Alabama's BC


New Member
Yes, it's true. I bc'd wednesday. No I wasn't transitioning and I had no idea that I would bc the day I did. My last relaxer was done by someone else. She relaxed me bone straight. I HATED it. I never wanted bone straight hair. I've always been texlaxed! I specifically told her what I wanted and got something else. I tried to like it for 3 whole weeks and just couldn't stand how texture-less my hair was. I was 3 weeks post and had about 1/2 inch of newgrowth in some places and 1/4 in others. After cutting my hair into a bob and still hating it, i went ahead and cut down to 1/4 an inch. The barber lined me up and finished all the relaxed ends for me.

It's taken me a while to get to where I'm comfortable with how it looks but I'm fine with it now. I still wear my wig about 75% of the time but I'm Ok with that lol. I've been natural before so my texture is not the problem it's how I look with super short hair. My head is far too large for that :lol:

Ok so here we go:


Without flash


With flash




Front of the ":perplexed" face lol

My texture is 4a in the back and 3c in the front :ohwell:. My current regimine is short and sweet. Cowash every other day and spray water+conditioner on it to moisturize. Seal with mango butter.

Tis all :grin:


I don't plan to color my hair at all. I've dyed my hair black for 8 years and I've decided to just let my ashy looking hair be. It looks dark right now b/c it's so short but it's actually a medium brown with red. (3 in weave shades) I have also decided to not use direct heat for an entire year. I will use indirect heat to DC but that's about it.

Everyone was really supportive. I had been talking about it for weeks so they weren't surprised that I was going to do it but surprised that I didn't wait until December like I said I would. Most of the women in my family are natural and I was natural for most of my life. They were happy about my decision but they wish that I would have waited until I had hair. My girls bought me some hoop earrings and some new eyeshadow. I don't have an SO but my main man friend had the screw face at first but he came around. He bought me a set of clippers and showed me how to use them properly. He said I have the wolf gene. I just got a line up and hair was already down my neck . He also went to Sephora and bought some Carol's Daughter products that I had been talking about. (They do listen ). I got the healthy hair butter and the milk. So far so good
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WOW. I can't believe you cut it all off. I've always admired your hair. I'm sure it will grow fast, just stay away from stylist that like to relax bone straight.
WOW... That was a suprise! I must say you have a beautiful natural texture.
Congratulations, and I have to commend you on your decision.

Happy Hair Growing!
Too cute!!! I can't wait to see your progress. I've been itching to go back natural but I don't want to see my progress of growing go. I have a wig now, so we shall see!
wowowowowo!!!!!!!!!!!i didnt see this comin! but it looks great!!!looking forward to seeing ur progress!!!!
Too cute!!!! Congratulations Alabama, I did this type of BC when I cut my hair 6 years ago, and I haven't looked back. Your texture looks great!!
Congrats on the unplanned BC. I love your hair natural and texlaxed. I am sure it will grow back quickly.
Wow! You are a braveheart! I always think i might end up doing something like this:drunk:

Congrats and HHG!
It looks great, this cut makes you look so young. Y'all getting me inspired to go natural.

Congrats on the BC
I just LOVE bold people like you.

I cut all my hair off like that too...just out of boredom.

It looks great.
Me too! Nothing against transitioners...:look: but I love people who arent slaves to their hair and length....congrats girl!!!!! Your hair grows super fast it will be back in no time.

Are you going to stay natural once you get some length back?
i still cant believe it. i also admired your growth and what not, and it was not expected. But i am happy for you and your hair, and it does look great, and you are off to a good new healthy start. :yay:
OMG - I'm speechless. - I really admire your courage and bravery. other than me picking my jaw up off the floor, I think it's cute. - lol AND you do have the face for the short hair. Congratulations.