Age Gap In Potential Dating Partner

I've always favored older men (10+ years older than me). My only "age appropriate" dates were back when I was a teen. The oldest man I dated was close to my dad's age, so 25 years older than me or so (I must have been 20ish). He was really great, but he wanted to get married and I didn't. He told me he wanted to marry me a month or two after we started dating, so it ended right there. I was dumb :look:
When I was dating, the oldest I dated was 9 years older. I was in my 30s, and the older you are, the less the age gap matters. But when we talked about experiences we had in HS and college, the age difference was clear. Music groups that were house bands when he was in college were established music icons by the time I was in college. :lachen:

I'm not sure the youngest--maybe by a couple of years? The vast majority of guys I dated were my age or just a few years older.
When I was dating, the oldest I dated was 9 years older. I was in my 30s, and the older you are, the less the age gap matters. But when we talked about experiences we had in HS and college, the age difference was clear. Music groups that were house bands when he was in college were established music icons by the time I was in college. :lachen:

I'm not sure the youngest--maybe by a couple of years? The vast majority of guys I dated were my age or just a few years older.

Currently looking into dating an older man and this is the only thing that worries me. Since I'm a conversationalist and would LOVE to discuss things like that for pillow talk :blush2:.

My first bf was 26 while I was 19 at the time. Also, at work they always side me up with the older crowd. I'm young at heart, but the fun I have is meticulously calculated :lachen:.
I've always dated older. I've always preferred a more established man even if I wasn't myself. I never wanted to date anyone younger but one guy was 1 year younger and the other guy was my exact age. The difference in maturity level is very obvious. Men my age (or even a year younger) just seem so much younger than me for some reason. The way they behave, the way they think and of course their level of establishment. He would have to be really impressive for me to consider younger.

I've dated at least 20 years older than me but that was when I was in my 20s. Now 10 years is my limit.
I’ve gotten my *ahem* needs met by a guy that was 6 years younger than me. He was not a potential candidate for actual dating but we behaved as though we were actively dating. Both of our families knew the deal.

I prefer men older than me. The oldest I’ve dated is 19 years older but he was still stupid
My preferred range is 5 years either way. I've entertained a man as much as 11 years older and 8 years younger :look: The person I married was 6 years younger. I tend to get along better with younger guys than older. Probably because I was a late a bloomer and my first experiences came later in life than most people my age. Also I just prefer a more light-hearted life outlook. The only thing the men I've dated had in common was that they were all scientists or engineers I met in school or work
My last relationship was with someone 8 years older, the oldest I have ever dated. My two relationships before that were actually 3 years younger.
While the older guy looked young for his age etc. he was noticeably less energetic and he had an old man’s butt. Plus he was set in his ways. I doubt I would date that old again. I’d rather us be peers, +5/-3 years is my preference.
Husbands 10 years older. Not my preference, but love struck.

I've said this in another thread, but looking back it did cause a clash sometimes when I was 20 something and he was 30 something. Now that we are 30 something and 40 something it works much better. He's become more flexible and accepting of my quirks and I've matured some so I'm not so annoying :lol:
Oldest was 16 years and youngest (just a couple of dates) was 9 years younger. That wasn’t ever going anywhere lol.

I prefer guys around my age, maybe up to like 5 years younger or 5 years younger. I like to have fun and I find most wayyy older men too restrictive or controlling. Guys near my age are usually on the same page.
I've always dated men the same age or slightly older. The oldest I've gone was 5 years.

I prefer same age now I'm in my early 30s.
I'm 38 and aim for 50-ish to avoid being pressured about kids. Men that age either have kids and don't want more or are childless and happy that way.

I never date younger than me because of the kid issue.
Just curious and I hope I'm not asking too much, but do you have kids?