Momma to get that cosmetology license you're going to have a whole lot of hair to handle

Oh and I had to
about your no dressing her in pink- I already told everyone if I get a girl no pink! I'm doomed to have prissy princess
That stylist was wrong for overbooking, it should a lack of conducting proper business, I'm glad your baby's hair came out looking good tho.
msp- don't go back to that salon,years ago a stylist tried that ish with me I had just removed my braids she had the nerve to ask me why didn't i detangle before i came to the salon. I cussed her till she was blue, left the salon and wrote a nice long letter to her boss and she was fired.
Stylists are known for overbooking, but they know their clients well and know who they can pull that crap on.

BTW your duaghter hair looks beautiful she looks so pretty in pink
Re: Album Update/ They really want me to go off (L

ms_kenesha said:
See, this is why I am more scared with my natural hair to go to a salon than I was with relaxed hair. A lot of people do not love black hair in it's unaltered state
and they act like they don't know how to do it. Which they probably don't, but I think it's sad when you don't even know what natural black hair looks like or how it behaves & you've got it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me neither...As a matter of fact I dont think Ill ever least as a natural.

Your daughters hair turned out beautiful!!!

Hell Id rather do the BC on my daughter than let her step foot in that hateful salon again.
Re: Album Update/ They really want me to go off (L

That stlyist was dead wrong Girl,Your daughter's hair is beautiful she looks like a Diva already.
My old stylist of 8 years use to treat me like this (quadruple booking), hence the word “old” stylist. I’m sorry you had a terrible experience but it shows (from your album) that you know how to take better care of your daughter’s hair then anyone else does.
Re: Album Update/ They really want me to go off (L

Queenie they are just crazy cause the hardest thing she had to do was detangle and I sure she skipped that

Yotegra I will have to do it at home like you. Thanks she thinks she is a model.

Diva I know this is the long hair care forum but if it goes that long you have to move here to help comb it.

Alli I know this is how she eats but dang, she could have just worked longer hours that day, but people put up with it so she'll continue to do it.
I'll come and beat her down for you!!! I don't like for people to mess with the babies, your daughter's hair looks GREAT, yepI'm glad you ditched that stylist, You should have asked for your money back, if you go to hair school, I'll be your first client
How dare they treat you like that. I can't believe the audacity...that is one of the reasons I stay away from them. It is soo difficult to find a stylist who has genuine concern for the hair's welfare.
Re: Album Update/ They really want me to go off (L

zoya: I could have sworn detangling was part of the service

ayeshia: She won't let me do the BC so I'll work it out

labett: she has a purse that says Diva and i hid it

lovely: I guess if more people complained they would do it less but your are at their mercy.

oglorious1: i was trying to keep the peace but if it would have taken 10 more min I would have a different story to tell.