Age & Hair Passion

Age what do you think?

  • Yes age plays a factor

    Votes: 25 26.3%
  • No age doesn't play a factor

    Votes: 53 55.8%
  • I don't know yet

    Votes: 17 17.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Does age play a factor in our hair length, retension and discipline. I know that when I was younger like 14, 15, I would just braid and go, I didn't take good care of my hair. I always wanted longer hair but, didn't know how to get it. Now that I am pushing 30 in a couple of months all of a sudden, wisdom tooth's starts to hurt, and I not perming my hair. This is the longest I went with out one and I am saying to myself, girl you are getting older, you better get it now before it's too late. Like for instance, you know how they say it is harder to lose weight once we get pass a certain age. That we can still lose the weight but it wouldn't be fast like when we were younger? Just a typical thought.
Yeah, I'm a bit like you too. I didn't pay that much attention to my hair through most of my childhood. I wanted long hair, but had no idea how to get it or if I even could, and my parents weren't much help either, so it was always just braided, or relaxed and blow dried into ponytails. Then I suddenly thought one day when I was 16, to do a Google search about growing long black hair, and hear I am today :D. I just kick myself sometimes for not doing it much earlier when I was 13 or something :wallbash:, but never mind, the past is the past, I just know that I can finally have the hair I want one day now :grin:
Yeah, I'm a bit like you too. I didn't pay that much attention to my hair through most of my childhood. I wanted long hair, but had no idea how to get it or if I even could, and my parents weren't much help either, so it was always just braided, or relaxed and blow dried into ponytails. Then I suddenly thought one day when I was 16, to do a Google search about growing long black hair, and hear I am today :D. I just kick myself sometimes for not doing it much earlier when I was 13 or something :wallbash:, but never mind, the past is the past, I just know that I can finally have the hair I want one day now :grin:
lol @ you kicking yourself for not doing it at 13. Girl if you don't stop. I wish i would have started at YOUR age.. give yourself a break because you clearly don't think like most teens if your on this hair board
I think age does somewhat have a role in wanting to grow healthy hair. I'm currently in my 20s and right now I seem to have a passion to grow my hair longer than it has ever been. I'm more detailed on the products I use along with the methods I use in helping me to achieve this goal.

Everyone is different so it may hit them early in age or later but the goal is still the same.
lol @ you kicking yourself for not doing it at 13. Girl if you don't stop. I wish i would have started at YOUR age.. give yourself a break because you clearly don't think like most teens if your on this hair board

Yeah, good point :lol:. It's just, I actually remember once when I was 13 I did do a little search on black hair growth on the computer, and vaguely remember looking at a couple of sites, but somehow didn't pay much attention and forgot all about until 3 years later :nono:. And so I sometimes wonder "what if?", had I been more attentive back then, lol. Ah well, I know we've all still got plenty of years left on this earth anyway, so I guess it's not all that bad :grin:
i don't think it's so much age that makes us more aware of good practices as what we are raised believing and learning. I mean, there are children of forum members who have amazing hair and know how to care for it. So i chose no age does not matter only because it's your awareness level that determines your actions. and your awareness level may be determined by your curiosity, environment, or pining for the old days so that you can start your hair care early.
i think age does play a factor but that specific age is different for everyone. i remember always wanting longer hair but not knowing how to get it so i didnt really pay it much attention. but now, overall im more into my appearance. hair, skin, nails, my body in general. I want to take better care of myself. I want to start healthy practices early.
Na, I don't thing age plays a factor for wanting nice hair, and having nice hair requires work aka. passion.

I'm mid 40's and I want long hair again. I went through all of my 20's and 30's with short hair. I had longish hair as a teen and was never length crazy, but I always desired and required healthy hair on my head. Long hair will be a big change for me, but I don't want length without health.

I do have a passion for hair, but not an obsession.

ETA- I read the OP again today and get a totally different question from it than the one I thought I answered. :perplexed: :look: WTH?
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Na, I don't thing age plays a factor for wanting nice hair, and having nice hair requires work aka. passion.

I'm mid 40's and I want long hair again. I went through all of my 20's and 30's with short hair. I had longish hair as a teen and was never length crazy, but I always desired and required healthy hair on my head. Long hair will be a big change for me, but I don't want length without health.

I do have a passion for hair, but not an obsession.

Your hair is beautiful.
I think age does somewhat have a role in wanting to grow healthy hair. I'm currently in my 20s and right now I seem to have a passion to grow my hair longer than it has ever been. I'm more detailed on the products I use along with the methods I use in helping me to achieve this goal.

Everyone is different so it may hit them early in age or later but the goal is still the same.
This is totally my attitude right now
Does age play a factor in our hair length, retension and discipline. I know that when I was younger like 14, 15, I would just braid and go, I didn't take good care of my hair. I always wanted longer hair but, didn't know how to get it. Now that I am pushing 30 in a couple of months all of a sudden, wisdom tooth's starts to hurt, and I not perming my hair. This is the longest I went with out one and I am saying to myself, girl you are getting older, you better get it now before it's too late. Like for instance, you know how they say it is harder to lose weight once we get pass a certain age. That we can still lose the weight but it wouldn't be fast like when we were younger? Just a typical thought.

We may be twins! lol

I can say that as I got older I became more interested in my hairs health vs styling. I've never been fried and died by the head, but I didn't treat it well. I think b/c I wore it SL or shorter maybe hid how unhealthy it was, I would always cut when I saw splits and do major cuts if I saw a lot of breakage. I was more concerned with how my hair looked
I think age does play a role in this hair growing thing. For instance, me and my daughter's hair was run into the ground b4 finding lhcf and once i recieved the knowledge, came up with a plan of attack for both of us and put it into action, her hair completely turned around in a matter of months, and mine, is just now getting to where it needs to b. For her, I was only trying to correct 2 yrs of abuse and with me it was 20plus. And it really does make a difference
According to my cosmetology book after 35 or so, folks can experience a change in hair growth and loss etc. It's like 35 is some magical number, first the eggs die then the hair goes, you gain more THIS what I have to look forward to?!
I voted, "No, age doesn't play a factor." :nono:

I just turned 50 in April. I am almost WL, shooting for HL. I didn't pursue long, healthy hair in my younger years because I didn't know it was possible for me to have it. Now that I know some things about hair, I'm not letting my age stop me.:nono: I plan to have long, thick HL hair. :yep:

BTW, a poster referenced body weight as we age: Well, I am a healthy and "fit" size 4.

It's all about the mindset, ya'll.
i don't think it's so much age that makes us more aware of good practices as what we are raised believing and learning. I mean, there are children of forum members who have amazing hair and know how to care for it. So i chose no age does not matter only because it's your awareness level that determines your actions. and your awareness level may be determined by your curiosity, environment, or pining for the old days so that you can start your hair care early.

I agree. I would add more, but I happen to think that Wanji said it best.

I voted, "No, age doesn't play a factor." :nono:

I just turned 50 in April. I am almost WL, shooting for HL. I didn't pursue long, healthy hair in my younger years because I didn't know it was possible for me to have it. Now that I know some things about hair, I'm not letting my age stop me.:nono: I plan to have long, thick HL hair. :yep:

BTW, a poster referenced body weight as we age: Well, I am a healthy and "fit" size 4.

It's all about the mindset, ya'll.

Okay! You are now my official inspiration! *off to stalk*

According to my cosmetology book after 35 or so, folks can experience a change in hair growth and loss etc. It's like 35 is some magical number, first the eggs die then the hair goes, you gain more THIS what I have to look forward to?!
LOL!!:lachen: No, not unless you are sickly or choose to live an unhealthy life style.
Youngin here - 20 - I guess I just never thought about my hair until i was forced to. Until I left for college my mom would just take me to the beautician and I was happy with that. Its not until I got into college, on my own, that I realized "I have to do something about this because I won't have ANY hair left" because during my first year of college, I did NOTHING to my hair. NOTHING. well except dye it, fry it, and blow dry it until it couldn't take it anymore.
Well.... when I was a kid I had a good amount of hair and I noticed that some girls had super long hair, but I honestly just didn't care... I was too busy playing handball.

My grandma is obsessed with wanting long hair. She's 80. So, I don't know, I think it depends on the person and if they care, not the age.
According to my cosmetology book after 35 or so, folks can experience a change in hair growth and loss etc. It's like 35 is some magical number, first the eggs die then the hair goes, you gain more THIS what I have to look forward to?!

This is what I thought too. :yep: I know it has something to do with gernetics or something but I just don't know what it is. I also know it has something to do with wiether it is hereditary and how well you take care of your hair. But I think it is something deeper then that, because the people start losing there hair, male and female some may opt to go to a doctor, the first thing the doctor say's is at what age did your mother or father start receding. That is why I think I might just go natural for the next 5 years if I am strong enough to do it. I guess get it while you can.
I def believe that heredity, not age, is the biggest factor.

But I say once u start you hair journey whenever that is for you, GO HARD! Don't waste a minute. Because there does come a point when u will wish u had started.
i don't think it's so much age that makes us more aware of good practices as what we are raised believing and learning. I mean, there are children of forum members who have amazing hair and know how to care for it. So i chose no age does not matter only because it's your awareness level that determines your actions. and your awareness level may be determined by your curiosity, environment, or pining for the old days so that you can start your hair care early.

^^^This. SL to HL relaxed to BSL natural and on my way back to HL. 45 and still very interested in having the hair that I choose. :cool2:
I believe age plays a part because when you know better, you do better. But, also, I think it's about the information that's available. When I was much younger, there wasn't much talk about hair care. There didn't seem to be many options. But these days, if you are interested, there are so many resources. I do see younger girls caring about their hair and wanting to retain length and I believe it's due to their Mothers who have gained more wisdom and are passing it to them.
I voted "no" that age doesn't play a factor because when I was younger I was as passionate about having long hair as I am now. I used to ask my mom all the time why my hair wasn't growing as long as the other girls in school. I would ask her why I got a relaxer so young and why my hair was straight instead of being "different" like it was before the relaxer. I honestly was very curious about this whole "black hair is different" thing from the age of like 5 or so.

My mom didn't have all the answers, she just told me to do things that everybody else was doing to their hair to make it presentable. It wasn't until I got sick of relaxers a few years ago and began searching for more answers that the passion for growing long hair, that I had as a kid, was rekindled and I actually thought it was possible. When I told my mom she didn't believe me, so I just think that as long as you find the information out before you have lived with the disappointment of broken hair for so long and start to believe the misinformation you will be passionate about your hair even at an older age.
I agree with Wanji, it's not so much age as what you know and practice that determines hair grouth. I didn't start my HHJ until I was in my 40s, simply because I had no knowledge of how to grow long, healthy kinky hair before that. Now that I know better, as Maya Angelou would say, I do better. My hair is the healthiest and longest it's ever been in my life, and I am looking forward to maximizing my genetic potential to the fullest. :yep:
I'm 23, and I became interested in hair growth after running into bhm anf lchf in 2007, So I was 17. I always had thick and full hair. Never had problems with it, it just never grew past sl because of all the abuse, heat, coloring, and manipulation.

I don't think its a age thing, its only when people start realizing that you can have long hair and that it don't have to be a dream, but very achieve-able. I believe spark that passion. I became interested once I knew I could grow my hair long, from the lovely inspirations from bhm and lchf. My two hair savers... lol

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I believe age plays a part because when you know better, you do better. But, also, I think it's about the information that's available. When I was much younger, there wasn't much talk about hair care. There didn't seem to be many options. But these days, if you are interested, there are so many resources. I do see younger girls caring about their hair and wanting to retain length and I believe it's due to their Mothers who have gained more wisdom and are passing it to them.

This exactly... :yep:
You might be right. I was 35 when I made the decision to take better care of my hair. Before that I was too busy just being busy. I wanted long hair before turning 40 and I achieved that goal.

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