Album Update/ They really want me to go off (Long)

Well the hair came out really nice, but from what I've seen in your albums, that hair is always on point.
Re: Album Update/ They really want me to go off (L

I don't think they care about health in that shop no one has ever said anything educational to me about her hair the closest thing I heard was "Do you want her ends clipped?" and that to me just seemed like an add on to up the cost of the service
So sorry to hear about how they treated your daughter. If it's any consolation, her hair does look very pretty and your hard work with her transition is paying off
She's got a ton of healthy-looking new growth
kitchen: hopefully I will get to learn something new at hair school. ironically i think i'm going to go to the place that almost made me cuss a few weeks ago. It is only about 5min away. I just want a license I will go elsewhere for keeping up with the latest and greatest in hair products. 1st stop will always be the hair board.

hairlove: gracias

missbrown: transitioning is going to go on forever I think her last touch up was in Dec 2003 hopefully I can keep it up for 2 yrs
I just found a school that will let me enroll part time but come in full time if i want to yeah now to see about financial aid